Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Meeting Memories

The henchman pulled up to a mansion, "We're here. Need help with your bags?"

I was about to say yes when a flurry of men came up to the car, "I think these guys can take care of it." I was getting out when it hit me, "How will I keep in touch with you guys?"

"Ah, almost forgot," he fumbled around in his pockets, "Here's a cell phone. The numbers needed are already programmed in there."

"Thanks," I took the phone and slid it into the pocket of my new jeans, "Just play it cool until tomorrow night."

I was out of the Hummer at this point, "What's happening tomorrow?" As if on cue the cell phone rang. 'Mother' was calling. I answered, "Hello?"

"Why hello dear, did you make it safely to Jennings' house?"

"Yes I did. What's happening tomorrow? Snake said something about tomorrow night."


"The henchman."

"Oh yes, I'm going to make an appearance. More than likely I'll draw The Batman to the party."

"Oh, well....this plan moves fast."

"Haha, it will take time to seal the deal."

I nodded, though he couldn't see it, "Anything more I need to know?"

"Act scared when you see me."

"But I..." I've gotten comfortable around him over the past few years, "I'll try..."

"No trying, you will."

"Ok, I'll practice tonight."

"That's my girl. Now get acquainted with the Jennings' so you aren't a stranger."

"Ok," his use of affectionate terms was alarming to me. It was a whole year before he called me 'dear' and even then I almost dropped what I was holding. Now the pet names were increasing in his vocabulary. Was he comfortable with me? Or just having fun?

I quickly brushed off the questions and noticed I was listening to a dial tone. I closed the phone and walked into the enormous house. Jennings' and Lisa were there to greet me at the door, "Maya!" Lisa ran up and hugged me, "After my run in with you I wanted to go on a lunch date, but my hubbie surprised me and had you live with us!"

I hugged her back and stared at Jennings' She's completely clueless. This girl hasn't changed since high school... Lisa was always the beautiful, blond cheerleader that everyone loved. I was her tutor during the final years of school to keep her grades up, and we were attached for a while. I sometimes miss those happy.

"Ugh, Maya I don't get these things! Can't we just leave the triangles and letters to the smart ones?" Lisa said frustrated at the problem.

I laughed, "Think of this as a formation in cheer leading, and solving the problem is the key to moving to the next part of the routine."

"Ugh," she sighed and gave the problem another try, "Is this right?" she handed me the paper.

I looked it over for a second, "Lisa, you did it!"

"I what!?" she stood up and jumped into the air saying, "I did it! I did it! I did it!" in a sing song voice. "What happens now?"

"Practice and pray you do well on the test tomorrow," I laughed while closing my folder.

"You've helped me so much, I think I'm going to set you up with one of the guys!"

The smile on my face turned fake, "Though I'd love to do that, I've got plans that'll take me away. What's the use of getting in a relationship if I'm just going to leave?"

"Oh, well still we should go on a double date"

I smiled and shook my head, "Ok, I'll do it for you Lisa."

She smiled as if I made her life worth it.

"Hello, I'm Fredrick Jennings," a man with raven hair and a black go-T to match greeted me, "I hope that your stay will be satisfactory. Come, dinner has been prepared." He was scared. I wonder what The Joker threatened him with?

Dinner consisted of mainly small talk and chatter about the coming baby. After that, I went to my new room and slept. The coming party tomorrow would be interesting.