I dont fall for arrogant football players so why do i feel like I'm falling for him?!

Chapter 1

Summer is the best time to go clubbing, everyone would agree with this on me. So wouldn't a 20 year old girl go clubbing with her friends before her first semester in International Southern Europe university starts? That's right,she just must go clubbing! That's why tonight me,Sandra and Kim are going out.. Right now me and Sandra were trying to pick out where to go while Kim got our dresses and make up.”I say we visit the one on first street” Sandra suggested “Do you even know what its called?” “No,but we'll find out when we get there” she said smiling wide, I was about to object but my phone shut me up with a call from Kim “ Ola sweet” I answered “Vicky you wont believe it ! I just got out of Miranda's and saw that in the club next to her will be a big party for everyone and the best part is that some of the Madrid's Real players will be there!” “Really?! Oh my… whats it called,you know the club?” “Ananda” “Good,I'll check it up with the reservations and you get you but back here to get ready” “Key,bey V” I didn't reply and hung up, she'll understand ‘cause I seem to do that a lot. “So what did Kim say that you got so excited?” I began making reservations on the Internet while answering “ Kim said that in the club near Miranda's that's called Ananda will be a big party” “Thats it?A party?” “ No, the best part is that Real Madrid's footballer,well some of them will be attending” “No way,how does she know?” “Don't know,but Kim's always right,here we have the last reservations left that's why we'll have to pay for drink ,but that's not a problem right?” “ No, not a problem,I'll just get Cristiano Ronaldo to buy me one or two” Sandra said laughing “ He might not be there oh mighty C.R. fan” “He will, hes always clubbing,that's what the news are for and the official fan websites” “Your unbelievable” I said laughing.

After an hour

“Ola amigas!” Kim called walking through the door. “Tell me now where did you find out about the club and Madrid Real?” Sandra asked her “A ola would be nice” “Talk,now “ so Kim told us that Miranda is a neighbor with the manager of the club and that he told her about a lot of work to make Ananda good for the team and that Miranda found out that there will be 6 players there but which one she doesn't know,that's a pity I would really like to see Kaka…Yeah I know hes married but that doesn't mean that I cant think that's hes good looking.Right? Right. “ Okay girls lets look pretty for those players,Kim prepare the make up and Victoria you prepare our clothes and I'll look for accessories,OK?” “Sound good to me,and you Vicky?” “Yeah but clothes in sense of style or clothes in sense of feeling good and free?” “Sense of style” Kim and Sandra both declared “Okay then lets go make our selfs pretty”

22 in the evening

“So now when do the doors open?” “Sandra,you asked about ten minutes ago and I already said that in an hour at eleven and we'll show up at about eleven thirty because we have reservations and we'll get in with no line whats so ever” I told Sandra “Key,key just checking” After another hour we were finished ,these are our dresses :

Sandra's dress: http://www.greatglam.com/pd-angel-shark-red.cfm

Kim's dress: http://www.greatglam.com/pd-innocence.cfm

My dress: http://www.greatglam.com/pd-repeated-step-black.cfm

When we got to Ananda the lines to get in were about half a kilometer long,lucky I got those reservations. “Come here,the entrance for us is from behind” I said to the girls. When we got behind we saw a few Madrid's Real players : Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka , Fernando Gago,Anderson and Xabi Alonso. I could already see the look and Sandra's face when she saw Ronaldo…Shes a big fan. “As we came to the entrance the players where already waiting for accept ion. “Okay here we are now” I said smiling to the girls at my sentence Kaka looked back ,saw us,smiled and moved away from the entrance making the rest of them look at us “ Ladies first” he said smiling down at us “Thank you very much” Kim said as we maid our way in followed by them,I could swear I saw Cristiano wink at me,no if he looked at us then at Sandra,she was the best looking.

01.0 at night

The night was superb,we didn't get to talk to the players but we danced and drank of course I drank less because tonight was my turn to drive us back and forth. I danced and felt eyes on me but when I looked around I saw Kim dancing with some guy I didn't know and Sandra was at the bar talking to Xabi Alonso,wow so much for not talking to the footballers when I turned around I saw Cristiano making his way to me smiling, I was glad that I didn't like and wasn't a fan or else I would of fainted right there.

“Ola, Spanish?” he said “No,English” “I see,care to dance?” I just shrugged my shoulders and danced, I could see he was taken aback by my behavior I mean not everyone would shrug him of especially when he was this good looking. As we danced we got closer and so did his hands find there way around my body. At that moment I knew he thought I was an ordinary slut and my assumption was correct when he said “So,what are you doing after the club? Care to come with me?” getting closer to his ear and saying in a whisper that I felt made him shiver I said “Sorry,not a slut. I'm not going with guys I don't know” and backed away “then he extended his hand and said “ Ola,I'm Cristiano Ronaldo,and you?” “Victoria Meyers” “Nice to meet a person who's not interested in me” he said smiling “ Not a fan of Madrid,I'm more of Manchester United fan” “I guess we have what to talk about,would you want to sit down near the bar and chat?” “Sure”

I mean what harm could that do? We'll just talk,and so we did, we talked about teams,players,hobbies and studies, and I learned that he wasn't that arrogant as I thought he actually was nice and smart a good person to talk to about everything. After some time Kim came with Sandra almost not out “Vicky we should go,I don't think shes able to be here” “Good ,here are the keys you take her and I'll come right away ,I'll just say good-bey” Kim nodded and then she saw who was I talking about then smirked and walked away “well I guess its time to go for me” I said “Thats a shame,but maybe we'll meet again? Tomorrow at Palacio de Gaviria?” “I don't know ,don't think I'll get a reservation” “That's fine,Kaka knows them good, I'll tel them your name and they'll let you and your friends in just go around back there to,okay?” “We'll see, I'm not a promise person” “I'll wait for you there” “Bey” “Bey”

when I got to the car they were already seated and Sandra was asleep on the back seat.”soooo..” Kim started “not a Ronaldo fan are we?” she said smirking “I'm not,we talked he actually wanted to have sex but I brushed him way,then he introduced himself and asked for a chat and I agreed so we chatted on and on ‘till you came” “And whats he like?” “Less arrogant then I thought he was. He invited us to go to Palacio de Gaviria,hell tell the people there to let us in with my name” “Wow,that's nice,are we going?” “Don't know,if you want to we can I guess” “Of course ,wait ‘till Sandra hear it shell be happy” that's when I parked and we both carried Sandra to her room,when we closed the door I said “ And her dreams about Ronaldo?” “Shes over, she talked to Xavi,now she said shes in love with him and that Ronaldo can go fuck himself” “That wasn't what I expected” “Yeah well we'll talk tomorrow,night sugar” “Night” as I got ready I couldn't stop thinking about Cristiano,maybe I should go? Well I talk to the girls tomorrow.