Sequel: We Belong to the Sea
Status: Complete

Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You

Don't Feel Bad For The Suicidal Cats

"So sorry to interrupt." The man said sarcastically. He was short, smug, and dressed in the same type of clothing that everyone was wearing in Port Royal. Five men entered after him, each pointing a loaded rifle at the two of us. I felt Jack's heart speed up just before he pulled away from me. I wanted to reach out and pull him back. But our encounter had put him in a vulnerable state, and he had to work twice as hard to make it look like he didn't give a shit.

"Lord Beckett." Jack said in the same tone. "Fancy seein' you here. Didn't really take you for the type to go marchin' about the sea." So this was the infamous Lord Beckett. I had been expecting someone more interesting. He looked like a child dressed in men's clothing, playing pretend. I chuckled lightly to myself.

"Oh, but I'm making a special visit today." Beckett said, face void of all emotion. It bothered me.

"Always knew ye had a soft spot for me." Jack smirked. Beckett did not.

"I'm not here for you, Jack." He said, eyes flickering to me. "I'm here for her." My heart sped up, and I tried to figure out if I could somehow get a blast of water in through the window...Maybe stun them slightly. Maybe. Considering the fact that we were greatly outnumbered, hand to hand combat was out of the question. I shivered as a flashback of Tia Dalma's words sounded through my head.

"Beckett cannot teek her, or else it will be you and I workeeng for the East India Trading Company."

So this was his plan. I was his plan. What did he want with me? What did he want me to do? I pushed off from the wall, straightening myself out. I plant both feet solidly on the floor and made eye contact. I refused to let him think this would be some walk in the park, or that I was some poor helpless girl.

"And if I should choose not to go with you?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest and standing my ground. The corners of his mouth twisted up in an amused smile. He took three sturdy steps towards me. I didn't budge. What I did do was laugh a little. He was half a head shorter than me, and therefore not intimidating in the slightest.

"You have two options, Calypso." He said quietly. I resisted the urge to squish my eyebrows together. Who was Calypso? "You can come without a fight and make things easier for the both of us, or you can stand by and watch as all of your beloved friends on this ship are executed. It's your choice."

Focus, focus, focus. I couldn't let give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was affecting me. I turned calmly to my dresser, picking out a spare change of clothes and wrapping my brush in the middle of them. I used the pieces of torn fabric I had to tie it all into a bundle. I couldn't look at Jack. Doing so would result in my facade disappearing, something I couldn't risk. Beckett knew I'd given in, and was exceptionally happy.

I had to think fast. I guessed that Calypso was a powerful woman. Perhaps I could play that up to my advantage? These men had guns. And they were here, which meant they had to come from above deck, which meant they had to pass the crew. The crew was captured. The only family and friends I had were captured. Negotiate.

"I'm coming on a condition." I said sternly. Beckett smirked.

"I don't exactly think you're in a position to make conditions, girl." He taunted. I smirked right back, leaning closer for a dramatic effect.

"I kind of think I am." I said, raising my eyebrows. His left eye twitched for a millisecond, and then he cocked his head to the side.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked carefully, and I straightened out again.

"I come with you," I said to cover his expectations. I needed to word my following statement carefully. I knew right away he was the kind of person to jump for loopholes. "You leave this ship intact, and everyone aboard it. And unharmed." I said.

"As you wish." He said, and motioned for me to walk before him. I took one step, and very single atom within me wanted to turn back to Jack. Look at him. Say something. Do something. But I couldn't. Or could I? Beckett had already seen us kissing, he knew there was some sort of connection. So yes, yes I could. I turned my head just enough to catch his eye. What I displayed was beyond me, but I knew something inside of me ripped. I cringed internally. He was worried. I ripped myself away and pushed forward, only to have my world go black.

Jack's POV

I cringed as one of Beckett's men hit her over the head with their rifle. She collapsed to the ground, an unconscious pile. I couldn't do a thing. Beckett turned back to me. My pistol was at my wasit...I could- no. Didn't want to die. Liked the girl, liked revenge, but liked myself too. He smiled at me, and I returned the gesture, biting back insults.

"I'll honour what she said." He announced. "To and extent. You will steer this ship in the opposite direction from the Endeavor." I watched as he bent over Cat and took the sword from her side. She was a sneaky little bugger. I felt angry when his fingers touched her. I felt...the need to protect. It made me shiver. Women were weird.

"If you should come within 100 leagues of the ship, or Port Royal for that matter, the Pearl will return to the depths of the Caribbean. Do we understand one another?" He asked, twirling the blade. Port Royal. That's where he was taking her.

"So long as I get the Pearl." I smirked. He laughed lightly.

"And how would your dearly beloved feel about that remark?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and carefully looking at her lying motionless on the ground. I kept my eyes focused on him.

"Wouldn't hurt to hear a bit of honesty, I suppose." I remarked. He smiled.

"I'll be sure to let her know." He remarked, and left without another word. One guard picked her up, holding her like a corpse against his body. The other was kind enough to pick up the bundle of clothing she had made. The clothing that I had given her. I turned to her dresser, seeing what else she had brought. A brush. A wire brush.

"Well done, Cat."

Cat's POV

My head throbbed. I had no idea where I was. There was wood beneath my cheek, I was lying on the floor. My eyes stayed closed as I listened to my surroundings. Was I still on the Pearl? I recollected the previous events, and my heart dropped. No. I was most definitely not. I couldn't smell rum, I couldn't smell Jack. It was eerily quiet, wherever I was.

There were three sounds that I identified in the vicinity. There was a slow, steady dripping noise that echoed off of the walls. There was the grumble of the ship walls as the waves crashed against them. And there was shallow breathing nearby. I creaked one eye open, and then the other due to the darkness. There was a sliver of light, and my eyes yearned for it.

I could see stairs. I let my eyes adjust more. Stairs...and bars. Bars which I was behind. A cell. I slowly pushed myself up. So I was in the brig of Beckett's ship. I took a deep breath in and out. I saw my bundle of clothing before me. I brought it to me, feeling inside the wrapped up clothes to make sure the brush was still there, and it was.

I felt at my side, fuck. They had taken away the sword. Why I thought they would miss that was beyond me. I shivered slightly in the darkness. It was freezing down here, and the lack of sunlight didn't help much. I felt for Jack's old shirt and immediately put it on, nostalgia filling me as his scent pierced my nostrils. I rolled my eyes. Stupid fucking pirate. I sighed.

"You alright?" A voice called from the darkness. I jumped, and looked for the source. I could faintly make out the silhouette of a woman in the cell connected to mine. I tried to make it look like I wasn't staring, but she could probably see much better in this darkness than I could.

"Um, yeah, I am thanks." I said quietly. She crawled to the barred wall that connected our cells, poking through a hand. I could see her much better. She was beautiful, dark skinned with long black hair and torn clothes. Her eyes were tired but her smile was powerful.

"I'm Scarlett." She said in a kind voice. I gladly took her hand. I felt ridiculously close to her, despite the almost non existent history of knowing one another. We were here on common grounds. We both were on bad terms with Beckett, and any enemy of Beckett was a friend of mine.

"Catalina." I replied, and her hand retracted to her cell.

"What're you here for?" She asked.

"It's a long story..." I laughed, and she did the same.

"We've got quite a bit of time." She pointed out.

"How much do you know about...Calypso?" I asked.

"The sea Goddess? I reckon I know my fair share of the tales. Goddess trapped in human form after Davy Jones fell in love with her, some rubbish like that. Why d'you ask?"

"What exactly would be the purpose of having her?" I asked, and she eyed me carefully.

"Well she can control the sea. Mighty power, if you ask me. Beckett too, for that matter." She said. "How come?"

"Well, Beckett thinks I'm her." I explained. She nodded.

"'re not?" She asked.

"Not exactly...."
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[url= ]Scarlett[/url]