I still havent got a title for this book


Today is Wednesday. Decorations are starting to go up all over the school. Next Friday is homecoming. Everyone acts like its some big deal. Whoop-dee-doo. A bunch of kids all dressed up, to drink punch, and dance around like fools. I’ve never saw the big deal in prom and homecoming, but that’s okay. I would rather sit at home and watch TV over wearing a tuxedo and dancing any day.

The first bell rang its loud annoying ring. I have 4 minutes before I’m late to math. I wait at Natalie’s locker for her to finish grabbing books. On our way to math, we discuss usual stuff, homework, her dad’s bad cooking, and American Idol.
Second bell rang just as we were stepping into Mr. Crovoc’s math class. This is one of my favorite classes. Mr. Crovoc is such a slow teacher that it takes two days, for one lesson. Therefore, we get homework every other day. I swear this old man should have retired 30 years ago.
I’m sitting in my usual spot, two rows from the back, and to the far left. Which is right next to the windows. Natalie is sitting just to the right of me. John, the troublemaker, usually would be right behind me. He was moved to the front of class yesterday for being disruptive. Most of the class period I paid attention to the lesson. Every now and then, I let my gaze drift to the world outside the windows. Another boring lesson of Mr. Crovoc’s math is over with the sound of that loud annoying bell.

Now Natalie and I are off in separate directions. She goes to English, and I go to Gym, the most hatred class for all Others. Almost everyone hates gym class. Except for the muscle heads like Ryan and the rest of the football team. I hate everything in gym class, from the girly aerobics, to the pelting of dodge balls. What everyone hates though (except for the cross-country team) is the mile run. No one hates it worse though, than me.
Best part of mile run, when it’s over. Worst part comes after that though, the locker rooms. The stupid locker rooms. Who made the stupid rule that we all have to shower naked? Really, dude? That’s just not cool… at all. Towel whipping, wedgie giving, and clothes stealing. I managed to go today without any kind of trouble; I’m one of the lucky few. I am picked on only about once a week. Today was an okay day. We played an easy game of soccer. Thank God it wasn’t football or something hard like that.
Now I’m going to art class. This is my favorite class. And not only because Marina is in it. We can be creative, or do almost nothing at all. That stupid bell rings. I head out to my locker to grab yesterday’s assignment. Our assignment was to draw, or at least attempt to draw, something we see everyday. Some people drew their pets. Some people drew their bedroom. I drew my skateboard.
I walk into Mrs. Loats’s room. I think I’m a little early. There are only five other people in the classroom right now. Three of them are sitting in a group and talking, the other two are perfecting yesterday’s assignment. One more person walks in right after me. Mrs. Loats is getting stuff ready for today’s lesson. It looks like pottery.
I begin walking over to my usual chair. Then I realize that someone is sitting there. I’ve never noticed him before. He looks about 6’2”, (super tall), blonde, I believe Natalie would call his hairstyle, the long flippy skater hair? I don’t know. To be honest I don’t care about his hairstyle. He looks like an athlete. He’s almost the total opposite of me. I just sit in the seat behind him, which would be usually empty. He has the name Johnson printed across the back of his shirt. Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen him anywhere in this school before.
My mind quickly forgot about the Johnson boy, because Marina walked in the room. Today she is wearing a pink v-neck shirt, with a mini skirt. God she kills me. Her hair flows so gracefully, just as she walks in with such intense confidence. Marina is truly the answer to my prayers. Walking in right behind her is her little posse, Ashley and Tiffany. I swear, if Marina told those girls to jump off a bridge, they would.
*Riiiiiiiiiing!* Class is now getting started. Mrs. Loats walks to the front of the room and clears her throat.
“Everyone may I please have your attention. Today I am pleased to tell you that we have a new student joining us. Young man, would you like to come up here and tell us a bit about yourself?” The new kid stood up, and walked to the front of the room. He looked around somewhat nervously before beginning to speak.
“Umm, Hi everyone. Umm, my name is Isaac.”
While he was speaking, I took note of how he just looked down at the floor tiles.
“I’m from Colorado. And uhh, I like playing sports.”
Mrs. Loats stepped forward again.
“Alright, now everyone I would like you all to welcome Isaac, maybe even help him find his way around the school. Show him the kind ways of our school. You may now take your seat Mr. Johnson.”
Isaac kind of walked, kind of shuffled to his seat. He doesn’t look happy to be here, at all. What I don’t think he noticed is that Marina is giving him a stare. The stare that she gives when she likes someone. She gave Ryan that stare 3 times before he noticed. Then two times after that before they went out. If Isaac gets that stare much more, we might have some drama.
Today in art, I was right. We made some pottery. We were supposed to sculpt an inanimate object. I made a skateboard. (It was the first thing I thought of.) Marina made a pair of shoes and purse. The Isaac guy made a basketball. One kid made an Xbox. My favorite though, was Brianna’s project. She’s really creative. She made a log cabin. It was really cool actually. *Riiiiiing!* I’m off to English.
While I was in the hallway I saw the Isaac kid walk to his locker. It’s across the hallway from mine. He headed down the hallway to Math. I quickly grabbed my books and went to English, Mrs. Lundy gets really mad if your late. I try to stay on teacher’s good sides. So I get my work done on time, and I’m rarely late to class.
In English we didn’t do like anything. We wrote a two page journal entry about what freedom means. Then we watched an educational movie about some fancy person, and what they did in the literature world. I just pretended to pay attention. Most kids did the same thing. Very few kids actually showed that they weren’t paying attention at all. John made it very apparent that he was much more entertained by tracing the wood grain on his desk. Mrs. Lundy went to copy some papers, so I took a nap.
I don’t think this class could be much longer. Crap we have 20 minutes left. Will this never end?! I look over, John is out cold. I thought maybe our class could have some fun. I look over at Tiffany, and quietly ask her if she has makeup. She gave me a confused look. I look over at John, she caught my drift. She opened her purse, Holy crap I would have sworn she had the whole makeup counter in there. She pulled out some bright red lipstick, black eye shadow, and some hideous green nail polish. By this time the class has started notice that something is going on. I take Tiffany’s make up, and she walks over to John’s desk with me, she paints his nails. I put on the lipstick and eye shadow as best as I could, which isn’t very good. He looked terrible. It was hilarious. By now, everyone was taking out his or her phones for a picture. I gave Tiffany her make up back and we both sat down.
It was perfect timing, right then Mrs. Lundy came in. She took one look at John, smacked a ruler on his desk so he would wake up, and sent him to detention, without saying a single word about the makeover! That was amazing! Then out of nowhere, the bell rang. Whatever the class is over now.

I walk out the door, and walking by me is Marina. Wow. She’s sexy. If I could maybe just be with her for one night, damn I would love that. She has no idea that she makes my hormones jump off the walls. On the other hand, maybe she does, and this is some cruel form of torture. Whatever it is, it’s working.
I snap back into reality, and see everyone rushing around me trying to get to class. I hurry up because I realize I’m going to be late.

I was right, I was late to Science. Mr. Bowhan didn’t seem too concerned; he asked me why I was late. I lied. “My locker was jammed.” “You better get that fixed before you are late to any other class.” he said. “Yes sir.”
I sat down next to Natalie, saw Marina and Ryan giving each other weird looks, and kissy faces. They were practically making out from across the room. Disgusting.
Mr. Bowhan stepped in front of the class wearing his usual black pants, pastel sweater vest, and lab coat. “All right class, I would like your attention please. We are going to be starting a big project about Astronomy.”
Everyone had an immediate reaction, they got either excited for having homework, or they groaned because they have homework. (I think everyone can guess what we did.)
“Oh it’s not so bad, especially since you get to work with partners.” said Mr. Bowhan, in a rather perky voice.
Everyone got excited and their eyes started darting towards friends or smart people.
“Did I forget to mention? You won‘t be working with your B-F-F, you will have assigned partners.”
Everyone again lost interest in class, and started to groan at the thought of who their partner might be.
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I plan to write a page whenever i write , so it will take me awhile before i finish another chapter. And this one isnt finished yet, its just something to get u started by the way i write maybe once a month