Status: in progress

Sherlock and the Medium

The Missing Bracelet 7

“You” Destiny gasps and the killer lowers their hood revealing their face.
The hood falls back and blonde hair falls forwards.
“You sold me the shoes” Destiny frowns not expecting her.
“And” the blonde woman smirks and walks forwards backing Destiny into a corner
“That’s Clara, Clive’s sister” Anna appears looking sad.
“Your Clive’s sister, Clara” Destiny says hoping to buy time.
“Yes i am” Clara falters not expecting that.
“Why” Destiny asks.
“Why not, that bitch was taking my brother from me, so i killed her, but then he set his sights on others, all similar to her” Clara shrugs “I put the shoes on sale, and when the person bought them i killed them, she never left, and i took her bracelet, made copies, but then he found that blonde brat” she snarls and Anna glares.
“She was different, she then found out about the shoes, she saw me sell them twice and she read the paper on the shoes been taken, she put the clues together” Anna remembers and her face falls into a sad expression.
“I waited for him to give her the bracelet but she told him, she only wore hers” she glares and lifts her sleeve showing she was wearing it.
“When she confronted me, i hit her over then head killing her, but i had to make it appear as the same killings, and then i took her bracelet, she took my brother from me so i took her most precious thing from her, her bracelet”
Destiny watches in horror seeing the things she did, and Clara pulls the needle out.
“Now i think it’s time for some sleep” she began forwards but Destiny raises her leg and kicks her arm effectively knocking the needle to the ground.
“Bitch” Clara leaps at her and they fall to the ground, Destiny punches her in the face, and knees her in the ribs, but Clara just rolls quickly pulling Destiny with her and sat on top of her again.
Clara wraps her hands around her neck and began squeezing hard.
“Ah” Destiny gasps and tried clawing at her arm’s but couldn’t get her off. Destiny began choking and her face pales, she closes her eyes trying to breathe but darkness soon found her vision and she began losing consciousness.
Clara smirks down still strangling her and looks across seeing the needle still full of Cyanide.
“Destiny” Anna shouts and a pole flies across the alley way and out onto the road but Clara didn’t pay attention to caught up in her actions.