Bis Die Zeit Uns Vergisst

Interviews...and One Last Sound Check

“There’ve been bits in the tabloids, although these sources aren’t completely reliable, that Tokio Hotel has begun planning a new fashion line. Is this true?”

The interviewer was a "kind" brunette who liked to kid around with Tom, probably trying to get into his pants. Tom watched her, playing with his lip ring. Gah, he was such a man whore. I remembered our so-called truce and kind of regretted what I had thought. When I heard this topic, I stopped sketching and scribbling notes down on my paper and looked up.

Georg answered the question. “Yes, this is true. We are working on some small pieces, however, the extent and who it involves is to be kept confidential until the release at the Paris fashion show.”

“Oooh! Is there a release date set?”

Georg opened his mouth about to answer the question when Bill ran right over him. My eyes shifted to him, catching his gaze on me. “No. We though that it would be quote, unquote safer,” he made the sign with his fingers in the air, “to keep everything absolutely confidential.”

“Surely you could tell the fans one thing they are to expect,” the girl pressed.

Bill’s eyes darted to me again before fixing on a spot above the interviewer’s head. “Well,” he said after a while. “We could show one thing…”

Bill’s eyes set upon me again and he motioned for me to come sit beside him. Reluctantly, I closed my sketchbook and warily stood up.

“This is a wonderful woman, Deanndra. She is our designer,” Bill said, scooting over to make some room for me on the couch.

The camera scanned over to me and followed until I sat down beside Bill.

Barely audible was the interviewer’s humph. “She is very lovely. What did you say her name was again?”


“Darien, could you tell us a little of what you have been designing for Tokio Hotel?” she questioned, turning her eyes onto me and calling me a different name on purpose.

I looked into her eyes and saw animosity and jealousy. Nervously, I swallowed and took a sideways glace at Georg and Bill. Georg patted my back encouragingly while Bill became rigid beside me. However, I hardly knew anything that I was planning for the guys, not to mention, I was sure that they wouldn’t appreciate it if I let anything loose.

“It’s Deanndra, you know De-ann-dra. And all I can say is that instead of focusing on the guys as a whole, as Tokio Hotel, there’s going to be a different, individual style represented for each of them. I’m not saying ‘to hell with Tokio Hotel, I’m doing whatever I feel like,’ because there will be little pieces of Tokio Hotel here and there, but I want to focus on letting their fans and others know that these guys are human beings with interests and individuality just like anyone else is capable of.”

The girl looked taken aback by my sharp tongue and unshaken resolution.

“Okay, very well. There you have it folks, you’re inside to Tokio Hotel.” The camera came off of us and settled right in front of the interviewer. “Now, here’s the latest video from LaFee, Ring frei.”


* * *

“She wasn’t too nice…” Gustav stated as we piled back into the car to head back to the venue.

“She was hot though. Did you see that cleavage?” Tom was practically frothing at the mouth. “If we had another day here…”

“Ew!” I exclaimed, clamping my hands over my ears. “Didn’t want to hear that!”

Tom rolled his eyes at me and Georg playfully punched his shoulder.

“She was,” Georg admitted.

I humph-ed. “She was such a bitch to me though!”

Bill pretended to stretch his arms back and left his arm around my shoulder.

“I agree. If I had known she was going to be like that, I would have just kept my mouth shut.”

“Speaking of keeping your mouth shut,” Gustav began, “you just talked all over Georg while he was trying to answer a question.”

Bill shrugged. “I just really wanted to flaunt what a gorgeous designer we have working with us.”

I felt my cheeks heat up. I really wish he hadn’t said anything like that. It could blow our cover. Just as I expected, Tom arched his eyebrows at his twin.

“More like she-devil,” he said.

I stuck my tongue out at him. “Well if you weren’t such a man whore, it would be different. If only you could be normal like the others.”

“Normal?” Tom hissed at me. “You don’t think I’m normal?”

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. “Okay so now…we go back and you guys play the show and we leave this town, right?”

“Yup. That’s the plan,” Gustav replied, drumming his fingers on his knees.

“Okay sounds good. While you guys are doing that, I’ll be trying to get some more stuff done with these,” I stated, waving my sketchbook around.

“You don’t want to watch the show?” Georg questioned, pulling his stick straight hair back into a low pony tail.”

My forehead wrinkled when I widened my eyes. “I didn’t know that I was supposed too…”

“Well you don’t have too, but if you want to, you can,” Gustav cleared up for me. “It’s not an obligation.”

“Okay. Well…Maybe I should watch your guys’ first show…please tell me I can find more of your personalities while you’re onstage.”

Bill laughed, picking his head up from where he had rested it against the window.

“Our personalities don’t come out all the time? Are we really that boring?” he inquired.

Grinning at him, I replied, “No, it’s not just that. It’s just sometimes I get a vibe from you that says we’re all business today. I don’t want to design something boring and business like for you guys. I want it to be something different and original that no one would think about.”


The car stopped at the back entrance of the venue and let us out. Bill and I were the last ones out. Gustav, Georg, and Tom filed into the building while Bill and I stood there for a minute.

“Is everything alright Mr. Kaulitz?” the driver questioned, waiting on his cue to leave.

Bill shook his head. “No. Everything’s okay, Albert. You can go now.”

Albert nodded his head and slowly left Bill and I behind. Bill scrutinized our surroundings quickly, before making up his mind to take hold of my hand. I looked over at him from the corner of my eye and raised my eyebrows. He grinned at me and I laughed.

“You are a strange one, Bill,” I replied, smiling.

Bill looked around one more time before swiftly bending down and placing a tender kiss on my lips. The kiss was sweet and short, and it’s a good thing too because a minute later, Gustav poked his head outside the door.

“Geez, guys, we thought you had been abducted and killed, hurry up,” he laughed.

Gustav’s eyes traveled to mine and Bill’s hands that were still intertwined. When we saw him look, we quickly dropped each other’s hands and blushed, looking away.

Gustav smirked and before closing the backstage door said, “It’s okay. You’re little secret’s safe with me.”

I let out a breath that I had been holding unknowingly and looked over at Bill.

“This is going to be hard…”

Bill met my eyes and frowned. “I know. But it’s not for too long…once this tour is more underway, we’ll be able to say something.”

I sighed. “I know…it’s just when you like someone you wanna tell the world right? You don’t want to keep them out of sight.”

Bill took a strand of my red hair and tucked it behind my small ear. “I know.” He bent his face down towards me and I met his lips in a sweet kiss before we broke apart and entered backstage.

“What were you guys doing out there? Sucking face?” Tom asked, strumming his guitar as we walked it.

I felt my cheeks heat up and Bill covered nicely. “No. Ms. McCauley had called and Deanndra didn’t want to be outside by herself.”

“Oh.” It was a simple sound, and sounded sincere coming from Tom. He probably wasn’t really interested in anything to do with my anyways since we haven’t really become the best of friends…or even nice acquaintances yet.

“Mr. Bill Kaulitz,” a tech called, waving Bill over to where he was standing with a microphone and stand.

“We’re going to practice one song before it’s time to go backstage. Tell us if we suck. And be honest,” he said, jogging over to his microphone.

I nodded, even though he didn’t see me.

A few seconds later, a soft, beautiful melody on guitar blended with drums sounded over the loud speakers of the arena. Bill’s voice began a few counts in:

“Das Fenster öffnet sich nicht mehr

Hier drin es ist voll von dir und leer

Und vor mir geht die letzte Kerze aus

Ich warte schon ne Ewigkeit

Endlich ist es jetzt soweit

Da draußen ziehn´n die schwarzen Wolken auf

Ich muss durch den Monsun

hinter die Welt ans Ende der Zeit

bis kein Regen mehr fällt gegen den sturm

Am abrung entlang und wenn ich nicht mehr kann

denk´ ich daran Irgendwann laufen wir zusamm´

durch den Monsun dann wird alles gut

Einhalber Mond versinkt vor mir

War der eben noch bei dir

Und hält er wirklich was er mir verspricht

Ich weiss dass ich dich finden kann

Hör´ deinen Namen in Orkan

Ich glaub noch mehr dran glauben kann ich nicht

Ich muss durch den Monsun

hinter die Welt and Ende der Zeit

bis kein Regen mehr fällt gegen den sturm

Am abrung entland und wenn ich nicht mehr kann

denk´ ich daran Irgendwann laufen wir zusamm´

Weil uns einfach nichts mehr halten kann

Durch den Monsun

Hey, Hey!

Ich kämpf mich

durch die Mächte hinter dieser Tür

werde sie besiegen

und dann führn sie mich zu Dir

dann wird alles gut, dann wird alles gut, wird alles gut, alles gut

Ich muss durch den Monsun

hinter die Welt and Ende der Zeit

bis kein Regen mehr fällt gegen den sturm

Am abrung entlang und wenn ich nicht mehr kann

denk´ ich daran Irgendwann laufen wir zusamm´

Weil uns einfach nichts mehr halten kann

durch den Monsun, durch den Monsun

dann wird alles gut

durch den Monsun

dann wird alles gut”

The song was a sweet song and I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes. I never was a sappy person, but for some reason, this song spoke to me. Bill looked over at me for my opinion and I clapped. How did I not find out about these guys sooner?

When no one was looking, Bill puckered his lips in a purposefully goofy attempt to blow me a kiss. I laughed, but still there was that pang of pain in my stomach and heart telling me that this was wrong; that if I didn’t leave there would be dire consequences, consequences I didn’t want to live with.