Status: slowly chugging along

No One Can Touch Us

The Party Scene

“GUYS. I JUST ATE MY LAST SOUR PATCH WATERMELON SLICE. I MIGHT JUST CRY.” I announced to everyone as I stared sadly into an empty bag filled only with the remains of the sour powder.

“WHAT? NO. STOP DROP AND ROLL. CALL 911.” Alex yelled sarcastically.

“Har har har, you’re so funny.” I said, shoving him lightly as I lay on the couch with my legs in his lap. “You don’t get it.”

“It’s okay, we’ll go buy you some before their show tonight.” Hannah said to me, soothing me instantly.

“Otay.” I replied, grinning. It was the day before Halloween and we were headed to Philly for another Huslter exclusive show, the last one before the boys went back home for a week, packed, and continued on with a normal tour. In the spirit of the holiday, I was decked out in black and orange and had on knee-highs with pumpkins on them.

“Yeah and anyways we need to buy some food for the Halloween party we’re throwing tomorrow night at Alex’s house.” Jack said.


“Party?” I said, completing Hannah’s question.

“Yeah! EVERYONE’S gonna be there and-” Jack began but was cut off by Alex.

“Dude, come on. You suck.”

“...Wha-? OH... IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SURPRISE... Right... My bad.”

“Surprise?” I asked, looking up at Alex.

He nodded and reluctantly began to explain. “I...I knew Halloween was your favourite holiday. And it’s my favourite too. And I just wanted to surprise you and Hannah with a giant party with anyone and everyone there back in my house in Maryland.”

“That...That’s incredible.” I whispered, smiling widely. “Thank you.”

“Yeah well NOW IT’S NOT A SURPRISE ANYMORE.” he hissed, looking over in Jack’s direction.

“It’s okay. It’ll still be da bommmmb.” I said, only to be followed by loud snorts coming from either side of the bus.

“Ghetto fab.” Jack said.

“Oh shut up, youz just jellin’.” I replied.


Matt burst through the door of the bus. “SOUND CHECK TIME. LET’S GO LET’S GO LET’S GO!”

Alex leaned down to kiss me quickly and began to get up, pulling up his pants and cracking his back in the process. I shuddered at the sound his spine made and saw Hannah looking at me, slightly worried. Jack distracted her moments after by redirecting her head to face him so he could press his lips against hers.

“I’ll see you soon.” he whispered to her, his smile infecting her face instantly.

“Okay.” she whispered back and we both stared at them until they were out of the bus.

I sighed. “I’m not good with parties.” I said momentarily after.

“Oh because I so am...”

“I’M NERVOUS. Who do you think’s gonna be there?”

Hannah shrugged. “I have no clue. Oprah could be there for all I know.”

“I like Oprah.” I said while reaching back into my bag of Sour Patch watermelon slices, only to be disappointed once again.

Hannah roller her eyes and got up from the couch, offering me her hand to help pull me up. “Come on, let’s go find you some sour watermelon.”

“Tanks you.” I said, grinning innocently as she led me out of the bus and into the unknown streets of Philadelphia.
♠ ♠ ♠
I cut this chapter short just because I felt the need to update. I'll post the rest tomorrowww :)