Status: slowly chugging along

No One Can Touch Us

America's Suitehearts

-Alex’s POV-

“DIOS MIO, IT’S BEAUTIFUL.” Selma squeaked, her eyes gaping wide open as we slowly approached some random cathedral in Barcelona.

“I’m tired.” I complained as she dragged me by the hand; she was the most excited one out of the whole group with the exception of Evan and had endless energy and stamina when it came to walking around the European cities. We had already been all around Italy, Germany, and France and Spain was our last stop before we headed off to the UK to finish off the tour. Though it’s a short one, it’s amazing to be surrounded by dedicated fans while we’re thousands of miles away from home.

“Selma, can we swap lenses for a while?” Evan asked her, pointing to the enormous camera he had strapped around his neck.

Selma stopped with an enormous smile on her face and let go of my hand to undo the lens from her camera. “Evvvvaaaan.” she giggled. He smiled back at her, knowing the extent of her weird obsession with his “cuteness”. “Of course we can.” She handed him the giant and seemingly expensive lens from her camera, and accepted his equally large one. She strapped it onto her camera in a matter of milliseconds and looked up at me, laughing quietly at my confused face and then proceeding to take my hand again.

“NOOOOO I DON’T WANNA MOVE.” I groaned as she began to lead the pack again, and once I turned around I noticed the entirety of the group remained in place.

“Yeah, uh, we’re gonna take a nap or something... Over there.” Jack wheezed, wiping a trail of sweat from his forehead with Hannah’s hand.

“Uhh...” she began in protest.

“Hey, you said sweat is sexy. So deal with it baby.” he smirked at her as she proceeded to wipe her hand on his chest, rolling her eyes slightly.

“Right...” she said as Jack frowned at her childishly. She cupped his face in her hands and quickly kissed him. “You’re just a giant five year old.” she laughed.

I turned around to Selma, who was looking at the unmoving group impatiently. “I’m gonna go rest too.” I groaned, causing her to frown as her puppy dog eyes pierced my soul. “HEY HEY, THAT TRICK ISN’T GONNA WORK ON ME. I’M A LAZY, FAT, FUCK.” I groaned.

“Fine.” she growled. “But you’re gonna make it up to me somehow, Gaskarth.”

“Okay.” I agreed and felt my knees buckle from the aching pain radiating through the entirety of my lower body; I had walked more today than I had in my whole life.

“I’ll walk around with you.” Evan said shyly and I rolled my eyes, knowing Selma would accept in a heartbeat.

Selma’s eyes wrinkled as she smiled widely. “Yeeeeee!” she squeaked and let go of my hand, linking arms with Evan and proceeding off at a brisk pace.

I slowly trudged back to the rest of the group, who had spotted a bench underneath the shade of a tree and had begun to drag their bodies towards it. Without even trying to cram onto it with them, I went off and slumped down against the trunk of the tree, sprawling my body out and dozing off a little as the late afternoon Barcelona sunlight lulled me to sleep.

-Jack’s POV-

“Come with me.” Hannah whispered into my ear after an hour of sitting motionless on the bench with my arm wrapped around her. Most of the group had left to go find a pub to crash at for the remainder of the night seeing that the sun was already in the process of setting.

I followed her lead and began to stroll through the cheerful streets of Barcelona, passing by hundreds of tiny little cafes and shops booming with peoples’ chatter that I did not understand.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“That’s a really good question.” Hannah said, turning her head slightly to shoot me a smile.

“It’s okay. I like to roam.”

“Good.” she smirked and we continued to stroll aimlessly, looping around the confusing stone streets.

We passed by an array of street performers, all of whom tried to serenade Hannah as I marched on.

We found ourselves sitting at a cornerstone cafe a little while later once we were both exhausted again. Thought it was a little difficult to order there seeing that neither of us were exactly “fluent” in Spanish, we managed to transfer our desire for iced coffee, or anything close to it, to the waiter through a series of drawings and a game of charades. Though we ended up with some weird coffee and rum concoction that was supposedly a classic in Spain, we managed to enjoy ourselves for at least an hour before checking the clock and realizing that we should probably start heading back to find the group.

“Where are they?” Hannah asked as we stepped out into the streets once again.

“I’ll call them.” I replied and whipped out my phone, only to realize that its battery was dead. “Uh...”

Hannah closed her eyes and sighed deeply. “When was the last time you charged that thing?”


“Oh dear lord.” she groaned and pulled out her own phone. “Awh crap.” she said after a short period of time of analyzing it. “My phone doesn’t have international capability.”

“...We can try to make our way back to where we started.” I offered, looking hopelessly up at the narrow streets of the city that extended in every direction.

“I doubt that they’re still all back by where we left them. It’s been at least 2 hours.”

“Aaaand I have no clue where which way we came from.” I admitted after analyzing the pattern of the cobblestone stones spreading all around my feet.

She chuckled and slapped her palm to her forehead. “I was really hoping that you weren’t as directionally challenged as I am.”

“Heh.” I replied, smirking innocently.

“We can ask for help...” Hannah offered, after laughing at me.

“Do you speak Spanish?”

“Uh... If I did, I would have ordered us some plain old iced coffee back there...”

“So, we’re stuck. In the middle of a foreign city. Whose language we do not speak.”

“Yeahp.” she replied, sounding strangely happy. I looked at her, confused. “Oh, come on...” she began. “I’m stuck in a beautiful European city with you. I don’t see a problem with that.”

I pondered the thought for a second and cracked a wide smile, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her lips onto mine. “I guess you’re right.”

She chuckled. “So.. Where should we go?”

I shrugged. “I’m sure we can find a little hotel around here. We’ll spend the night. Charge my phone. And meet up with everyone tomorrow. Assuming that they don’t send the police in search of us before that, that is.”

She smiled and took my hand as we strolled in search of a place to stay and found a small bed and breakfast located above the only coffee shop in the area with signs in English; it seemed promising enough.

“Thank you... Uh... Gracias.” she said to the cashier of the coffee shop who also ran the 8 hotel rooms above it.

“De nada.” the lady replied, and I smirked as I saw that her name tag read ‘Maria’.

“Don’t get any ideas.” Hannah turned and said to me, noticing my grin after taking the key from Maria and leading me towards the back staircase that lead to the upstairs lobby.

“Wasn’t planning on it.” I said, letting her step in front of me and up the stairs.

Though the coffee shop was seemingly small from the outside, it had an enormous hallway that we followed all the way to the end to reach our room. Room 182. I smirked once again and saw an identical smile on Hannah’s face; room 1 of 8 on the 2nd floor of the complex.

I softly kissed her neck from behind as she opened the door to the room with the key she had been given, rubbing my hands lightly over her waist. The door cracked open and Hannah turned to me, returning my affectionate kisses and pulled me in by my shirt, shutting the door after us.
♠ ♠ ♠
dundundunnnnn whazz gonn happen?

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