Not Like The Movies


"So you wanna come with me to Molly's wedding tomorrow?" I put my beer down, glaring at him. Way to ruin a night out.

"Geez Cameron, how many cousins do you have?" I asked, getting tired of going to weddings with him because he was to lazy to find a date ahead of time.

"Almost 52. Aunt Ginny is pregnant again." He shrugged as if it was nothing.

"Tell them to stop reproducing!" I whined, putting my head on the table. I saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of mine.

"C'mon Rogue!" He, literally, whined trying to get me to brake.

I gave a mumbled no.

"Yes? Perfect! I love you Rogue!"

"Hey! I said no damn it!" I snapped playfully, sitting up.

"I'm sorry I heard yes. No take backs!" He threw in, snickering when I groaned.

"No faaaaair!" I whined like a 2 year old.

"Life aint fair babe!" He said, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Damn it, Cameron, why can't you ever get a date ahead of time?" He shrugged.

"Never had to until I was 18. Still getting in the habit." I gaped at him.

"How? You're always at weddings! How are you not in the habit yet?" He shrugged, smirking.

"C'mon Rogue. You know I hate finding dates. Then that means I'll actually have to find a girl that wants to go with me!" He teased, poking me from across the booth.

"Just wear flattering jeans and nothing else." I suggested. "Women will come flocking after you." He rolled his eyes.

"Rogue, women already flock over me. I just hate trying to start a spark. Relationships are so hard for me." That made me scoff.

"Cameron, how many times have I told you? It's all bullshit!" I received a worried look. "What?"

"How do you ever expect to find someone if you spit all this junk? That 'love is bullshit, everything is only about sex.'?" I shook my head.

"That's just it! I don't expect to find someone. And it's not junk! It's true! Tell me the first thing you notice about a woman is her personality, not her tits or her ass." He was silent. "Exactly."

"Rogue the BS here is your attitude!" I was taken back at his response. "Yes, sue me I'm a man, but the first thing I notice about a woman is her looks. But immediately after, I notice her personality. And if everything is about sex, why are you still a virgin?"

That caught me of guard.

Shit what do I say?

"Cuz every time I go out, you're with me and men think I'm taken!" I lied. He raised an eyebrow, knowing I was lying. "Ok fine, that's not it, I just....ugh."

"What?" This is so embarrassing.

"Cuz I'm scared to..." I muttered. He looked at me like I had 3 heads. "Seriously. I'm not a sexual badass. My mom made me scared. She said it'd feel like being ripped apart every time, and even though I now realize it wasn't true, I'm still to scared to try." I looked up at him again, fearing laughter.

Instead I got a smile.


He shrugged. "Nothing, it's just the infamous Rogue Neil is scared of a little pain?" He teased, making me spit my tongue out at him.

"Stfu." I snapped, reverting to a childish state.

He rolled his eyes. "Love you too babe."
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new story :)