Status: Updates are every other day!

Because You Knew!


Hey! Keenan! Keenan do you remember what happened after that confrontation with my uncle? I bet you do and so do I!
I was breathing in your scent. And oh my you smelled good. You were cradling me in your arms as we lay on this hospital bed. You didn't say anything and so did I. We just laid there. For some reason I fet safer with you. Hmm. Could I, Dorian be falling in love with Keenan McKnight? Imposible. Is it?

I sighed and snuggled deeper into your embrace. I loved this feeling. This feeling of comfort, warmth and being safe. Ironic isn't. I protected him and now it's his turn to protect me. Ironic.

We laid like this for an hour or so. I just loved this feeling. So warm

My eyelids got heavier and I felt sleepier. So I laid in your chest sleeping.
I had a dream. That dream again.

The one where Me and Keenan where on this big, fluffy pink cloud. Keenan starts talking. I could't hear what he was saying and then I see him kissing me. But the dream continues unlike it did before. I feel Keenan's lips pressed against mine and I traveled my hands up his shirt and he quiclky pulled away worried. He starts talking and still i couldn't make out what he was saying. Then I hear myself say "Sorry" and then Keenan starts talking again and still I couldn't hear what he was saying. "Keenan....please tell me" I heard myself say. Then I could hear you voice. "I....I'm sorry Dorian I can't tell you" He said and looked away from me. "If I tell'll hate me" his voice was crackling.

He souded hurt. I saw myself pull you into a hug from behind. I was smilling like an idiot. "Keenan, darling. I could never hate you". My voice was soft and gentle.

I smiled "Yes Really....cause you know why?"
"Why?" He asked confused
"Because...I lo-"

I bolted up awake so fast that I accidently knocked Keenan off me abd he fell on the floor.
"OWIE" he said rubbing his head. I laughed "That's what you get".
He sat up and pouted "why? What did I do?"

I smiled "Well, because my dear Keenan you were cudling me" I wagged my finger "I don't like cuddling"

He smiled his toothy grin and replied "Yes you do. Because you snuggled up to me first".

I felt my face heat up. He was right. "N-n-no, tha's not t-t-true" I stuttered. Gosh! what is happening to me.

He giggled and jumped on the bed almost knocking me over. "You liked it" he said poking my cheek. I slapped his hand away. "No I didn't".

He poked my stomach. "Yes you did". I giggled. Holy macaroni! Did I just giggle? Oh the things this boy did to me!

Keenan smiled this huge smile. "You giggled" he said in a sing-song voice.

"No I didn't" I hissed. He laughed. I frowned.

"Hey Keenan what are you still doing here?" I asked. I mean seriously why is he still here. Did he care that much?

He smiled poking my nose and replied "Because, you asked me to help you". I stared. I remember.

I sighed "Just great" I mumbled to myself. Keena giggled chidishly and poked my nose...again. "Stop it" I hissed. He giggled. two words-what the freak! Okay that was 2 words, but i don't care.

"I like Dinosaurs" he randomly said. I looked at him like he was crazy, he just smiled.
"You are so weird Keenan" I said shaking my head.

"I know. Hey, wanna know a secret?" he asked grinning.
I shrugged "sure"

"My godfish has a beard"

I stared at him. Yup! he was crazy.

"Keenan. Just shut up" I said. He smiled, but then it turned into a frown.
"What's wrong I?" I asked.

"Dorian, why were you so scared of your uncle" He asked.

I felt my heart sank. "I..uh...I...well" I spluttered. Should I tell him? Does he need to know?
Okay, I'm ganna take a chance.

"Well, my uncle did some very horrible and...disgusting things to me" I said lookig away from him.

"Oh" I heard him say. "What kind of things"

"Horrible things. Things that he should go to prison for" I say bluntly.

"Oh. Are you still scared?"

"Yeah, I am. As long as he is still on this earth, I'm never going feel safe" I say truthfully.

It went silent for a momment.

"So if he wasn't on this would feel safe?"

I sighed "Yeah. I only wish he wasn't here"

"Okay then" he said. What? What did he mean by that?

I looked over at him "Wh-"

"I like unicorns and teddybears" He announced smilling cutting me off.

I let out a laugh and patted his head "good for you Keenan" He smiled.

Just then Dr. Richardson came into the room.
"Your awake again Dorian" he said as he came towards me. "If you don't mind me asking what was that about your uncle".

I cringed "Nothing" I fake smiled. He sighed and sat down on the blue chair. "Dorian you can tell me" he said. When he said that I just wanted to smack him. I mean seriously I don't even know him.

"No. I don't have to tell you" I spat. He was taken back by that.

"Dorian, if his hurting you we-"

"Shut up. You don't know anything" I growled. He really didn't know anything. It's non of his bussiness anyway.

He sighs and leaves the room.

I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. "Dorian i'll be right back okay" I heard Keenan say.

"Okay" I mumbled. I heard Keenan get off the bed and the door being open and closing. He left.

Soon after I fell asleep and had that same dream again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for all the comments!

BTW--I'm gonna start a new story.....It's gonna be about a boy who takes his sister's place in an arrange marriage. So he cross dresses and becomes his sister. But his slowly falling inlove with the guy. But little did he know that he was marring a vampire, with a secret!
Sounds good? Do you wanna be a Co-Author of it? Seriously, do you? Page me if you do!