Status: in progress

Sherlock and the Medium

The missing Bracelet 2

The hooded girl walks into a small takeaway place and pulls her hood down revealing long brown curled hair, she pulls it out of her coat and it cascades down the front of her. She rubs her eyes and they blink dazedly, her long eyelashes slightly wet from the rain, she walks up to the counter and orders a pepperoni pizza.
She walks to the back of the room and sits down at an empty table ignoring the leers and looks from a group of men at the other side of the room.
“Hey baby, why don’t you come sit with us” One smirks and he began getting up.
“I don’t think she wants your company” the girl’s eyes fly open wide at that voice and she turns slowly.
“Oh yeah i believe that’s her choice not yours” the man gets up snarling but Sherlock just stares at him with a blank face, he could smell the alcohol reeking from the group.
“Well, i doubt she would want a middle aged man who is riddled with sexual transmitted diseases, and has neither the looks, money or intelligence need i go on” Sherlock gives him a look and he glares stepping forwards.
“You” he began.
“Or i could just show you this” he pulls out Lestrade’s detective badge and holds it up.
“Hey man” another one walks forwards and pulls the other back.
“At least one of you has the slight insight of a brain” Sherlock turns and walks over to her table.
He sits down opposite her, and she looks down swallowing, she was sure no one noticed her before. He just sits there staring at her and rests his head on his hand, he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why she was there, she didn’t fit to any of it, so why was she snooping around a crime scene.
“So” he drawls and he sees her look up underneath her lashes.
“What were you doing around a crime scene” he pauses “I mean you have no business there, not that i can come up with and that is saying something, you’re 18, 19 years old and educated” he nods seeing her eyes make up, set as a smoky cat like look.
“You were brought up well, the perfect little girl” he sees her flinch “No you tried to be the perfect little girl but something didn’t quite work out, you’re parents never seemed to see you in their standards, you have money” he nods seeing the expensive clothes and the phone she had in front of her.
“And you can handle yourself, as you were abused by older children when you were younger” she looks up confused so he tilts his head to the rowdy men who were now leaving.
“You never even flinched, you almost seemed exasperated” he then leans forwards and clasps his hands together.
“Now, why were you at the crime scene?” he asks.
She looks up and bites her lip, while he kept his eyes on hers, she sits back and sighs.
“You’ll think I’m crazy” she chuckles lightly and looks up again.
“Oh people tend to think that of me all the time” he tells her not taking his eyes from hers, and he hides a smirk she accepted his challenge, she sits up straight and her face turned serious.
“I see ghosts” she tells him and silence issues.
“Ghosts” he quirks an eyebrow to show amusement, but he was mentally debating whether or not she was sane, yet she was and she was telling the truth.
“Yes Ghosts” she nods and a person calls her over for her pizza, she gets up and takes it saying thanks and walks out, knowing the man was following her.
“So, you saw the victim’s ghost that was why you were there” Sherlock falls into step with her and pulls his collar up to shield himself from the rain.
“Yes” she nods hiding under her hood.
“And tell me why is the ghost earthbound or so to speak” he asks and she stops.
She stands in front of him and looks up searching his face, he watched her as she looked for something and with a nod she seemed to find it.
“The earthbound, they usually have unfinished business and some come to me, i help them as i always have, i receive odd vision, feelings, and thoughts from time to time directing me to where i should be” she turns and carried on walking again.
“So, this ghost, what is her unfinished business” he asks following her.
“Her bracelet” she looks up at him “She always promised to give it to her sister if anything happened, the murderer took it” she sighs “She won’t leave until her sister has it and in her hands”
“So you went there looking for the necklace, but now that you know the killer has the bracelet what will you do?” he asks and she bites her lip holding the pizza box tighter.
“Find him” Sherlock smirks and he walks forwards more.
“And does your ghost know who did it” he asks.
“No, her memory is fuzzy” she shakes her head.
“Probably the fact she was taken by surprise and took a blow to her head” he stops and looks down at her “Then it seems you will need help” Sherlock nods.
“Wait what” she looks up confused so he sighs.
“I’m looking for the killer, you’re looking for the killer, and i doubt you’ll find him on your own and will get in my way if you do so i shall help”
“I don’t even know your name” she tells him.
“And i don’t know yours” Sherlock tells her raising a brow.
“It’s Destiny, Destiny Grace” she smiles.
“Well Destiny Grace, I’m Sherlock Holmes now let’s go figure out who our killer is” he stops.
“Taxi” he shouts and a taxi pulls up.
“What am i getting myself into” Destiny mutters and gets in shutting the door.