I dont fall for arrogant football players so why do i feel like I'm falling for him?!

Chapter 6

It has been a month since the incident in the park. I and Chris have been seeing a lot of each other. When there were matches I would be usually there to cheer him on and when he scored a goal, which he promised me before every match, he would say that he dedicates it to me, we where going out, when Kim found out all she said was ‘I told you that you were going to be together’. In those two weeks happened a lot. Sandra moved away to America, she wanted to be with her family, it was sad at first but we got used to it. Kim started dating Anderson. Kaka has became my best guy friend, who would of thought it would be like this when I had the biggest crush on the guy, but here I am completely fallen for the most arrogant man in the world.

‘The phone is turned off or out of radio coverage’ that was the fourth time I called Cristiano this evening, we had plans on going to a restaurant with the team but he didn’t answer, I was beginning to get worried. “Maybe the battery is dead” Kim said “Maybe, why don’t you just call Andy and he’ll take us” (we call Anderson Andy) “Hello, Andy could you possibly come and pick me and Victoria for dinner?” “Thanks” “So he agreed I bet” “Well of course” . after an hour, with Cristiano still not calling Andy came “Ola loves” “Hey sweet” “Hi there Andy” “What’s wrong with you?” Anderson asked me “Nothing, nothing at all” “She’s worried because the dumbass Chris didn’t call and didn’t come at 8 o ‘clock like he said he would, and he doesn’t answer his phone” “Well maybe he forgot” “oh well shit happens, lets just go” I said smiling.

When we got to the place where dinner was held I immediately looked around but there was no sight of Cristiano, at the dinner table the seat next to me was empty and the name tag on the table that said ‘Cristiano Ronaldo’ waited for being moved, but he didn’t show up. After dinner the couch said his goodbyes and left but all of us where aloud to stay and party, it was already first at night and he didn’t call, I checked my phone for the millionth time tonight but to no use, there it was ‘you have no recent calls’.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you, it seems your not here tonight” said Kaka sitting down next to me near the bar “It’s just that Chris haven’t called and I’m kind of worried” “Hmmm… Don’t know maybe the batteries low?” “It has been about six hours. Don’t you think it would be recharged by now?” “Did you try calling him while you where here?” “No… I just got tired of it” “Then try now” I dialed Cristianos number and waited, after a minute he answered “Ola?” he said sleepily “Hi there, where are you?” “Victoria? Home” “Shouldn’t you be somewhere?” I asked angrily “Um, no? why?” “Well you where supposed to pick me and Kim up at eight o’clock and go to the team dinner” “I made up my mind about it, I didn’t want to come” “That’s why you turned down your phone?” “Um I turned it down because I didn’t want to talk to anybody” “Couldn’t you told me you wont come? I mean me and Kim waited” “But your there now, right?” “Yeah, what’s your point?” “That you managed to get there without me, so why make a deal out of it” “A deal out of it?! Why?! Because you fringing promised and just turned it down like it was nothing” “Maybe it was” he said bored “What?” I asked shocked, he newer talked to me that way “I said maybe it was nothing” “Why are you talking like that?” “I’m tired Victoria. I’m just tired. I want to sleep, I’ll call you tomorrow, ok?” “Don’t bother” I said and hung up the phone, tears started coming to my eyes, I couldn’t believe he was talking that way, or was I to nosy? And Victoria? What the fuck was that? He newer, like ever called my Victoria. It was usually nena (it means baby) and now he’s being a jerk out of no where. “what’s wrong ?” Kaka asked worriedly “I don’t wanna talk here, can you take me home? Kim probably will sleepover at Andy’s” “Sure” he said smiling sweetly at me. We said our goodbyes and left though Xavi and others tried to stop us.

When we got to mine and Kim’s apartment I couldn’t take it anymore I broke down “Hey love what’s wrong?” “I don’t know. I shouldn’t cry but I can I feel like something bad will come out of this” “Shhh… Come here I’ll make coffee and you will tell what exactly Cristiano said” I nodded and let Kaka lead me to the living room when he brought coffee I told him the whole conversation and why I felt bad “Well I don’t know what to say. What he said was really jerk like” “Maybe I did wrong by hanging up on him, but I wanted to clear one thing out” “What kind of” “Well this wouldn’t be the first time we fought over the phone, but he would always call me right after to say sorry or whatever but just for us not to fight and now he didn’t call back” it was silent for a couple of minutes “I’m not leaving you like this, I’ll just call Caroline and tell where and why I am” “No! You shouldn’t, I’m fine go home, she must be waiting” “It seems like you don’t want me here” he said in a laugh I shock my head “No, defiantly no but if I was Caroline I wouldn’t want my husband at some woman apartment” “She knows you and how close friends we are, when I’ll tell about the Cristiano business she’ll understand” I just nodded though I still thought it was a bad idea “Hey dear, look what happened…” as Kaka told Carol about everything I made my way to the shower and got dressed in my pj’s then went to my room and picked up a t-shirt and shorts that were hanging on my chair, it was Cristiano’s, he left it here the last time. “Here, it’s Cristianos I think it should fit you” I said giving him clothes “Thank you, I’ll go change” “What did Caroline say?” “She said he was an ass and that I should of brought you to our place but either way I did good by making sure your okay. She likes you. A lot.” He said smiling “I’m glad”

when Ricardo (Its Kakas true name) left I called Caroline “Hello” “HI, Caroline its me Victoria” “Hey there baby, Ricky told me what happened, Cristianos an ass” “Well yes he is, I just called to make sure your really not mad at him for staying here” “No, of course not. It’s fine. I trust him and you” “Thank you then and goodnight” “Night love” I was amazed by their relationship, I wish I had one like theirs. “Well now I know I’m about the size of Chris” Kaka said coming in I only smiled “Want more coffee Ricky?” “Nope, I prefer tea, black if you have it” “Sure, I drink black tea when we’re out of coffee” so we chatted by sitting on a couch in the living room it was 3 in the morning, we were still sitting, no talking just sitting in a comfortable silence until MY phone rang, the caller ID said Chris*

“Are you going to pick it up?” “I don’t know” I sat there thinking should I or shouldn’t then it went of “I’ll call him and say that you are sleeping and that I brought you here from my house and then call Caroline and tell her to be on our side so that there wouldn’t be unneeded questions” I just nodded and putted my head on Ricardo’s warm shoulder “Hello there Cristiano, I called to tell you that Vicky is asleep I just took her home, she was chatting with Caroline at my place and while I took her home she fell asleep” “No she’s fine, why?” “A fight? Yeah she told me something” “I’ll tell her tomorrow, maybe I’ll sleep over, don’t wanna drive around at night, no hard feeling?” “Okay, bye” he hung up and called Caroline to tell her what happened from what I heard Chris didn’t want Kaka to stay, after Ricardo stopped talking and putted his head on mine, which was still on his shoulder “Everything’s fine, Caroline understood” “And him?” “He asked if you were okay and he didn’t like the idea that I will sleep over but he will come here tomorrow morning” “I don’t want him to come” I said yawning “Why?” “I just don’t” “Okay, then sleep” he said picking me up “What are you doing?” “I’m taking you to your bed, don’t want you sleeping on the couch, I’ll just go to Kim’s room” “Ohhh, okay” I said putting my head on his chest while he carried me to my room when he laid me down I got on my side and said “I don’t know what I would do with out you Ricky” “And me the same. Now go sleep you have a hard morning coming considering it almost four in the morning he said laughing “Night” he kissed my head and left the room, I was wondering wouldn’t it be nice to have kaka as a boyfriend. He wasn’t arrogant, he was nice caring and sweet, just what I needed a complete opposite from Cristiano, oh well you cant help who you fall in love with.