His Own Harley Quinn


It wasn’t exactly what she was expecting for her first day as Jackie filed confident files and reorganized everything in the small ‘office’ that Dr. Green had given her.
Jackie was lost in her thought, reading all the names of the files as she categorized them by last name. Her curiosity was starting to eat her alive as she read names of rivals to Batman, even if she didn’t want to give him a ‘scoop’ could she still take a peek for her own interest?
“Gibbard,” she heard a voice say.
Jackie turned to see Dr. Green leaning against the frame with three files in her hand.
“Yes?” Jackie said after a few moments of silence.
Dr. Green smirked “I have another task for you, take a seat.” She said, pulling up a chair for Jackie.
Jackie smiled as she sat down, watching Dr. Green place three Confident Patient files on her desk.
“Now, I trust you with this, don’t blow it…” she said, letting it sink in for Jackie before she cleared her throat “I need you to take this red pen and make sure all these files have everything this sticky note says, alright? And then, I need you to check and make sure everything is up to date. Can you do that?” she asked.
Jackie nodded with a small smile on her face “Yes.” She said.
Dr. Green patted her back “Good girl.” She said before leaving the office.
Jackie looked at the files, she smirked to herself. This was almost like a gift from God, except Jackie was swearing herself to secrecy as she opened the first file.

The Joker was his only Alias, with brown eyes and ‘green’ hair. It seemed as though everything had been in place and his file had been updated the day before. Considering that there was a three month gap.
Jackie read closely to his file, The Joker was a rather interesting character even though her ‘past’ with him wasn’t necessarily pretty.
She shut the file, put a red check mark on the sticky note that was on top of the file and pushed it aside. Jackie brushed away a tear as she tried to then ignore the file.
The silence of the office was beginning to linger as she read the second file; Harley Quinn aka Harleen Quinzel. Jackie hadn’t heard of this villain, even if she was The Joker acquaintance.
It was another case of curious psychiatrist gone bad, Harley Quinn was beautiful and Jackie couldn’t believe she could fall for someone so cynical.

Jackie sighed as she put another red check on the file and put it aside, she relaxed her neck and arched her back, trying to align everything back to normal when she heard someone clear their throat.
“Bad time?” Gordon asked.
Jackie shook her head “No, not at all…just—stretching…” she said, smiling.
Gordon nodded “Well, I brought you some coffee, heard they were putting you hard at work.” He said, walking into the office.
Jackie nodded, sitting nicely back in the chair as Gordon gave her a cup of coffee “Thank you.” She whispered, putting it on the table.
Gordon smiled “So what’s on your mind?” he asked, sipping his coffee.
Jackie shrugged her shoulders “…The Joker…” she muttered.
“Do you still replay everything in your mind?” Gordon asked, putting his coffee down and crossed his arms as he sat next to her.
Jackie nodded “Sometimes…and then there are days where I wonder if he—if he’d ever come looking for me. To finish what he started,” Jackie whispered.
Gordon shook his head “If he had wanted to kill you, he would have done it then…the past is the past, let the paranoia go.” He told her.
“You’re right,” Jackie whispered, taking a sip of her coffee “Well, I better finish this file before I go home…need to make sure everything’s in it’s place.” She said.
Gordon stood up and nodded “Yeah, have fun.” He said, before walking out of the office.

Jackie opened the last file and became mesmerized by a pair of ice blue eyes.
“Holy shit,” she muttered under breathe as she looked at Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow’s mug shot.
Jonathan Crane wasn’t the least bit intimidating in his skinny 5’9” appearance, but his resume was shocking even to Jackie.
Jackie silently took her time reading his entire file, looking at every detail and every update when another voice loudly cleared her throat.
“…are you done?” Dr. Green asked.
Jackie smiled “Yeah, almost…just making sure everything up to date. This guy has got a lot…” she said.
Dr. Green nodded “Yep, and I’ll be there will be ever more in the future…” she said, linger off for a moment.
“Well, when you’re done checking you can go home.” Dr. Green said, walking out of the office.
Jackie sighed, she put the file down while she looked down at her watch; 4:48 P.M.

“So what are you exactly?” the security guard asked, walking Jackie towards the front of Arkham.
Jackie shrugged her shoulders “I don’t know, I’m definitely not a doctor, and I’m pretty sure I’m not a patient. But I mean, I’m here to serve my 120 hours of Community Service.” She said, putting her hands in her pockets.
The guard grimaced “If that’s the case, why aren’t you at a park? Or on the side of a freeway, picking up trash?” he asked.
“Commissioner Gordon deemed them ‘too dangerous’ for anyone inexperienced in violent activity.” Jackie said.
The guard nodded “What did you do to get 120 hours of community service?” he asked.
Jackie chuckled “I head-butted the Commissioner, and caught an abandoned mob building on fire…” she said.
“You head-butted Commissioner Gordon? Are you sure you’re not inexperienced in violent activity?” the guard asked, opening the entrance doors.
Jackie smiled “I was running, and he wouldn’t let me by. But I apologized to Gordon after the fact, and he convinced the judge I wasn’t a threat.” she explained.
“Hmm, so running from what?” he asked.
“The Riddler, I stole his—something, I can’t remember.” Jackie said.
The guard sighed as he looked outside, Alfred was opening the passenger door for Jackie.
Jackie turned to the guard and slightly smiled at him “I’ll see you around,” she said, walking down the steps of the asylum and towards the car.
Alfred smiled “Hello, daring.” He said, letting her slide in the warm car.
Jackie looked back up at the building; it would all be the same when she came back the following morning.
But until then, it back to Wayne Manor for Jackie Gibbard.