Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

A New Start

I silently closed the door to my room and exhaled Now I just have to play dumb tomorrow, and hope they don't see I was the reason Batman got away. The sun was rising, "This night seemed so short..." Giving myself time to think made me want to cry, so I changed into sweats and got out fabric to cut a new suit.

Before long, there was a knock at my door. Someone with a heavy Boston accent said the boss wanted to see me, "Be there in a second!" I folded the half sewn clothes on my bed and walked to the next room, "You wanted to see me?"

"Batman escaped last night." I looked down at the floor, "If you're avoiding eye contact with me, don't beat yourself up," he pulled out a tape and put it into a TV.

The scene from last night played over, "I forgot there was a camera in there," I shook my head and laughed, "So, are you going to kill me now?"

"I predicted you'd do something like this. I even watched the whole thing happen. Your life is so easy to take, but for some reason I can't do anything about it!" a crazed smile spread over his face, "I hear your voice in my head!"

"My voice?" I was a little taken aback by this.

"Yes! Nothing makes it shut up! Well one thing does," he grabbed my arms and shoved me against the wall, "You know what you're telling me right now?"

"What?" at this point I had visions of death.

He kissed me so forcefully that my head banged against the wall. A muffled squeal escaped my throat, "Too much?"

"Try confusing. I was thinking you were going to kill me."

"I already said I wasn't going to kill you, remember?" He shook his head.

"Yes but that was before I let Batman get away!"

"He would've gotten away anyways, you just made it easy."

I couldn't deny his logic. Batman could've gone either way, "So what now? You have a traitor on your hands," I pointed at myself.

"Traitor isn't the right word. To put it as you did earlier, you're torn. Having lived with you for three years I have learned a few things about you. You're the type of person who has a deep sense of respect. You won't kill or harm me because I've saved your life twice now, and you won't kill or hurt Batman because he saved your life too. So, it wasn't a direct blow to me that you let him go, you were just being yourself."

He described me in a nutshell... Who pays attention like that!?

"Same thing goes when someone threatens you or someone close, only you go crazy on them and ultimately they die."

"Wow, you figured me out. So, the kiss was just to make me confused?"

"No, the voices were telling me...they're still telling me."

"Well," I laughed, "Why don't ya kiss me again?"

He looked around, "Me?"

"Yes you! Saving my life made me follow you, but being close to you all these years..." I bit my lip and blushed I can't believe I'm saying this...

A smirk spread across his face. He took me by the waist and began to kiss me passionately. Easing me down to the floor, I prepared myself for what was to come.


It was everything I hoped it would be. My feelings for the Joker had been set, and I knew he felt the same about me. I lay on the floor covered in a blanket, while the Joker got up to put a pair of pants on, I noticed the defined scratch marks on his back, a reminder of how uncomfortable I was, "This may sound weird, but do you have any pain killers or ice?"

He looked at me questioning but realized what I meant, "Oh...take these," he handed me some ibuprofen.

"Thanks," I began to dress, "I should get back to that suit I was working on."

I opened the door, "Wait, I have an opposition for you."

I looked back, "What is it?"

"How about becoming more than just the seamstress?"

"What do you mean?" Is he going to make me his personal love toy or something? I blushed because it wasn't a bad idea.

He walked up to me, holding a jar of clown makeup, "Would you like to be my partner?"

I laughed seeing the double meaning, "Become one of the names on 'Gotham's Most Wanted' list?" I took the white paste and smeared it over my face, "I accept!"

Loss, murder, and fear. What a perfect concoction for love. I smiled as he kissed me again But he doesn't need to know that, for now anyways.
♠ ♠ ♠
You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring (figured it'd make the perfect ending song. The lyrics fit it almost perfectly. sung from Joker's POV.)

This is the last chapter for now. I can say there will be a sequel though! Keep your eyes open for the release!