Status: in progress

Sherlock and the Medium

The Missing Bracelet 3

Sherlock opens the front door of 221b Baker Street and walks in.
“Oh Sherlock your all wet” Mrs Hudson sees Destiny “Ooh, and whose your friend Sherlock”
“Ah Mrs Hudson, meet Destiny Grace, Destiny Grace, meet Mrs Hudson, now excuse me I’ve got a murderer to find” Sherlock runs upstairs and Destiny follows more slowly.
Destiny walks into the apartment and looks around seeing the place a mess.
“Wow, you’re a mess” she chuckles.
“Yes well” Sherlock just turns and takes off his coat, leather gloves and scarf.
“Was i right” he asks appearing with his laptop and Destiny sits down, she had eaten her pizza in the Taxi, much to the driver’s annoyance.
“Right about what exactly” she asks as he sits opposite her on the other chair and uploads the laptop.
“What i said about you, was i right” he asks casting her a look and began typing on the laptop.
“Yes, i tried to be the perfect girl when i grew up, my sister was, the perfect little princess” she rolls her eyes.
“But my gift prevented me from doing that, i was bullied being smarter than average, knowing things know one should no” she gives a dry chuckle “My parents basically said have whatever you want just stay away” Sherlock looks up.
“I studied Psychology and criminology as well as English”
“Finished school early” he nods scrolling down the page he brought up on her.
“Yes” she nods.
“But that’s not the reason you moved to London was it” Sherlock asks looking up again and she gives him a look.
“No, as you know what i can do, it has to come from somewhere, my grandmother had it, and she was proud of it, i was scared at first but accepted it even though it made me not accepted by my family” she rubs her forehead “I was 17 and i was helping a small girl crossover, my mother came to talk to me at the time too, and later when we were arguing she told me she wasn’t afraid of them” she looks up and he waits.
“I never said that, the little girl did, that was the day i found out my mother could do exactly what i could, yet she ignored it and treated her own child as if she were dirt, while she had the same gift” she gives a dry chuckle and it goes quiet.
“So how do you do that? you’re a very good observer aren’t you” Destiny comments.
“Yes i am i notice things you could say, my mind works faster than most, deduction of science is my speciality” is the only answer he gives and she nods.
The next morning, they were looking down at the pictures and information they had printed out.
“Okay” Sherlock stands clapping his hand “Something to do with the shoes, the shoes” he looks down.
“You think someone is killing them by their shoe type” Destiny asks.
“I’m not sure something doesn’t add up, they’re all size 6 and a half yet the most recent murder was size 8, but what about the shoe” he looks down at the images again.
“They all wear this bracelet” Destiny notices and Sherlock smirks.
“Glad you noticed, yes they all have the same bracelet with the initials C.B”
“You mean you already knew” she scowls at him and he shrugs.
“Oh i knew since the second murder” he smirks at her and she scoffs.
Suddenly Anna appears and Destiny looks up, Sherlock seeing her fixate on a certain point sits straighter.
“The bracelet, he told me his ex girlfriend took the one he gave her” Anna breathes and fingers the picture.
“Anna, what do you mean, his ex girlfriend took the one he gave her” Destiny asks and Sherlock stores that part into his brain already figuring it out.
“He said, when she left, she took the bracelet” she chuckles tearfully “But she left all the things she didn’t want” Anna suddenly looks up and disappears.
“His ex girlfriend took the bracelet he gave her” Sherlock points “Did your ghost say his ex girlfriend left anything like, i don’t know shoes” Sherlock stands.
“She said, she left all the things she didn’t want” Destiny tells him and he jumps up.
“Come along i want to show you something” Sherlock pulls his coat on and ran down the stairs.
“What” she runs after him.