I dont fall for arrogant football players so why do i feel like I'm falling for him?!

Chapter 12

“Hello to you to” said Mike, the young police officer “Um hi, but what are you doing here and in your uniform?” “Officer Mike came to talk to you about Patrick, he said it’s important so I let him in” Kim said standing up “I’ll go take a shower and all, you two talk” she said once again and left the living room closing the door behind her “About Patrick?” I said “Please sit down” when I sat down I remembered the last time when I sat here and talked about him, that day I almost died “I wanted to warn you” “About?” “Tomorrow Officer Charles will come and say something about him, I don’t know what though, but I think that they will release him” “What?! That man almost killed me and he won’t be in jail even for three months?! Most criminals are contained there for at least a year after doing such a thing! He had a freaking gun and not a water one!” “The psychologist in prison told us that he is sick and it’s best for him to be out and in a madhouse, that’s why they want him released, he will be released in a month and for a week maybe and then he will be put away” “Ohh” that would be fine because I’m leaving and that would mean that I wont meet him “Are you okay Miss?” “I’m fine, but why cant they just put him away right away, he’s dangerous, he might do something while free” “They will test that, they will follow him everywhere and if he tries something they’ll attack” “Like the time in the park?” I said sarcastically I knew I shouldn’t of said it, it wasn’t his fault but they also said that if he threatens me they would attack but they didn’t do that even then when he showed that he had a gun “I’m sorry about that, I should go. I will tell Charles that you know of the situation so that he wouldn’t come here I know you don’t like him” “Yes, fine” I said “I’ll lead you out” “Thank you”

when he finally left I could feel the anger in me rise, how can they let lose a maniac like him lose! He can kill someone! Dumbasses. Getting back to the living room I saw Kim already sitting there “What do you think? They will let that maniac go!” “”I know. Mike told me about the situation , lucky you’ll be leaving at that time when he will be lose” “But he can do something to other people” “They’ll watch him” “I think it’s stupid” “Sort of” Kim said looking out the window “What’s wrong with you?” “Nothing, better tell me how did you end up with Cristiano after leaving the house with Kaka?” Kim said smirking “That’s a mess, but…” I told Kim every detail and later went to sleep; I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

*Fast forward: after the game*

“That was quite a game” Caroline said “Yeah if it weren’t for Cristiano’s goal it would have been 0:0.” Margarita said, she is Xavi’s girlfriend of a month. “Hey girl’s!” said Andy coming in with the whole team “Good play” I said smiling “I said that you bring luck” Cristiano said smirking “For Madrid that is” Iker said “You better not make me mad because I wont help you win La Liga this year” I said smirking “Oh no, we would never ever in a million years” said Pepe, but I noticed that one person was still missing “Where’s Ricardo?” I asked “He’s still changing, kind of slow today” Sergio said “I see” “Hey why don’t we go out for lunch?” Iker said “Sure” everyone said and started moving to the door but I though that I should wait for Kaka “Aren’t you coming?” Cristiano asked “I’ll just wait for Ricardo, wouldn’t want him to think that we abounded him” Cristiano only frowned and looked behind me saying “Just as I thought. You are nothing but a liar. Last night you said you loved me but today your all over Kaka” “I’m not all over him Cristiano, if you don’t believe me then why don’t you wait along with me” I said angry “No thank you, I don’t really want to be in company of two liars” “I’m not lying but your not the one to talk, you lied for two months and you being like this makes me think that you also may have lied last night” “You know what? I’m tired of you calling me a liar, I won’t try to settle everything, I give up” “Because it’s the easiest way and you don’t know how to fight” “Oh I know how to fight but at this time it’s not worth a fight. You are not worth a fight” “Of course not, Merche is” “At least she’s not a liar and didn’t leave me because of my teammate and didn’t kiss him” “I didn’t lie to you once, I didn’t leave you for your teammate I left you because of her and your stupidity and where did you get the fact that I kissed him? Because you are wrong on that one, he kissed me so why don’t you collect all your fact’s and then talk trash about me”

“Am I interrupting?” Ricardo said coming in “No, I was just leaving” I said and walked out of the stadium “Where’s Chris and Kaka?” Xavi asked “Inside. I’m going home” “What? Why?” “I don’t feel like lunch now, so congratulations on your win again and bye” I said walking away from them all. I couldn’t believe that yesterday he said all those sweet things and now he’s acting like a jerk, and where did he find out about the kiss? I couldn’t believe my stupid luck, how did I manage to get myself into this? How? A call from Kim, I don’t want to talk right now, I should just text her and say that I won’t be coming home today. That’s right; I just pick up a few of my stuff and money and sleep the night over at a hotel. “Kim? I’m taking the car is that okay?” “Yes, but where are you going to go?” “It doesn’t matter” I said hanging up, so now that’s settled lets go to… where should I go? Hmmm… I know! I never visited Valencia! Sure I’ll go there it will take like three hours to get there and I have time. So driving of to Valencia I couldn’t get neither Cristiano nor Kaka out of my head, then come to think of it Caroline seemed fine and she kept blabbing about some guy from her past, maybe she’s trying to move on?

*Time skip: Valencia*

When I got to Valencia I couldn’t believe how nice this city was, but before I go for a drive around it I need to get a room in a hotel. So getting a room in a nice hotel in which I got a price off because the manager working that day was a big fan of Chris and Madrid Real. Lucky for me he didn’t know that we broke up, so putting down my stuff in my room I left the hotel to have a ride around Valencia, the city was truly amazing, to bad I came for a day, but from now on I will come here more often. The evening was nice; I had a coffee in a small café and chatted with a couple of people. When I got back in my room it was already about 2 at night, well I guess it took me longer then I expected to go around the nicest places that were recommended by the manager of the hotel. When I checked my phone which I left in my room for the whole day I found a message from Chris saying ‘Running away wont do any good. And Kaka said about the kiss’ what? Kaka told Cristiano? That idiot. Then there was a message from Ricardo ‘I’m sorry about telling Cristiano about the kiss, I just lost control. Sorry again about last night too. Call me when you can’ and a message from Kim with 5 more call’s ‘You better call me Victoria Meyers and tell me what happened or I’ll hunt you down’ guess I’ll have to call her and all the calls were from Kim, Caroline and Xavi but the last one was from an unknown number, I wonder who is that, I should send a message asking.

“Time for a shower!” I said after sending a message to Kim telling her that I’ll call her tomorrow and sending one to the unknown number asking who it was. After taking a long shower and dressing up I found a message from Kim saying that I better call her and a message from the other number ‘This is Merche Romero’ Merche? Why did she call me? What does she want from me and how did she get the number? ‘What do you want and how did you get my number?’ I texted her and received a call instead “Hello?” “Ola Victoria, I really need to talk to you” “For what reason?” “I know that you might hate me but I still need to talk, maybe we could meet?” “I don’t have anything to say to you so good-bye” “I think we need to talk, it’s about Cristiano, but if you don’t what to meet then let me say this : Brake up with him for good because I want him back if you wont then there will be a fight, I wont let him go” “Maybe you should of thought of that when he didn’t love me and before breaking up with him, but either way you can have him” I hung up after that. I couldn’t believe that she just said that then again I got a message from her ‘he doesn’t love you and if he does then not for long’ Bitch! I couldn’t believe that she was this low, that it Cristiano is going to get it “Hello?” “Look Ronaldo tell that fucking girlfriend of yours to stop messaging me! And it wasn’t smart to give her my phone number!” “What are you talking about?” “Merche just called me, so tell her to fuck of and if she wants you that bad she can have you! I don’t care!” with that I turned my phone of, I didn’t want anyone calling me, I just couldn’t believe it… Braking down crying I threw my phone across the room and fell asleep on the bed crying.


When I woke up, I had this big headache, I didn’t want to go home so I booked another night here. My phone was fine after the throw so I called Kim and told her that I’ll be coming home tomorrow also there was about 20 missed calls from Cristiano, but I didn’t care I just erased them. I didn’t want him in my life, I didn’t need him, I was fine on my own. It was time to say good-bye to him. Good- bye to my feelings because last day and night crossed all boundaries. I was sick of it and completely sure that I will be going back home to England, for a long long time. I made up my mind.