Don't Stop Now

You're all a part of me

Lydia’s POV

“This isn’t a bus! It’s a, a, a umm. I don’t know, but it’s not a bus!” I screeched running around the house on wheels.

“Yes darling, this is a bus.” Garry said.

“Oh, where do I sleep? I want my nap.” I said sleepily.

“You’ll be in my bunk, here.” Johnny said pointing to a bottom bed.

“But I want the top!” I whined.

“I don’t want you to fall.” He said.

“I don’t care, I want the top!” I screamed stomping my foot.

“You have three seconds to get in that bunk Lydia Baker.” He said, I didn’t believe him so I stood my ground. “One, two-“ I ran straight to that bunk and fell asleep.

John’s POV

Ah, the tantrum stage of life, don’t you love it?

“Kennedy, she likes you. You get to handle the next tantrum.” I sighed plopping onto the couch.

“No, its good to be more of a father figure than a friend. You get all the tantrums.” He said. Great, more screaming just what I love to do.

“We packed the Disney movies right?” I asked, it was the only thing that kept her quite for more than five minutes. Garrett shuffled through the movie bag until he found some.

“Yeah, we got all the princess ones.” He said holding them up.

“Good, um how bout her arts and craft stuff?”

“Here.” Pat said holding up a pink sparkly bag.

“Alright, I guess we should meet up with the other guys at a Denny’s.” I said.

“Hey Tim how much longer until the first stop?” Jared asked.

“Four hours.” He said. We all groaned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh btw they are on a tour with people that I choose, not an actually tour. Thanks to all the people that think my story is cute! COMMENTS = CHAPTERS!!