Status: in progress

Sherlock and the Medium

The Missing Bracelet 4

“The morgue” Destiny shivers pulling her coat tighter, they were walking down the hospital hallways heading to the morgue.
“Yes is that a problem” Sherlock asks ahead of her.
“Nope” she jogs to catch up, as she sees the ghosts littering the halls.
“Ah Molly” Sherlock says walking into the room, a mousy woman jumps turning around and she blushes.
“Sherlock you scared me” Destiny bites her lip. She could see the woman had a crush on him.
“Ah sorry, i have just come to see the bodies” he reminds and she nods.
She brings out the first four woman’s bodies that were murdered and she moves to the side.
“Thank you Molly could you give us a moment” he says looking down at the first victim.
“Oh yes, yes, i will just be in the other room” she gives a shy smile and Destiny smiles at her. Once molly left Destiny bursts into chuckles.
“What?” Sherlock looks up confused
“She has such a crush on you” she smiles “It’s cute”
“Cute” his eyes squint.
“Yes, her having a crush on you” she shrugs so he straightens.
“Someone having a crush on me is cute” he asks again.
“Oh it doesn’t matter” Destiny rolls her eyes.
“No, i want to know what you find so cute about it” he asks eyebrows furrowed, she walks down and her hand touches the second female’s shoulder.
The black haired woman goes into a shop; she sees a purple pair of shoes reasonably priced and buys them getting a heart bracelet free with the pair.
Destiny’ eyebrows furrow.
“I guess you were right about that” she murmurs.
“Right about what” his deep voice asks right beside her.
“Shit, jeez” she jumps back holding a hand to her heart “Did you have to do that” she gasps and he gives a slight twitch of the mouth to show his amusement but then his face turns serious.
“The look on your face, was showing emotions, you either had a new thought, remembered something or you saw something” he tilts his head.
“The woman” she looks to the black haired female she touched “She was buying a pair of purple shoes, they were quite cheap to be honest” she murmurs “Any way, the bracelet came free”
“Mmm” Sherlock thinks and then dashes out of the room.
“At least tell me what your running for” she runs to catch up with him and he stops turning on the stairs.
“The shop” he tells her and began running off.
“Wait, which shop though” she asks so he groans. He quickly turns and grabs her shoulders peering down into her face.
“The shop, the owner, when a woman buys that certain pair of shoes he gives them a bracelet. Similar to the one his ex girlfriend took with her, but she left a pair of shoes, when the victim is murdered, he takes the shoes to sell again, now we just need to find the shop” he turns and runs down to the side walk.
“Taxi” he waves a hand and a taxi pulls up. They both jump in and he pulls his phone out.
“So how do we know which shop it is” she asks confused.
“Well, when i realised the latest victim went on the sun beds every weekend, i knew she lived close to that place, i mean you wouldn’t travel far just to get a tan. Then i found out where the other victims lived and two shoe stores came under notice” he lifts his phone up.
“Reynolds and The Nameless” on the phone were the shop addresses “But I’m missing something” he says frustrated and began looking out the window as they began driving to his apartment.