I'll follow your voice.


School was overrated. Teachers and an education were overrated. When you could control an element, nothing else really mattered. As of right now, Roxanne should have been paying attention to the morning announcements of Mary Anne’s School for girl’s school, but her mind was elsewhere. It wasn’t on the kiss she had received, but rather what James had said. What had he meant when they would be facing an evil soon enough? Was the evil strong, would they be able to stop it? Her head furrowed into her hands, frustrated with her not being able to figure it out.

“Today’s topic will be….mythical stories!” her history teacher, Mr. Cartrtire announced.

Usually, this was the class Roxanne enjoyed sleeping in; because Mr. Cartrtire didn’t care what she did. But the thought of mythical stories intrigued her, could possible and hopefully help her answer a few questions of her own. Mr. Cartrtire’s eyes fell on hers as he did roll call, speaking with little enthusiasm in his voice. “Plan on joining in today’s discussion Roxanne?”

She smiled a little sweet mixed with venom. “I find mythical stories and legends most, per say, enchanting.” This caused quiet laughter from the others.

“Well then, since you’re so interested in it….why don’t you pick what we discuss first.” He hopped on his desk, eyeing her.

“Alright,” Roxanne straightened with a sudden burst of confidence. “Five girls, two worlds, one evil. They control the five elements, lets here where this comes from.” She wasn’t one for giving authority the respect they deserved unless they earned it from her.

“How’d you know about that? That’s been around for….that legend has been around forever. And from a student such as yourself…I’m surprised you know about it.”

Roxanne popped the gum she was chewing. “Alright, out with it.”

“This is quite literally, old as time. A group of five people, can control the five elements; water, fire, earth, air and electricity. The group would have to defeat a never ending evil. An evil that can control whatever it wants, take whatever form it wants. It uses the girls, slowly draining their powers; they don’t even realize it. The two worlds you were talking about, Roxanne are earth and a place called Utopia. They saw that Utopia exists in neither time, space, or even reality. Some people call it heaven, though there is no ultimate ruler.” He ruffled his hair. “Legend also tells that right about now, a new group would start cycling and discovering their powers. Fighting evil, yada, yada, yada.”

“Wait, Mr. Cartrtire, did you see in the news the other day those two girls putting out that building on fire? Like that?” a student Roxanne was personally going to take apart asked.
“So you guys saw that too? I was hoping I wasn’t crazy,” he laughed. “I don’t know why there’d be two of them without the others…but yeah; that would be what they resemble.”
“Well, they sure are hot!”

“Hey Roxanne one had hair like you did, ‘cept hers was a lot hotter!”

Roxanne turned around, despite the blush crawling up her neck. “Well, let’s face it; she looks like you except a lot less manly.” With a slight inclination of her head, Roxanne turned back to face the front, taking in the classes ooh’s and ahh’s. When dealing with a school of all girls; you had to make sure you were feared. The girl, who had called out her out, had twice the double of blush Roxanne did.

“Anyways…as I was saying, sometime during the process of reigning in their powers, one will die. There have not been any ‘recorded’ incidents such as this though. So, if those girls are the five spirits; I hope they know they’re about to lose one.”

Roxanne’s stomached clenched, her fingertips turning numb. Had he really just said that? One of her newly found friends was going to die. “Does it say who...by chance?” she had a feeling she already knew.

“As far as I know…the fire spirit.”

Bile rose in the back of her throat, as she tried to remain calm. “Mr. Cartrtire? I need to go to the nurse." Without waiting for him to give her permission, Roxanne rose from her seat, bolting from the room.
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