Status: in progress

Sherlock and the Medium

The Missing Bracelet 5

“Something’s missing, what am i missing?” Sherlock paces the floor, while Destiny was laid out on the couch, he had been at it for a few minutes now and it was doing her head in. She looks around and sees a pen, she quickly snags it up and throws is at him.
“Ow” he spins around and glares at her “Why did you throw a pen at me” he asks.
“Because you are doing my head in, if you don’t stop it I’ll make you” she glares back and his face freezes, he looks down at the pictures and an answer seems to form in his mind.
“Of course” he runs out and back down the stairs.
“Ugh there is no way I’m running down there again” she murmurs and she hears the front door slam.
“Guess i don’t need to” she huffs standing up and looks out the window. Sherlock was getting in a taxi and it drove away.
She begins to turn but pauses, she felt lightheaded.
“Mmm” she rubs her head and she has a vision.
Anna alive and smiling happily jumps out of the taxi.
“Clive” she calls and walks into a shoe shop called Nameless.
“Nameless” she whispers, that was the name of one of the shops. Destiny walks over to the table and picks up the photo of the bracelet.
“C.B” she murmurs “Clive”
“Clive” Destiny turns and sees Anna stood there.
“Is this who murdered you” Destiny asks and Anna panics.
“I don’t know” she vanishes.
“Nameless” she says again then with an idea she runs down the stairs and out of the door.
She grabs a taxi and asks to be taken to Nameless the shoes store.
“Thanks” she pays the cab driver and gets out, looking up at the furbished shop, she walks in and looks around. A blonde woman was at the till and only a few customers were in there. Destiny looks around and spots the purple shoes.
With a quick pause, she picks them up and goes to buy them.
“Is that all” the woman asks and she nods “That would be £20 please” Destiny pays her and takes the bag outside the store.
She gets another taxi to her own apartment and opens her door. Inside she opens the bag and takes the shoes out of the box, revealing a bracelet placed inside a silver box.
“Now all i have to do is wait for Clive” she nods to herself and gets ready to go out for the night.