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Untitled, For Now.

1.2 - Erik

I'm tired of living forever. I don't want to be alone anymore. I just want to be in love. Not fake one-night stand love but true love. I'm used to starting senior year, it's not like I haven't done it before. I've finally realized why I was destined to live forever. I supposed to meet someone special who can make an eternity seem like a day. I need some excitement in my boring, loveless life. I know she is out there. I'm just not looking hard enough. I'm hoping I'll find someone who can accept me as I am. I've dated other girls before. None of them were special though. They were just random hook-ups. I'm tired of living the man-whore life. Me and my brother, Eliot, are supposed to go clubbing tonight. I don't want to go but I will go anyways.
"Bro? You ready?" Eliot says to me. He loves his man-whore lifestyle. It's almost revolting. I try to sound enthused about going out but I'm not excited at all.
"Yeah bro. I'm ready."
We arrived at he club at around 1:30am. I didn't want to hook-up with anyone.I just drank and danced. We left the club around 6 in the morning.I noticed a girl around Eliot's arm. i think her name was Zoe. I'm not sure. I was so drunk, I don't even remember. Eliot and his one-night stand for the evening stumbled behind me as we walked to our house on Park Avenue. The last thing I remember about that night is passing out on the couch.
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Please comment and stuff. Let us know what you think. If there is anyway we can improve this story we'd love to hear your thoughts.

xo- Krystal & Katrina