If You Give a Vampire Your Blood...

Josie yearned for something interesting to happen to her. Her life was just too boring. What could a poor little rich girl do in a town like New York? No one seemed to understand how bored she was. So what if she lived in a 4 story mansion? What was the fun in that? Who cared if her daddy was in the CIA and offered to show her the agency's secrets? Boring! No, Josie wanted something fun and adventerous to do.
And then she found Avery.

Note: This is a parody.

© Copywrited 2010: Foreverland
  1. Because if he sparkles, he's either Edward Cullen, or gay...
    ...And guess which one is more likely?
  2. Dear Jacob, I win. -Edward...
    ...Dear Edward, I'm sleeping with your daughter tonight. Haha, Jacob.
  3. Why can't Edward read Bella's mind?...
    ... Because there's nothing to read.
  4. "Did you seriously just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that in movies."-Jacob, Eclipse...
    ...They do only do that in movies. That's why she did it.  
  5. The Vampires are Coming...
    ...and these ones don't sparkle.
  6. Why is Edward Cullen so pale?...
    ...Because there isn't any light in the closet.