Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Eye Candy

I fell a story before the water hit me, it didn't wake me. I sank immediately because my heavy dress pulled me down.

When Batman hit the water, he swam to where I had sank. Going under, he grabbed my wrist but couldn't keep me afloat easily. He found the zipper and took my dress off. Able to swim with ease now, he shot one of his gadgets which gripped onto the dock and lifted us out of the water. He laid me out on the dock, gently smacking my face to awaken me. I didn't move or breathe. He performed CPR a few times before I hacked up a puddle of water, gasping for air at the same time.

"You ok?"

"Yea" I breathed. I looked down at my body, "Why am I in my underwear?"

"Your dress was too heavy to carry out. You should focus less on fashion."

"Excuse me, but I didn't think I would be taking a late night swim!" It was a good thing The Joker told me to wear nice under garments tonight tonight. Why did he have to pick these out though? Freaking black lace with a pink bow. He probably planned this. So wrong! "So now what?" I tried to get up but my head was still fuzzy from the knock out blow.

"Get home."

"Oh yea, because Gotham is safe for a woman at night. I'm in my underwear and half dazed! You think just a little more help on your part would be ok?"

"Where do you live?"

"I'm staying at the Jennings' house."

"Put this on," he handed me his cape, and carried me over to the bike. He put me on the seat, "Now hold on tight," the engine groaned to life and quicker than I could blink we were speeding down the highway.

"Thank you," I said.

The wind blew my wet hair dry, making it curly and tangled. Though I was used to rough driving, I held on tight. This was the first time I'd been on a motorcycle I really hope The Joker doesn't get his hands on one of these. None the less, this is fun! I gripped a little tighter How am I going to make Batman fall in love with me? Well lust anyways. He's very short with his words and not exactly a charmer. Plus, he's already seen me in one of the most awkward situations. I grimaced at the thought of waking up in my underwear.

He pulled up to the mansion where I saw Lisa standing outside waiting for me. I hopped off the motorcycle, "Lisa!" I hugged her and turned back to Batman, "Thank you, for everything." He nodded and started the bike, "Wait! Will I ever see you again?" I wasn't at all beautiful or appealing. My hair was blown every which way, my mascara bled down my face, I was in nothing but underwear and a cape. I would describe myself as looking like a common whore.

"In the future," he rode away.

"Come on Maya," Lisa took me inside, "You need to rest and relax," she rubbed my back.

I nodded and headed to the shower. The smell of the river was horrible. I threw Batman's cape on my bed. I looked at it and laughed, "Maybe he'll come back to get it."


The shower was refreshing, for the first time in a few days, life seemed least for a few minutes.

I walked out in my white, silk robe, patting my hair dry with a towel. A small breeze played at my face and whipped up a few fly away hairs, "Why is my window open?" I walked over and closed it Wait... I twirled around observing the room, "Who's in here?" I couldn't decide if it was Batman or The Joker, "Show yourself!"

"Fine," a voice sighed and The Joker crawled out from under my bed, "I was planning a surprise, but no you had to see the window open a crack and ruin it!"

"What do you want Joker? And can it wait till I get dressed?"

"Oh, just dropping in to see how things went with The Batman on your first date."

I crossed my arms and looked away, "Horrible! I tell you, I'm not the right girl for this."

"What? Did something bad happen?"

"Yea, I woke up in my underwear and yelled at him."

He laughed, "Wow, I never expected The Batman to be that way, and on a first date! Besides, I chose you because you're feisty and leave a lasting impression on him."

"Well, he certainly doesn't want to see me again. At least I think..."

"Well, I'm not gonna attack you anytime soon. People will suspect a connection between us."

"Well, what do you propose that I do?"

"Practice," He took the cape and covered half his face, "Hello, I am The Batman," he said in a husky voice.

"Very funny, but one, I know it's you, and two, it's just creepy that you can do that."

"Just play along. Now, what is your name?"

I exhaled and smirked, "My name is Maya. It is very good to see you again."

"I just wanted to check up and see if you were doing well. Any run-ins with The Joker?"

"No, I was the first person he saw, so I think I was just a random target."

"Ah, how is the back of your head?" he stepped closer.

I felt the back of my head, "Still tender, but all wounds heal," I took a step back.

"Really, let me feel it," he reached out.

"Hey! That's out of character!"

He put his hand back inside the cape, "So, nothing's happened?"

"No, I have some trouble sleeping but that's it."

"Oh really? Can I help you with that?" The Joker started laughing, "I couldn't keep it in any longer!"

"Yeah, well you planned it!" I backed up even more and crossed my arms again, "Throwing me into the river knowing the outcome!"

"Hey, I just set up the dominoes, Batman started the chain reaction," he laughed stepping closer, "Besides, it was probably more than he's seen in a while. Everyone needs eye candy on the job."

I made a disgusted face, "Let's hope he keeps those thoughts in his mind. I told you from the beginning I wasn't going to sleep with him."

"Let me ask you something," I cocked an eyebrow, "Are you a virgin?"

My face became distorted, "Get out!" I pushed him towards the window.

"Oh," he laughed, "This just keeps getting better!" He turned around and pushed me against the wall like I weighed nothing, "How is it that someone of your age hasn't done the mattress mambo?"

"Mattress mambo?" I shook my head, "I've been away at your place for three years! There was no way in hell I was letting those thugs touch me!"

"Yes, but before that? Don't most girls lose it in high school?"

I growled, frustrated, "I just didn't ok? I was too focused on other stuff, like my homework. Now can you please let go of me?"

"You're just full of surprises, Maya," he let go of me, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some plans to make," he cackled and jumped out the window.

I laid on my bed What plans does he have to make? And what's up with him calling me by my name? I don't think he's ever done's always been 'Hey you' or some strange pet name. I sighed and looked at my nails Black... I stood up and grabbed the fingernail polish remover.
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