Bound by Fate

Chapter 8 and 9

May 8th, 1945

Yesterday the Nazi army surrendered and if Craig got captured he should be back by now… but he isn’t.
“Do you think something bad happened to him?” Audrey shook his head. I got more worried the more I thought about it, “What if he was hit and kidnapped? Then sold to a slave market?”
“What are reading these days?”
I went to the banister and lift my leg to the other side as if to jump to my death. “If he doesn’t come I’ll jump.”
“Wait.” He caught me just in time and sighed in relief. “You’re losing it. Trust me, Kristy.”
“But what will I do if he doesn’t come?” Audrey lifted me up and held both my hand and my gaze.
“Patience, Kristy. He will come, he loves you.” I nodded and we went outside to play with the kids.
“Hey, I heard that Spitfire didn’t come back yet, what is he doing? What if he’s with another girl? What will Kris do then?”
“Sandra!” I ran to her and gave her a big embrace which she responded by choking my waist and wrinkling my light pink dress. “I missed you. Um… Mother died.” I whispered to only her.
“I heard; I’m sorry.” I nodded and she let go and turned to the other kids. “Who’s up for a game of tag?”
“We’re not that old, Sandra.” Said Christian.
She went up to him and squeezed his ear, “I don’t think this game is for children. If you want to, you can sit down for this one and all the other baby games we can think of, Christian.”
“I-I’m fine with playing tag.”
“That’s right.” She turned to me and then to Christian, “Christian, you’re it.”
“What? But—” he looked at her and instantly thought about the consequences, “Okay.”

June 5th, 1947

It’s been months and even years since the last time I saw Craig. Every day I wake up under the cherry tree and fall asleep under it; waiting for my love to come home and get me. Now I wait in the house behind the cherry tree guarded with a fence. I’ve lost belief long ago that he would come, but Audrey keeps encouraging me to not give up.
Audrey says that if I stay by the cherry tree; the tree we met under and brought about our love; he would surely come.
Seasons come and go and years fly by; but I still stand there, dawn to dusk. I am old and still waiting for Craig to come and end this pain.
I suddenly grow tired and can barely stand any more so I sit under our cherry tree. I close my eyes and dream of the day when Craig will come and hold me in his worn out arms to kiss me like never before. I think I deserve that much.
My eyes go heavy and don’t open.
They don’t open when the sun rises.
They don’t open when the little children of Audrey and Paulina call for me.
They don’t open when loving people cry or lift me from the ground.
And they most certainly don’t open when Aunt Sophia and Audrey close my casket and put me in the ground.
Now, I can finally see Craig.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really love the ending. Tell me what you though?? Was it good? I plan on writing another story and I might publish it because I like it. It might be another tragic so beware... R&R please!! Thank you!! XD