Don't Stop Now

We've heard all about you

“Tim fucking Kirch get your ass over here!” I screamed. A few minutes later Tim came running into the parking lot.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” Tim shouted in my face.

“What the hell is wrong with you!?” I screamed back.

“What are you talking about?” he groaned.

“Locking Liddy in our dressing room, what the fuck is wrong with you!” I spat.

“I told you she was out of hand!” He retorted.

“So asking her politely to stop wasn’t an option!” I shouted right back.

“I can’t handle her and when she gets older I doubt you can handle her.” Tim snipped. I stood there gaping at him.


“Exactly, you’ll need to do something or I will.” Tim warned walking off. He couldn’t take Liddy away from me…could he? Suddenly I felt sick, all I want to do is sleep with Liddy in my arms. I don’t think I would ever want to lose her. I walked back onto the bus and slipped into my bunk where Liddy was sleeping. She had a fistful of her blanket and her thumb was in her mouth. I gently pulled her thumb out and wrapped my arms around her small figure.

“I love you.” I mumbled before falling asleep.
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I'M HOME ALONE FOR 9 DAYS! CAN YOU SAY PARTY!!!! My birthday is in 6 days! Can't wait!!!!! COMMENTS = CHAPTERS