Sequel: Dig



The two weeks in Florida had seemed to go by fast for everyone and the last day is spent in Magic Kingdom at Disney World. The day is full of rides and laughter as they enjoy their last few hours of freedom before having to go back to the mundane life of Jersey.

The sun was almost set and as the five friends stood atop the bridge, watching the fire words explode over the Disney castle, it would seem as if nothing could touch them.

Lexi was protectively wrapped in Frank's arms as they gazed up at the lightened sky. She didn't want to go back to Jersey. She wanted to say right where she was, and freeze time. At that moment everything seemed perfect. As if nothing could ever go wrong. And she didn't want that safe feeling to end.

Frank on the other hand was more than ready to get back. Florida had been fun but he wanted to start planning for life. Lexi and he were going to the same college but they weren't sure if they wanted to get an apartment or just say in a coed dorm. As long as he was with Lexi, it didn't matter. He wanted to start thinking about the future, their future together. But he knew not to pressure Lexi, he didn't want to scare her away again.

He looked down at her, expecting to see a beautiful smile on her face as she watched the fire works, but instead saw tears and a look of anxiety.


She wiped her tears away quickly, trying to conceal her distress, but failed.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked as he pulled her away from everyone else.

"N-nothing, I'm fine."

"Lexi, please talk to me. You've been so distant lately."

"...I'm not..." She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to blink her tears away but failed, looking up at Frank pitifully. "I don’t know what I'm gonna do when you leave me." She whispers, looking away shamefully.

"When I leave you? I'm not leaving you, why would I ever leave you?"

"Because one day, you're going to realize how amazing you are and you'll find someone that's so much better-"

"There's no one better-"

"We're going to college and we're going to meet so many new people. And someday you'll find someone so incredible for you. I just don't know what I'll do when it happens."

Frank frowned, looking into Lexi's eyes. He couldn't understand how she could think that he would ever leave her. He needed her more than anything else in the world.

"Lexi, you're the most incredible, amazing, gorgeous girl I've ever met in my entire life. How you could ever think that I'd leave you is beyond me. I don't know how many times I have to say it, but I love you more than anything in this world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have kids and watch them grow with you. You're the first and last thing I want to see everyday when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep." He whispers, smiling down at her. "I know you're scared and I know you don't want to put yourself in a vulnerable situation, but if you let me I want to make you a promise."
Frank digs around in his pocket for the ring he's been keeping for so long, happy that he had brought it with him.

"I want to promise you that one day, when you're ready, I'm going to marry you and we're going to spend the rest of our lives together. And I will never, ever leave you. I promise I'm going to keep you safe and be here for you whenever you need me. I promise I'm going to love you, even after I'm dead." He slips the ring onto Lexi's finger, never breaking their intense stare.

She looks down, staring at the ring on her finger, a symbol of their love and everything that they represent together.

"Promise?" she whispers, leaning her head on his chest.

"Promise." He replies kissing the top of her head.

She smiles contentedly. Everything was going to be perfect now. She felt safe and she knew she'd never have to worry about anything for the rest of her life. Because as long as she had Frank she'd be strong, she'd be safe.

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