Don't Stop Now

Don't listen to the world

When we reached Toys R Us Liddy ran out of the car with Pat in tow, the rest of us walked at a normal pace.

“Dude, what are you going to do about tour?” Kennedy asked.

“She’s coming with us, I have no other choice.” I sighed.

“Yeah you do, give her to your mother.” Kennedy said like it was the most obvious thing.

“No, Anne and Paul made me the guardian of Liddy, not my mother.” I said.

“Fine, but what about when she starts school.” Kennedy said.

“Tutor. The Jonas brothers do that.” I shrugged.

“Are you really old enough to take care of a four year old?” Jared said from behind.

“Yes! I have you guys, the whole crew, and if all else fails my mother.” I shouted frustrated.

“Johnny look!” Liddy screeched pointing at Pat, he had lipstick smeared all over his mouth, he was wearing fairy wings, a princess crown, and his hair was in pigtails.

“What did you do to him?” I laughed a long with everyone else.

“I gave Patty a makeover!” She giggled clapping her hands.

“Don’t I look pretty?” Pat said hugging Garrett.

“Just beautiful Pat, just beautiful.” Garrett said trying to pry Pat off.

“Come on Johnny.” She said grabbing my hand. “Lets get dollies.” She pulled me along until we reached where all the Barbies were.

“You can get three okay.” I said holding up three fingers.

“Okay!” She squealed before running off. I stood there awkwardly waiting for her to come back when I looked to my left and saw Garrett and Pat playing with the action figures.

“Die, die, die.” Garrett screamed earning odd looks from parents.

“Garrett, tone it done a bit!” I screamed.

“Sure thing, dad.” He said rolling his eyes. I stood there for a little longer and that’s when I heard it, that ear-piercing scream.

“Johnny!” She cried. I ran as fast as I could to that scream to find her holding her leg. There was a big scratch on her knee and it was bleeding…a lot.
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OH NO! John isn't very good at raising a child, he should know to follow here. Wow, okay then. COMMENTS= CHAPTERS!