Don't Stop Now

I knew it all along

John's POV

“Sierra!” I screamed pounding on their bus door.

“Yeah?” She asked answering it.

“Liddy wants to know if she can have a sleepover.” I said.

“Of course!” She shouted taking Liddy and her stuff from me.

“Don’t stay up late, no sugar after eight, get to bed by ten, no scary-“ I started but then the door slammed in my face. I hope she’s okay.

Liddy’s POV

“So Liddy, what do you want to do first. I could paint your nails, we could dress up as Pocahontas…I think I have some extra feathers.” Sierra said.

“Can you paint my nails, I’ve never done that before.” I told her.

“Sure, sit on the couch, I’ll find my nail polish.” She said running off.

“Hey Liddy, what are you doing here?” Blake asked coming from the back area.

“Sierra and I are having a sleepover, do you wanna join Blakey!” I giggled.

“Maybe next time, I have some things to do.” He said grabbing his computer.


“Liddy, here are the colors I have.” She said showing me all the pretty colors.

“Ooh! I want this one, no this one, wait wait this one. I want the sparkly pink and black please.”

“Alright.” After she painted my nails we played dress up. She did my hair and put feathers in it so I looked like Pocahontas.

“I’ll distract him and then you jump on his back, got it.” Sierra said. We were currently sneaking up on anyone we could and then attacking him or her. Our current target is Blake.

“Hey Blake.” Sierra said.

“No.” Was his response.

“But I didn’t say anything.” She whined.

“Oh well…Liddy now!” Sierra screamed. I jumped onto Blake’s back which made him fall.

“We won!” I shouted high fiving Sierra.

“Way to go little one.” She said.

“Sierra, get the munchkin off of me please.” Blake sighed.

“But I like sitting on you Blakey.” I giggled.

“I didn’t want to have to do this but.” He flipped over and started to tickle me.

“Okay, you win!” I shouted.

“Retreat, retreat.” Sierra grabbed me and ran back to the bunk. I yawned and started to close my eyes. “Wait my child, we must brush your teeth, come on.”

“Okay.” I mumbled. She brushed my teeth and carried me to her bunk. Then she tucked me in and told me a bedtime story. I think I’ll be spending a lot of time here.
♠ ♠ ♠
I loved writing this chapter, I could so see Sierra doing something like that. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Thanks for reading, COMMENTS = CHAPTERS