Count on Me to Count Myself Out

You're The Only One To Talk To

Kendall sat down as the show got started, occasionally getting up to assist kids wanting to buy merch. She could hear Black Veil Brides playing in the background, which was Andy's band, immediately making her cringe. She looked around at all the merch people who looked just as bored as she did, but drunk.

She pulled out her iphone and sent a text to Derek.

"Der, I'm bored. Can you bring me a drink?"

A few minutes later she got a text back from him.

"You gonna get drunk again?"

She laughed and set her phone down, tending to some kids wanting to buy shirts. She helped them and they quickly left and she got back to her message.

"No, well, i want to kinda."

She got a quick reply to that one from him, "You want some more of this, huh?"

She smiled at that, he was flirting with her, how cute.

"Yeah... So can i get that drink?"

A couple of minutes later, he appeared with a drink in hand, "Here you go ma' lady."

She took a sip and looked at him, "Thanks. When do you guys go on?"

"After Andy's ass get off stage, so i better get going."

"Ha, alright." She said, but she could see a grin on his face. "Okay, what?" She asked.

"No, nothing." He laughed walking away. What a weirdo.

A while later, Kendall felt someone sit next to her, to her dismay, it was Andy. "Hello old friend." He said, putting a sweaty arm around her. She quickly pulled away and wiped her arm with a random towel.

"Ew. Get sweat on your nasty groupies, not me." She said.

"Ouch. Why so mean?" He asked, making a hurt face.

"You're annoying." She said looking at her phone for the time. She wished he would leave her the fuck alone.

"I'm just trying to have a conversation with you like old times!" He smiled innocently.

"We never talked in the 'old times.' " She said.

"Only cause you were always being a little bitch about everything."

She stood and said, "Leave. Right now."

He smiled, "You didn't treat Derek like this last night."

"Andy, i will fucking hurt you." She threatened.

"I guess you want me to keep you're sexcapade a secret, huh? I know it was you in there with Derek." He said, with the most arrogant face.

"You can tell whoever the fuck you want. I don't care, just get out of my face." She spat.

He raised an eyebrow, "Alright." and walked off.

She sat back down and drank the rest of her drink. She couldn't wait to get to a bar and drink till she couldn't feel the anger anymore.

Soon the show was over and she was packing up the merch, to take back to the bus. As soon as she was done, she went across the street to a bar. She sat on a stool and a bartender came over and asked, "What can i get for you?"

"Anything, something really strong." She said, looking around the place, it was half empty, full of old guys.

"How old are you?" He asked eyeing her. He didn't look over thirty, he was pretty young and had some spiked up hair.

"Does it really matter?" She asked, with a sigh.

He shook his head, "If anyone asks, i had nothing to do with it." He smiled.

"Thanks." She said, taking a shot of what seemed like some really strong, bitter tequila.

Someone sat next to her and she saw Matt. "Hey."

"Hi." She said downing a full beer.

"Hey, you should slow down." He suggested looking at the empty bottle, surprised she could drink the whole thing just like that.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just cause... I don't know." He laughed

She looked at him and laughed, "You have no answer, so i wont slow down." She said taking another shot.

"Suit yourself" He said motioning for the bartender, "Let me get whatever she's having."

She could feel the alcohol setting in, she could feel the buzz and she wanted more. She ordered two more shots and looked at Matt. "You know, you look different."

He laughed and took a double shot. "So how have you been?" He asked.

"Um, fine. Working, being the best at nothing." She giggled.

"Liar. You're good at a lot of things." He said, watching her down a double shot like a champ, no face or anything.

She stood and slapped some money on the counter. "See ya." She said to Matt and walked out. He quickly followed.

"Where you going?" He asked as she turned to him and held her arms out in the air.


He smiled and asked, "Can i join?"

She nodded and continued walking, she talked about all the time she had to work and random things would happen. She would occasionally trip and Matt had to steady her, but when she saw a fountain she stopped dead in her tracks. It was a huge water fountain and it was like a rainbow.

She turned to him and said, "Matt, we totally have to get in that water."

His eyes widened, "Really?"

"YES!" She yelled grabbing his hand and running to the fountain. She put her hand in and sprinkled his face with water.

Before they knew it, they were in the water, tackling each other.

Matt heard the phone and got out, going to a bench grabbing his phone.


"Where the fuck are you!? Bus call, man! Do you know where Kendall is!? I cant find her." Derek yelled through the phone.

"She's with me. We're heading back, now." Matt said hanging up before Derek got a word in. He looked at Kendall who was standing there, looking at the fountain in aw. He went up to her and said, "We gotta go."

"I'll race you!" She exclaimed.

Wow, she was a hyper drunk.

"You're on!" Matt yelled as they took off running back to the buses. They got there and Matt jumped in victory. "HA! I beat you!"

"You're legs are longer!" She yelled trying to catch her breath, "You cheated!"

He stuck his tongue out, "Jealous."

They walked on to the bus and everyone looked at them.

"Where the fuck did you guys go?!" Derek asked sounding mad for some reason.

"To that one rainbow fountain!" She said smiling, and walking off to the back of the bus, quickly changing, then getting in to the bunk.

Seems like the only time, she'd get along with Matt is when she's drunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys enjoy this! :] it's a little longer.