Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

The Party

I walked out of my room and down the stairs to the foyer, "Oh Maya!" Lisa came up to me in a spaghetti strap pink dress, a white ribbon was placed high so the fabric fell freely over her baby bump. "You look amazing!"

"You do too! Wait really?" I looked down at my dress, satin, floor length, black and white giraffe print, coming up into a sweetheart top with hot pink sash placed below my bust, the ends hanging asymmetrically by my left hip.

"Of course! Pierre wasn't kidding when he said you would attract even the most disciplined men!" She smiled and looked at the door, "The guests are about to arrive!"

Famous person after famous person waltzed in. Some heiresses were wearing some very risque dresses, while older millionaires ogled at them. Disgusting, but expected I guess...they have money so why should they care? I leaned against the wall This party is slightly boring...

"How are you enjoying the party?" I looked up to see Jennings asking me the question.

"It's ok. Wish it were more up beat, ya know?"

"It will be soon enough."

"Can I ask you something?"

He took a sip of champagne, "Shoot."

"What did The Joker threaten you with?"

He gestured to his wife, "My wife is already having a hard time with the pregnancy. If she were to lose the baby, her life would crumble."

"He threatened to kill your baby?" He nodded in response to my question. That doesn't sound like The Joker...usually he messes with adult affairs. Maybe it's just a bluff... I took a sip from my own champagne glass.

Before I knew it, an hour passed. I saw Lisa walk up to me, "Shame shame," she shook her head.

"What is it?"

"Bruce Wayne can't come. We just got the message. His trip to the tropics lasted a day longer than he thought," she sighed, "I was looking so forward to introducing you guys! You seem like a good match."

I laughed, "You know I don't exactly fit in with this crowd."

"Neither does he," she smirked, "I think I'm going to make it my mission to set you guys up! I will not have any of your fake smiles and denying comments either. I swear back in high school, every guy I threw at you was no match," she took on this evil little smile, "But now I think I've found a good one!"

I laughed even more, "Alright, looks like I have my sights set high. First, Batman, 'savior' of Gotham, and now Bruce Wayne, international playboy. Who next?" At that , I took another gulp of my champagne.

Suddenly, there was a crash. One of the tall, designer windows had been smashed to smithereens. The sound startled me more than anything, causing me to jump and drop my glass to the floor. Jennings stood up at the front of the room, "Is everyone ok?"

There were people nodding and others verbally affirming. One man lay motionless, face down on the ground. No one seemed to notice, so I ran over trying to shake him awake, "Are you alright?" I knelt down, "Sir?" I turned him over.

"Perfect timing," The Joker grinned up at me, "Get ready to act." He instantly stood up, "I don't mean to alarm you, but I don't think she is," he grabbed my wrists behind my back and held a gun to my head.

All the practicing in the world couldn't prepare me for this. Having a gun to my head brought back memories, bad memories. Tears slid down my strained face, "D-Don't hurt me!" The fear was real.

"Wow, you're a good actress," he whispered in my ear.

"Let her go!" a dark figure appeared through the broken window.

"Ooh, so he arrives! Tell ya what Batman," he licked his lips, "Let's play a game of chase. The prize," he shook me and I winced, "is this lovely creature." he threw me over his shoulder and began running. I was shocked so I screamed, "Ooh, nice touch!"

The Joker raced out of the mansion and threw me into a waiting van So much for me being able to use this dress more than once. I looked at the tare by my knees.

"Hold on, we're going to the docks," The Joker cackled.

"Can Batman keep up on foot?" the van peeled out of the driveway. Right as I said it a motorcycle flew out of the house and quickly pursued us, "Never mind!"

We were on the main highway when the motorcycle pulled up beside us, "Oh my God, we're gonna to die!" I chanted in the back seat.

"Relax, no one is going to die," The Joker said matter-of-factly and pulled into the oncoming traffic.


He turned around to face me, "Yes?"

"How does this solve the dying problem?" I kept my voice as calm as it could get in this situation.

"It confused Batman didn't it?" he gestured to the passenger window.

I scooted up so i could barely see out the front, "I guess..." I thought for a second and looked over at him, "Why are you watching me instead of the road!?"

"I thought you had more to say. Jeez, I'm just trying to show manners."

I sat back and began to laugh, a little too fervently, "I think I'm losing it!" He began to laugh with me. Through his constant swerving and the melody of car horns ringing in my ears, I realized how much of life I was missing, "My body is on fire!" I laughed, meaning the adrenaline rush pulsing through my veins.

"Finally! I thought you'd never crack!" He screeched to a halt, "The dock beckons my dear!" He hopped out the front seat and opened the side door, "Let me help you out," he grabbed my hand and I felt something. Something that wasn't normal Do I have feelings for...No! The Joker is The Joker. It's probably the adrenaline rush or something...yes...adrenaline rush.

I stumbled out of the car right as Batman was pulling up. I screamed again, and The Joker put his hand over my mouth, "You should've been an actress," he whispered then said louder, "Now we need to be quiet."

"Release her right now!" Batman said in a husky voice.

"Now why would I do that? I've taken a liking to this one!"

"Let go of her before I make you," Batman walked closer to us.

We backed up onto a dock, "Whatever happened to saying 'please'?" He lowered his mouth to my ear, "Do you trust me?" he whispered.

I nodded, wondering why he asked me that question. "I'll only say it one more time," Batman cracked his knuckles, "Let her go!"

"You know, Batman, your words speak to me," he raised his hands releasing me.

I couldn't move What did he mean by trust? Maybe he was just... A gun collided with my skull, knocking me out cold.

"Now Batman, here's where you make your choice," he picked up my unconscious body, "You can either save the girl or catch me," he threw me into the river, "Make your decision quick, I doubt she can swim right now," he cackled as Batman jumped in after me.
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Hope you like this chapter!