Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice


The next two days I spent locked in my bedroom to make it seem like I was distressed "Do you trust me" my ass! Those bruises have some hang time. I felt the back of my head wincing at the pain I hate it when movies are misleading and make you think wounds heal easily.

There was a knock on my door, "Come in!" I said I need pain killers.

"Maya?" the door creaked open revealing it was Lisa, "It's been two days, you need to get out and not let this ruin your life. If you don't overcome this, that means The Joker has won," the line sounded practiced.

"I's just...I've never had anything this frightening happen to me," I lied.

"Come on. Here, I'll help you get ready."


"Yes, Bruce Wayne feels horrible for not being able to come to our party, so he has asked for a lunch date between us. He seemed particularly interested when I mentioned you on the phone," she giggled.

"What did you say?" the curiosity killed me, Lisa wasn't the type for 'mentions' especially when it came to me. When she tried relationships before, she'd make me out to be the perfect girl. Kind of a shocker to the guys to find me instead.

"Oh, not much...just your name and some details about your past with me."

Great, he's going to think I was a popular cheerleader.

"Hmmm," she looked at my closet, "Let's do this shirt," she pulled out an orange, sleeveless tunic which was bejeweled around the neck and tied around the waist, "And these!" she laid out a pair of dark skinny jeans with some black heels. It was always her gift to pick out fashionable outfits.

"Thanks! Want to help me with hair and makeup like old times?"

She smiled, "Sure!"

After an hour had passed Lisa looked at me, "Now that's the Maya I know!"

I looked into the mirror to see someone staring at me, "This is me?" I mumbled.

Lisa looked down at her watch, "Oh my!" she grabbed my arm, "We're going to be late!"

I was rushed out to a red Pontiac Solstice. Lisa got behind the driver's seat and I took the passenger, "Are you sure you should be driving?"

"Oh yes! I may be having problems, but I'm not totally helpless," she smiled.

"Alright, lead the way," I smiled and she began to drive.


It wasn't long before we pulled up to a small restaurant, "This is my favorite place! They serve sandwiches, they'll make you any you like, which is good in my case because I crave the weirdest things."

We walked in the door and were greeted by Bruce Wayne, "Ah, Lisa! You glow more and more each day!" he kissed her hand.

"Oh stop it, you'll make me blush," she said giggling.

Flirting with a pregnant lady, that's a new one.

"And this is your friend I'm guessing," he looked at me and kissed my hand as well.

"Yes, Maya, charmed to meet you," I smiled. What was that about? I never say charmed! The power he has over women is a crime!

"Shall we go to our table ladies?"

"Yes, I'm starved," Lisa walked behind him patting her stomach.

I followed them to a patio outside. The back of the restaurant was covered in ivy as if it'd been there for years, "I have to admit, this place is beautiful," I said looking around.

"Yes, very," I knew his eyes were on me. I avoided eye contact.

I quickly directed my attention towards the waiter coming, "May I take your orders?"

"Ah, yes, I will have club sandwich with caviar on the side," Bruce entered his order.

"You, ma'am?"

The waiter looked at me, "Oh, I'll have a BLT on white bread."

"And you miss?"

"Um, I'll have two slices of tomato, some banana, and pickles all on rye bread. Oh! Add some mayonnaise on it as well!" I stared at Lisa, "What?"

"Trust me on this, it's not the oddest order we've gotten," the waiter smiled, "Here is your water, I will be back with your orders soon."

I looked at Lisa, "What was the weirdest order?"

She laughed, "I once ordered rocky road icecream and chips on banana bread. The only thing that seems constant with this baby is the love of bananas," she laughed, patting her stomach.

"So, I hear your friend had a little run in with the Joker," Bruce seemed to sit on the edge of his seat.

"Oh yes! Maya, tell him how it all happened! I haven't heard the details for myself."

"Everything?" both of them looked at me. I sighed and began, "Well, the window crashed and I saw this man on the floor. I went to help him and it turned out to be The Joker. Um, he grabbed my wrists and held a gun to my head. Pretty sure you saw that Lisa."

"Yes, I almost fainted!"

"Next thing I know, Batman is chasing us and I'm in this van. We ended up at the docks and The Joker knocked me out. When I wake up, I'm on the dock soaking wet with Batman leaning over me."

"Why did you have his cape? And what happened to that dress!?" Lisa seemed more interested in the story than Bruce.

"The Joker threw me in the river dress was too heavy for Batman to swim with...."

"Are you saying Batman took off your dress?" Bruce said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes," I laughed awkwardly, "I imagined meeting Batman would be more graceful."

"What happened after that?" Lisa asked.

"He took me back to your place."

"Wow, Batman must like you!"

"Pretty sure he was doing his job. I wouldn't blame him if he never saw me again, I don't think I'd ever wanna see me again," I laughed.

"Has the whole scene traumatized you?" Bruce asked.

"A little trouble sleeping, but I'll live."

"You know, I can help you with that," I had a smart comment to fire back at him, but I just stared with my mouth wide open, "Are you ok?" As if to mock me he pulled out a bottle of sleeping pills.

I blinked, "Yea, you just reminded me of someone."

"Really? Anyone I know?"

"No, he lives in the neighborhood where I grew up."

"Ooh, excuse me for a minute," Lisa got up and headed towards the bathroom.

"And that is...?" I turned my attention back to Bruce.

"On the darker side of Gotham."

"Ah, Lisa said you were different but I had no idea you grew up on the other side."

"Yes, the Jennings are doing a huge favor by taking me in," I took a sip of my water.

The sandwiches came, and Lisa showed up shortly after, "Goody! I'm starved!"

I laughed and we began to eat.

An hour passed and everyone was pleased with their meal. As we were leaving, Bruce stopped us, "I almost forgot, I'd like to extend invitations to my masquerade in two weeks."

"A masquerade? You can bet that we'll be there!" Lisa replied.

"Great! It was lovely meeting with you again Lisa, and I wish you luck with the pregnancy."

"Thank you!"

"And Maya, I'll see you again very soon," he smirked and winked at me.

Shameless flirt! "It was nice to meet you Mr. Wayne, see you in two weeks!" I smiled and waved. I can't believe I fell for it again! He has to use something to make him appealing to women! Potion maybe?

"Judging by your look, you have fallen victim to his charm," Lisa giggled.

"Yes," I sat in the passenger seat, "It's a horrible power over women!"

Lisa stepped on the gas, "Oh, it's a sport for some men. You should get used to this," she laughed.

We pulled into the driveway to see Jennings' car, "Oh! My husband is home!" she said delighted and hurriedly got out of the car.

I got out of the car and followed her She's pretty fast for a pregnant lady. I laughed to myself.

Inside, Jennings' was behind the front door waiting for us, "Ah, Lisa!" he hugged her.

"How was work?"

"Dreary as always. The fact that you weren't there made it worse."

I had to admit, though this scene was a little cheesy, it was touching. Every girl in the world wished for love, and I was happy that Lisa found it. She deserved this.

"Come dear, I've made you dinner," he led her to the kitchen.

I began to go up to my room, "Maya, won't you join us?"

"No, I'm not that hungry, and you need time with your husband," I smiled and climbed the steps to my room. The sight of love was bad for me, it got my mind off track. Wishing for things that will never happen rarely get me anywhere. I sighed and opened the door to my room.

"Hello," I was greeted by a strange voice.
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Happy Labor Day!!!

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