Status: in progress

Sherlock and the Medium

The Missing Bracelet 8

Clara smirks as Destiny’s body falls lifeless and she continues to strangle her but a force quickly knocks her over and she looks up.
“Sorry about that” Sherlock mocks and as she began to get up, he knocks her out and she falls down unconscious, he quickly walks over to Destiny and feels for a pulse, there is one. Her eyes flash open and she began chocking, gasping for breath.
“Come on it’s alright” Sherlock helps her sit up and she leans on to him.
“Where” she croaks, looking around for Clara.
“She’s down” he nods to Clara and she sees her.
“Thank god” she whispers and falls back on to him, her body numb and exhausted.
A few moments later Lestrade arrives along with other police cars and an ambulance, Sherlock is sat on some steps with Destiny who was wearing his coat shivering from the cold.
“So that’s her” Lestrade asks as Police drag a now conscious Clara into a police car.
“Yes, she is the sister, driven by jealousy, always the centre of her brother’s universe, but when he found the right woman she was pushed to being second, she didn’t like that” Sherlock pauses “She wanted to eliminate any woman similar to his first so he couldn’t find anyone else” he raises a brow and Destiny coughs.
“I thought it was Clive” Destiny shakes her head.
“Yes and what are you doing with those shoes anyway” Sherlock asks but he knew.
“You know” she rolls her eyes and Lestrade looks at her.
“Who are you” he asks.
“Destiny Grace” she gives a tight smile.
“And what” he began asking but Sherlock cuts him off.
“She’s with me” he tells him and crosses his arms standing up.
“Yeah but”
“Come on Destiny” Sherlock walks off and Destiny follows.
“You like to boss people around don’t you” she tells him chucking his coat into his arms.
“Sometimes” he smirks putting his coat on.
“So how did you find me” she asks looking up.
“Well, it was easy actually, the photo’s told me who the killer was and i saw you walking this way, the flying pole was the clue as to where you were”
“Flying pole” she asks confused.
“Came flying out of the alley” he nods.
Destiny looks around confused and sees Anna watching nearby, so Destiny smiles at her but she disappears.
“Oh, her bracelet” Destiny spins attempting to go back but Sherlock grabs her arms and makes her carry on forwards.
“Yes the bracelet” he lets go and pulls out Anna’s bracelet from his pocket.
“You have it” she goes to get it but he pulls back slightly and she pouts, he drops it into her hands and she smiles.
“Thanks” she looks up at him “I need to give this to her sister now” she bites her lip “So I’ll cya later”
He nods his head and watches her give a small smile then walks off towards her home.