I dont fall for arrogant football players so why do i feel like I'm falling for him?!

Chapter 18

“You look like a slut” Dolores spat at me when the both of us were waiting for Cristiano to come downstairs “Will you ever get tired of talking?” I asked casually “I hate hearing your voice” she said putting her head up in the air “Then stop talking to me” I said and walked away from her. Leaving the house I sat in the car and waited for Cristiano to come. My mood was officially ruined. I mean before leaving to the team dinner I slept and forgot about his mother but when I dressed up and waited for Cristiano with her, she managed to annoy me. I really don’t understand why she doesn’t like me. And I was sure that a knee long red dress with heels didn’t make me look like a slut. “Ready to go love?” Cristiano said getting in the car and starting it up, I merely nodded “What happened?” Chris asked me while driving to the restaurant where the dinner was held “Nothing” “Come on nena, you know that you can’t fool me. So what happened?” “Your mother doesn’t seem to give up on annoying me” Cristiano sighed “I’m sorry about her” “It’s not your fault love” I said smiling at him.

“No way! You mean she actually did it?” Xavi said bewildered looking at me when Cristiano told the team about Dolores spilling the coffee on my hand, which was still red “No big deal. It’s just a burn” I said “It may be just a burn but the fact that she did it is kind of disturbing” Iker said “Yes it is” Mourinho the couch said “So when is she leaving?” Kaka asked “In a week” Cristiano said “Wanna live with us until then?” Kim asked “Are you kidding me?” I said “Nope” Andy said smiling “Of course not! Don’t be stupid” I said and looked at Cristiano who seemed to be happy about my decision. “So how are you going to deal with her then?” Caroline asked putting her head on Ricardo’s shoulder “I’ll just act natural but I won’t avoid her or something. I’ll just have to deal with it” everyone nodded and Sergio turned the conversation to a different topic, this time about their next match.

“I’m going for some fresh air, okay?” I asked Cristiano moving away from the table which was half empty by now because everyone was dancing except for us both, the couch and his wife, Sergio and Catalina. “Sure” Chris said kissing me on the cheek before letting me go. “Perfect” I said standing in the balcony taking in the sweet scent of the night “Sure is” Iker said coming to stand next to me “Hey stranger what’s wrong?” I asked seeing that there was something wrong with him “Promise not to tell anyone?” he asked not looking at me “Sure” “This will be hard you know” “Trust me” I said looking up at the sky “Well mi amour I like this wonderful woman. She is perfect in my eyes. But there is this problem. She had big problems with my friend which she loves and she even had to move away and then she came back. But because she still loves my friend she won’t even spare a glance at me, not to mention that she sees me only as a friend” Iker said still looking away in the direction of the whole city “Oh… I’m sorry about that. Maybe I can help?” “Yeah you can” “How?” “Iker let’s go!” Sergio yelled from he inside signaling that it was time to go home “Well you can help me by looking me in the eyes now” as I looked at them I saw so much emotion that it was beautiful I never really looked at Iker as a good looking guy but now I think that I was blind “How will that help your situation?” I asked confused “That just made me feel better but you can really help me by…” “Iker!” Sergio once again yelled “Stop loving Cristiano” Iker said and turned around leaving me standing there and then turning around and saying “Don’t forget that it’s a secret” he said winking and leaving the balcony and me in it.

Could life get any stranger? I mean first Ricardo and now Iker. What should I do? Maybe I should pretend that nothing happened? Yeah I’ll pretend that nothing happened and I’ll try to avoid Iker as much as I can. “Coming nena?” Cristiano said poking his head in “Yeah I’m coming” I said smiling and leaving the balcony to say good-bye to the others. “Bye loves” Andy said “Bye Andy” we all said our good-byes and left, “Are you tired?” Cristiano asked “No, just thinking if your mom’s asleep” I lied “She won’t be now, I’s only 00:00 then maybe we should go down to the beach for a walk?” “I’d love that” I said smiling “Then to the beach it is nena” I couldn’t stop smiling when we walked down the beach. Having Chris with me was all I ever wanted, it’s like when I’m with him the world disappears and there’s only me and him. Just the two of us.

Cristiano sat down on the sand and pulled me down on his lap. Kissing my neck he asked “So what’s bothering you?” “A person’s secret” “Care to explain?” “This one person told me a secret and it’s bothering me” “What kind of secret?” “A personal one” “Care to tell me?” “It wouldn’t be a secret if I told you now wouldn’t it?” I said smirking at him “Guess not” he said kissing me. Beep beep “Whose calling you this late?” I asked looking at him confused but Cristiano only shrugged his shoulders and took out his phone so that the both of us could see who’s calling him. The caller ID showed ‘mom’ I giggled “What’s so funny?” “The fact is that you’re like 23 years old and your mom is still looking out for curfew” “Hello?” Cristiano answered the phone and gave me a dirty look which meant that I was going to pay for making fun of him.

After talking to Dolores Cristiano chased me around the beach and when he caught me, we both fell down laughing. The drive home was fun; we laughed and sang along with the songs on the CD. But hell broke lose when we got in, because Dolores started babbling about what a bad influence I was to Cristiano and all. But for the first time we both shrugged and ignored her while getting to our room to continue our fun.

The next morning was uneventful. Cristiano went training, Dolores read her book outside in the garden and me and Lillian chatted. “So when is your birthday?” Lillian asked me while we went shopping ignoring some of the paparazzi taking snapshots of us both “May 8, yours?” “December 4” “That’s so soon!” I said exited “Yeah I guess so” she said less excited “Why aren’t you excited?” I asked looking at her confused “I don’t want to get older” she said wrinkling her nose but I only laughed and answered “Yeah I guess you’re right, it’s a bad thing”. Later Chris picked us up from town and when we go home Dolores did something I didn’t expect “Victoria could we actually talk down in the garden?” she asked me politely for the first time in these days “Sure” I said following her. When we sat down she waited no time to start “Why are you with Cristiano?” “Because I love him obviously” “Him or his money?” “Him” she looked at me trying to find something in my eyes that would show that I was lying “Why do you hate me so much?” I asked her “I don’t. I just wanted to make sure if you love him enough” “What do you mean?” “I was testing you. I wanted to know if you would run. I even asked Iker to tell you that he likes so that I could see what would you do and I am convinced that you wont leave Cristiano for another and that your not with him because of his money” I looked at her and we shared a moment of silence before she continued “So would you forgive me and we could start over?” I shocked “Yes, I guess we could” I said smiling “Thank God!” she said we both smiled and talked a little more before we told Cristiano and Lillian that we were both on good terms now. They both were happy so for the rest of the days we were all happy and got along. We actually became a family.

“Damn…” I said as I sat up in bed in the morning, looking around I saw that Cristiano wasn’t there so getting out of the bed I made my way downstairs but as I was about to walk I got really light headed, feeling that I’m going to puke I ran too he bathroom, after emptying my stomach I tried again to make my way downstairs but the light headiness came back and all went black.