Count on Me to Count Myself Out

If I Was Smarter I Would Leave

Kendall had woken up with a huge headache, and a cough. She had finally gotten over the shock that she had actually had fun with Matt the night before. Now she was sitting down, waiting for her food at In & Out.

She put her head in her hands, her hair falling around her face, as she felt someone sit down across from her. She looked up expecting to see Derek with the food, but it was Matt.

"You look horrible." He said, pulling his hood over his head.

"It's your fault i drank that much." She mumbled.

"My fault? You're the one who wouldn't listen to me when i told you to slow down." He said.

She stayed quiet and just nodded at him. She didn't feel like having small talk with him, or anyone.

He sighed, "I guess we're back to being how we were before?"

She looked up at him and said, "It's not going to be the same, Matt. It's too far damaged to bring it back to what it was before."

That seemed to have set him off a bit. "Oh yeah? Is that what you think? What about last night, huh?! You cant say you didn't have fun."

"Matt, please don't start." She said, rubbing her throbbing forehead.

"Kendall, I'm so fucking done with trying to make things better!" He yelled, as he stood up.

"Matt, fuck. SHH." She said, wanting him to keep his voice down. "Don't start a fucking scene."

He shook his head and walked out. She watched him and immediately lost her appetite, all she wanted to do was go back to the bus and lay in her bunk for days. Hibernation didn't sound that bad.


That night, Kendall had noticed Matt was completely ignoring her, wouldn't look anywhere near her direction, when they happened to be near each other, he pretended she didn't exist. Maybe this time she had actually pushed him away for good. She wouldn't have to worry about the friendship, or whatever was still there of it. That made her sound like a damn bad person.

Derek and Manning came up to her as she put up remaining merch in boxes. "You ready for another party tonight?!"

She smiled and said, "Oh, fuck yeah! We're gonna dance the night away, right Manning?!"

He laughed and high fived her, "YOU KNOW IT!"

"Are you gonna save me a dance?" He asked her, giving her his famous flirty smile.

"Of course." She said as he flashed her a smile and walked away with Manning. She finished packing up her stuff and went to the bus, sitting down on the couch and drinking some water, trying to refresh her throat. She started coughing, and she knew she was getting sick, and she dreaded it already.

Travis walked in to the bus, with a beer in his hand and stared at her, "What are you doing here all by yourself?"

She looked up at him, "Oh, umm.. I need some cough drops, i think I'm getting sick." She explained.

"Oh, well let's go the pharmacy right now. It's around the corner. They might have... Well they have a lot of shit." He said, drinking the whole beer.

"Okay, that'd be awesome." She smiled and stood as they walked down the street.

After a while of silence, Travis said, "Sooo... how are things between you and Matt?" That seemed like he had been wanting to ask.

"Oh god, don't even ask me about that." She sighed.

"That bad?"

She nodded, "I guess I'm just... he cant come back and expect me to throw myself at him just cause he's famous 'Matt Good'. It doesn't work that way." She finished as they walked in to the pharmacy, and in to the medicine isle.

"I know, but don't you at least miss him?" Travis asked, showing her a bag of orange flavor cough drops.

"I miss the old him." She admitted. "I know he's different now." She said looking at him with a sad expression.

He gave her a hug and said, "If he cares about the friendship as much as it seems he cares, he'll turn back in to the person he once was. For you."

She forced a smile and asked, "Yeah, maybe. You ready to go?"

"Yeah," He said grabbing to packs of beer. Obviously the party was just beginning. "Now, we can go. Got enough ammo." He smiled with his teeth.

They went to the register and went back to the bus. Kendall grabbed a beer and began to loosen up and just like she had said, she was dancing outside with Manning.

She noticed Matt and Andy were talking to some girls who were all over them. SLUTS. One of the girls was all over Matt, kissing his neck, running her hand down his chest to his- WHOA.

Athena looked away convinced he was exactly what she thought she was. She looked at Manning and excused herself. She suddenly wasn't in the party mood, so she walked around, the block trying to clear her mind. Once she got tired she went back to the bus and decided it was time to call it a night.

As she got closer to the bunk areas she heard some moaning or kissing? Something gross sounding. Finally she saw Matt pulling his dark jeans on as he looked at her, with wide eyes. She could see a half naked girl behind him.

"Kendall..." He trailed off, looking like a deer in headlights.

"S-sorry." She said and walked out of the bus as fast as she could. She walked outside and kicked a trash can. She was so mad, she wanted to kill someone.

What happened to the best friend she once had?

Oh yeah. He became famous.