Don't Stop Now

No you can't save me

“JOHNNY! Its hurts a lot!” She screamed.

“Shh, calm down.” I said sitting down and placing her in my lap. “Kenny, get some Band-Aids.”

“Why- Oh yeah, hold on.” He said running off.

“Did you pick out some dollies?” I asked trying to distract her from the bleeding cut.

“Mhm.” She whimpered.

“Oh really, which ones did you get?” I asked.

“I got a beach one and princess Barbie. Then I got a Bratz doll.” She sniffled.

“Here, I hope you like Cinderella.” Kennedy said giving me the box of Band-Aids. I wiped the blood off with a bandana Garrett had and placed the Band-Aid on the cut. Before I could stand up she pulled on my arm.

“Kiss it.” She said pointing to her knee.

“Alright.” I sighed pecking it.

“Thank you Johnny.” She said wrapping her little arms around my neck. “I love you.” She said picking up the dolls she dropped. After she got up she ran to the dress up section to pick out her outfits.

“John.” Jared said.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I take back what I said, you’ll do just fine raising her.” Jared said patting my back.

“Thanks.” I said smiling.

“Patty!” She screamed as he scooped her up and starting running from Garrett.

“Gwar! I am the fierce monster!” Garrett said chasing after them.

“We are gonna get kicked out of a lot of places.” Kennedy chuckled.

“I bet we are.” I said walking to the cashier to pay.
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I really do love writing this! Thank you for the comments, I was so happy when I saw I had two!! Thank you so much for reading. COMMENTS = CHAPTERS