I dont fall for arrogant football players so why do i feel like I'm falling for him?!

Chapter 17

“No” I said once again glaring at Cristiano “Oh come on nena, it can’t be that bad” he said getting closer to me “No” I said once again taking a step back “You know that eventually you’ll have to give up” he said taking a step closer and at the same time I took one further away from him “No, there is no way I will get in that hell place. I still want to live” he only laughed and came closer, taking a step back again I bumped in to someone “What’s going on here?” the person I bumped into said which I recognized as Iker’s voice “Cristiano is trying to kill me” I said glaring at Cristiano “I’m not trying to kill you, I just want you to get in” “Your afraid of water?” I heard Iker’s amusing voice ask “No…” I said fearing that someone else from the team will hear “Who’s afraid of water?” I heard Sergio yell “Shit” I cursed under my breath, now I defiantly won’t get away.

Let me fill you in on what’s happening, today the team got a break and we all decided to go to the beach, it wouldn’t hurt but the fact is that I’m afraid of water and I can’t swim, so Cristiano is trying to get me in the water ‘to teach me how to swim’ but I know better that he is going to splash and everything but he surely won’t teach me how to swim. And now I guess that I will be dragged to the water by Sergio, Iker and Chris. Just so they would have fun. Cool huh? No. “No one is afraid of water” I said to Sergio who came to see what we were doing “Except for you” Cristiano said smirking “Your afraid of water?” Sergio asked and I could see the devilish look “No… I just don’t like it” then I felt someone lifting me up “Iker!” I yelled as they all laughed “Seriously let me go! Help!” I yelled as those three idiots’s carried me to the water laughing “Nooo! Someone help!” I yelled, I was truly scared, when I almost drowned when I was fife I didn’t went into he water above my knees and now I could see that the water was about where my neck was “Don’t worry, I’m not going to put you in the water” Iker said holding me bridal style so that the water touched me just a little “Thank you” I said “But I will give you to Sergio, which I don’t know if he’s going to be as good as I” Iker said prepared to give me to Sergio “Please Iker, no” I said holding on his neck tighter “Come here I wont hurt you” Sergio said in a sing song voice “Promise?” I asked with an innocent smile “Pinky promise, a promise of a footballer”

I let go of Iker and felt myself in Sergio’s arms next “So where are we going?” Sergio asked smiling “Shore” I said “But its dry there” he said while Cristiano and Iker just watched and laughed “Exactly, it’s safe and dry there” “Nah I don’t like safe and dry places, I prefer wet and dangerous places” Sergio said while throwing me up and down in his arms “No Sergio! Stop!” I said while they just laughed then Sergio threw me to Iker who caught me “Please Iker get me to the shore” I said scared “Are you really that scared?” he asked me but I just nodded, I only thought about what would happen if they didn’t catch me and I would fall in the water “Don’t worry, your with us” Sergio said “Now I’m even more scared…Help!” “That was an insult so now fly away” Iker said as he threw me to Sergio again I wanted to say something to Chris but I saw him talking with Kaka and it didn’t seem o bother them that I was thrown around “Please guys just carry me back” I said but they didn’t listen and threw me around for a couple of times until Cristiano came “Okay guys you had your fun now give me my nena” “Kill joy” Sergio said as he threw me to Cristiano, but because Chris didn’t expect him to do that he tried to catch me the last minute and we both ended under water ‘Shit’ I thought but suddenly I felt strong arms grab me and I was once again bridal style held by someone “Ramos you idiot!”

“Sorry man I thought you would catch her” “Your going to pay idiot” I hear Cristiano’s laughing voice say so I opened my eyes and looked at them laughing but I just glared “You okay nena?” Cristiano asked “To the shore. Now” I said in a killer voice “Guess someone got mad” Iker said but I looked a him with the biggest death glare I could master and he got the point “Sorry about that Vicky” they both apologized and swam away while Chris stood there standing “To the shore. Now” I repeated “Sorry about that. I didn’t know you were scared of water that much nena” Cristiano said looking down at me “I think I said that. Like a hundred time’s” “I thought you were just kidding and didn’t want to get in” “Apparently it would be better if you didn’t think because it seems that your not good in it” I said sarcastically “You shouldn’t insult me while your in the water in MY arms” “Don’t even think about it” “Never” he said and leaned down to kiss me, at first I didn’t want to kiss back but he was just irresistible with his gentleness so I kissed back.

Every time he kissed me it was magic, it was like that saying ‘seven eleven I’m in ninth heaven’ “No kissing in the water!” Sergio yelled and splashed us “Just wait Sergio Ramos. Just you wait. Revenge will be sweet” I said looking a him with a smirk and I knew that he understood that I was talking about him breaking something’s in Catalina’s apartment, if she would find out he would seriously pay big time “You wouldn’t” he said horrified “I would” “Oh come on Vicky, don’t do that” “What are you talking about?” Cristiano asked confused “Oh just about my revenge. So can you please get me to the shore?” “Yeah sure” he said kissing my wet head while going back to the shore Sergio pleaded me not to tell Catalina “Okay I wont” I said while I was sitting on Cristiano’s lap with a towel around me “Promise?” “Pinky promise” I said but I knew that I will tell her, he threw me around in the water what do you expect me to do? Let it go? Oh hell no. “So why are you so scared of water?” Caroline asked “Bad childhood memories” I said waving it of “Oh by the way Chris who you were you talking to before you got the idea of going swimming?” I asked remembering his serious voice while talking “My mom. She’s coming tomorrow and with my sister. We are going to pick them up tomorrow” “We?” “Yes, because I want you to be there, it’s important for you and my mom to meet there” “Okay” I said, somehow I knew that the meeting wont go that well.


Cristiano kept looking at the faces trying to spot his mother and once in while he would grip me hand tighter and lead me in the way when he though that there was his mother “Oh that’s them” Chris said and I began fidgeting, I was scared of what his mother would say. “Don’t worry. I’m sure that she’ll like you” I nodded and smiled while he griped my hand tighter “Ola mama, Liliana” Cristiano said letting me go and hugging his family “Ola” I said sweetly “Ola I’m Liliana” his sister said hugging me, she was nice “Victoria” I said smiling “It’s nice to finally meet you” I said looking at Cristiano’s mom “Ola” she said smiling but I saw the look she gave me, she didn’t like me but acted as if she did. Chris only smiled and we all drove back to Cristiano’s house.

Liliana was nice we became close friends fast but Dolores only talked to Cristiano the whole night, I felt kind of disappointed because I didn’t even know why she disliked me. Cristiano was lying in bed and I was sitting on a chair in front of my cosmetics table “She didn’t like me” I said brushing my hair “What do you mean?” “Your mother didn’t like. And I don’t have the slightest idea why” “She liked you, I’m sure she just had to much to say to me that’s why she didn’t talk much to you” he said getting up he took the hairbrush out of my hands and making me stand up hugged me, hugging back I said “If ignoring a persons presence and sending a person look’s that say ‘shut up’ doesn’t mean that a person dislikes you then your right, she likes me” “It will get better. You both will get to know each other and will start to get along” “I hope so” “Sorry” “It’s no your fault that she doesn’t like me” in response he hugged me tighter and we stood there holding one another in silence until a knock came “Come in” Cristiano said turning us both to the direction of the door while still holding me

“I’m sorry son but can we talk since your not sleeping” Dolores said while coming in and sending a glare in my direction when she saw Chris holding me “Sure just go to the living room and I’ll come down in a second” he said and she only nodded and left downstairs “I’ll be back in a few minutes” he said and kissed me “Kay” I said and watched him leave our room. As I stood there I felt like I needed to hear what she had to say to him at this time, so I silently walked down the stairs and hid behind the door to listen “Seriously son what do you see in her?” “What do you mean?” “I mean that she is ugly, she is far away from a model and she is from England” “She is not ugly; it’s good that she is not a model, I don’t care where she’s from. What I care about is that she has the most amazing personality, I can trust her. She is everything I need and I love her. I know that she loves me and that’s enough for me” “You don’t know what your talking about Cristiano, you can’t love that woman, she is no good” “You don’t know her” “Merche was better. She was beautiful and intelligent and Portuguese” “Merche is a liar. A two faced person” “Cristiano…” “I don’t what to hear it any more. I love Victoria and that’s it, so please get over it because you can’t change it, so please except it” at that I felt happy that Cristiano defended me in front of his mother so I quickly came back to our room and got under the sheet’s after a few seconds Chris came in with a sad face “I hear what she said. It’s no big deal love” I said patting on the bed for him to come in with me “If you heard then you know that it’s no good nena. But she will have to face it” he said hugging me and kissing me “Thank you” I said pressing myself against him “For?” “For defending me in front of your mother” “I would defend you against God or whatever if I had to” I only smiled and kissed him. “I love you” I said before falling in to my deep slumber and heard Chris say “I love you too”.

When I woke up Cristiano wasn’t in bed, probably left for training. So I took a shower, dressed up and went down stairs where Liliana sat eating breakfast “Ola” I said smiling “Morning Vicky. Coffee?” “Yes please” I said sitting down wile she poured coffee in my cup “Cristiano is of at training and mom is in the garden reading” I only nodded taking a sip of my coffee “Don’t worry about my mother, now she says that Merche was perfect but when she met Merche back then she disliked her even more then she dislikes you. It’s just the way she is; she feel’s like no one is good enough for her children” “I understand” I said smiling “So what’s new in the newspapers” I asked “Oh the same stuff, dishing the stars” “What are they writing about Cristiano this morning?” “That he’s cheating on you with Barbara Mendez” “Nice” I said laughing “You don’t believe them?” “Nah, I believe in Cristiano. If I believed in the papers then I’m five month pregnant with Iker’s child” I laughed “Wow” she said as we both laughed at how stupid the press was “So you believe in him?” Dolores said while coming in, I didn’t know that she was listening “Yes I do, would you want some coffee?” I offered her “Si” she said sitting down in front of me and taking the cup from my hands rather harshly so the hot coffee spilled it self on my hand burning it

“Ouch” I said tearing up a bit and standing up to cool of my hand in the cold water “Vicky does it hurt bad?” Liliana asked “No it’s fine just a burn” I said looking at my now very red hand when I looked at Dolores she didn’t say a thing just looked at me emotionless “Don’t worry I’m fine, no need to apologize” I said sarcastically “Your not good enough for him” “No one is” I said “But your not the best mother also, if you act like a little spoiled child. You should be the one to understand him” “Are you telling me that I’m a bad mother?” “No I didn’t say that. But you act like a child and I don’t care what you do, you can even stab me with a knife and I will still love Cristiano so don’t bother to try to get us apart” I said and left the room taking the car keys and leaving to Kim’s. “Ola Amiga what happened to your hand?” “Dolores ‘accidently’ spilled her coffee and it” I said and Kim understood that Dolores wasn’t any good “Ouch” I said while Kim bandaged up my hand “Kim I’m home!” “Hi” I said while standing up with Kim and saying hi to Andy “Hey Vicky,, what are you doing here, Chris left in a big hurry home to see if Dolores didn’t kill you or something” “So then I better go home so he wouldn’t arrange a funeral” “Bye”

when I got home I saw Liliana standing near the corridor waiting for someone “Ola” I said smiling while entering “Their waiting for you in the kitchen” “Why?” “I told Chris what happened and he wasn’t very happy with that” “You shouldn’t of said something to him” I said sighing and making my way to the kitchen “Sorry” “Don’t worry”. When I got in the kitchen Cristiano stood up and ran to me hugging me “Where were you?” he asked after letting me go “I was at Kim’s for a bit” I said smiling “I know what happened” he said angrily “Nothing happened Cristiano” “Then why is your hand bandaged up?” “Because it was burned” “Because of what?” “Your mother accidently spilled her coffee on it” “Liar” he said “She’s even a liar son” “Can you please not interfere?” I asked Dolores “Are you shutting me up?” “No I just asked for you to not interfere in mines and Cristiano’s personal life” “He’s my son” “Yes but you’re not a part of our relationship” “She’s right mom, please don’t interfere” I could see that Dolores was shocked that Cristiano said that “Look Chris it’s fine just a small burn that will heal in a weeks time” “You sure?” “Positive” I said and pecked him on the lips “What would you want for dinner?” “We’re going to a team dinner today” “Oh okay, when?” “Eight” “Fine then I’m going to sleep for a bit” “Slept badly?” “Nightmares” “Okay nena go sleep I’ll wake you at six” “Perfect” I said and went upstairs for a little rest before he team dinner, but in the background I heard Cristiano talking angrily with Dolores.