Status: slowly chugging along

No One Can Touch Us

This Is Halloween

-Selma’s POV-

“I feel like a whore.” I said, adjusting my short, poofy green dress in front of the mirror of his closet as he got dressed out in the room. He walked in to join me, his chest bare and green tights covering his legs.

I laughed at his appearance. “Vegas called. They want their stripper back.”

“I wouldn’t be talking.” he chuckled, my face filling with sadness.


“I guarantee you that you’ll look like a nun in comparison to the other people you’re gonna see tonight... You look great, okay Tinkerbell?” he said, stepping closer and grabbing me by the waist as I rested my hands on his chest.

“Kay.” I whispered and happily received his affection as he brushed his lips against mine.

“Just stay away from Danny.” he quickly added, running out of the closet once more. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my reflection, his words not convincing me of my appearance. I shrugged it off and made my way out of the closet, getting stuck momentarily as my wings caught on the doorframe. I hissed and sidestepped out of the door, walking in on a fully clothed Alex.

“Ready?” I asked.

“Hmm. I don’t know. I think I look too much like a whore.” he replied, mocking me with an enormous smile on his lips.

“Watch it, Peter.” I said, walking past him and dragging him out of the room by his shirt collar. As we made our way down the main staircase, I heard loud echoes of a room full of people and my stomach knotted from excitement and anxiety.

I slowly stepped into the dimly lit living room that had Halloween decorations covering every possible inch of space. Walking into that room was like walking into a haunted house; there were dozens of life-sized Halloween-themed figurines everywhere, a dance floor that flashed orange and black in alternating patterns, smoke machines at every corner of the room, and buckets and buckets of candy lying around. Upon first glance, I recognized lots of familiar faces underneath all kinds of costumes, all scattered around the room either talking or drinking or in Jack and Rian’s case, stuffing their faces full of candy while poor Zack watched with a look of disgust on his face. Hannah caught my gaze and came running over to me.

“Isn’t this amazing?!” she asked, motioning around to all of the breathtaking features of the room. “I mean there’s so much candy and people and-” she began, her attention drifting over to the enormous pile of blue cans of Monster stacked on the food table that stretched along the entirety of the room.

“This is incredible.” I whispered as Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room.

“Come on- You’ve got some people to meet.” he smiled and approached a large group of people.

“Aleeejandro!” called out a guy I recognized immediately to be Benji Madden of Good Charlotte. I inhaled sharply and widened at my eyes as I watched Alex greet everyone standing around us.

“Selma, meet Benji, Cassadee, the Pimpshaw, Dave, Juliet, Blake, Sierra, Chad, John, Cady, Pierre, and of course you know Danny.”

I remained motionless, my mouth gaping wide open as I stared at the people in front of me.

“Alex, she’s broken again...” Danny said, coming over closer to me and waving his hand in front of my face. “ ‘Ello? Is anyone home?”

I began to laugh loudly. “Alex, honey you can’t just expose me to everyone so quickly. You’re gonna kill me.”

“Sorry.” he said, chuckling. “Guys, this is Selma.” he announced, pointing over in my direction, a smile overtaking his face. “She’s my, uh, well. My girlfriend.”

“AWW.” I heard a voice I recognized at once to be Cassadee call out. She pushed through to hug me. “It’ll be so nice having a girl on tour!” she squeaked.

“Thanks Cassadee. Well, actually there will be another girl on tour too. My friend Hannah over there,” I said, pointing over at where Hannah was standing next to Jack, chugging a can of Monster. “she’ll be there too.”

“THAT’S SO EXCITING.” she squeaked and took my hand, leading me over to where I had pointed. I whipped my head around and smiled as Alex as rolled his eyes, smiling widely.

“HI HANNAH.” Cassadee said, energetically approaching my best friend who had a mouth full of Monster.

“PFFFTTTTH.” Hannah involuntarily spit out all of her drink at Jack.

“...Thanks...honey...” Jack said, wiping his face off dramatically.

“HI CASS!” Hannah squeaked as Cassadee lunged out at her with her arms outstretched.

“Selma just told me you were coming on tour too! I’M SO EXCITED. WE CAN GO SHOPPING AND GET MANICURES AND SING AND -” she went on, babbling happily to Hannah as I stared off into the distance, taking in all of the people present at the party; every single person that I could possibly think of was there.

“JACK!” I heard Cassadee yell, shoving her iPhone at him. “TAKE A PICTURE OF ME AND MY NEW BEST GIRLFRIENDS!” She grabbed us, wrapping her arms around our shoulders. Before I could even smile correctly, the blinding light flashed from the phone and the shutter snapped. “YAY. I’M GONNA TWEET IT.” she squeaked, her fingers moving at lightning pace. I chuckled at her. “...Sorry... I’ve been touring for 3 years with nothing but buses full of testosterone. I GET EXCITED.”

“Don’t worry about it! I’m equally excited.” I said, smiling. “But uh, I’m gonna go roam around for a while. I’ll see you later?”

“YEAH DEFINITELY!” she said, hugging me again. “Come on Hannah, let’s go flirt shamelessly!” I heard Jack choke on the drink he was chugging.

“Uhh, my boyfriend’s standing right next to me.” Hannah said.

“And my boyfriend’s sitting right behind your boyfriend.” she added, pointing to Rian, who was sitting at one of the tables, still stuffing his face with food. “WAIT, YOU AND JACK ARE DATING?!” she asked, the meaning behind Hannah’s words finally hitting her. I laughed to myself and walked away, picking up a cup of what I thought was soda on one of the tables. I took a small sip and immediately proceeded to choke- vodka.

“You okay there?” I heard a familiar voice ask behind me and I turned to face the figure.

“Oh, hey Danny.” I said, still coughing. “Yeah. I’m fine. Vodka...”

“Bit of a lightweight aren’t you?”

“I’ve never tasted alcohol before, so yeah, definitely.”

“Well you’re quite the innocent angel.” he said, brushing off a drop of vodka still present on my chin. “Come on, let’s go on a walk.”

“Yeah, okay.” I said, happy for a chance to be out of the room that made my dreams of the entirety of my life come true.


We stepped out of the front door, greeted by a surprisingly warm atmosphere. Packs of children dressed up were parading around, chirping happily and dragging pillowcases full of candy behind them.

“I love halloween.” I sighed, breathing in the smell of leaves and autumn air.

Danny chuckled as we turned the corner and proceeded to walk down the block, Alex’s house fading away out of sight.

“You know, I used to be so protective over you guys...” I said and Danny looked at me, confused. I laughed. “Yeah... It’s like, you guys were MINE and no one else could have you.. And then this one girl tried to ‘steal’ you from me and I totally lashed out at her.”

He furrowed his eyebrows as his mouth curved into a grin. “What? Why?”

I shrugged. “I guess I was tired of people stealing my life.”

“Makes sense. Us guys tend to be that way towards girls. But you know, I’ll admit that chasing ladies that are off-limits is fun.” he replied, as we rounded the final corner of the block that would lead back to Alex’s house.

“Well, I’m pretty sure that you don’t need to chase that hard.” I said, giggling.

“And why’s that?”

“Oh come on.” I said, and prepared to put on my best British accent in imitation of him. “DANNY WORSNOP. TALL, DARK, AND HANDSOME. BAND BOY WITH GREAT HAIR AND A BRITISH ACCENT...”

He bowed his head, laughing. “And your point, Miss-I’m-dating-the-lead-singer-of-one-of-the-biggest-bands-in-America-and-I-have-venues-full-of-guys-who-want-me-because-I’m-awesome-and-love-screamo-music?”

I stopped in my tracks, grabbing his hand and putting it against my cheek. “MY FACE IS BURNING UP BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU JUST SAID.”

“You’re hot.”

“...You flirtatious bastard.” I said, laughing as he stuck his tongue out slightly, biting down on it.

“Let’s go back to the party before your boyfriend misses you too much.” he said, winking as we made our way back up the driveway and into the beautiful house.

I walked back into the room and saw that a giant beer pong table had been set up; the entirety of the room joining in on the game except from Hannah, who sat back on one of the couches.

“BEER PONG!” I heard Danny call out from behind me, and saw him rush over to the group of people.

I went over and slumped down onto the couch next to Hannah. “Hi.”

“Hey.” she said.

“I hate beer pong.” we said in unison and turned to laugh at each other.

“LET’S GO ESCAPE!” I yelled and jumped off the couch, dragging her up with me.

“Where?” she asked cautiously, following me reluctantly.

“Well it’s Halloween...” I said as we stepped out of the door. “So let’s go trick or treating!”

“...We’re like 10 years too old.”

“I’m Peter Pan and Peter Pan never gets old.” I grinned, skipping down the pathway that lead onto the street.

“They’ll think we’re some drunk, underage sluts.” she said, laughing at our appearance.

I pulled up my dress, exposing my orange and yellow zebra-striped shorts underneath. “SPAN. DEX.” I said and stormed away from her.

“Let’s just... Grab a handful of candy from someone who’s not home and then go pig out while we lay on Alex’s lawn staring up at the stars?”

I cringed, knowing that she had won me over by mentioning the stars. “Okay.”