Bis Die Zeit Uns Vergisst

Voices From the Other Side


The curtain surrounding my bunk was ripped open and sunlight poured in. I groaned and shifted in the bed, pulling the covers up over my eyes to shield them from the sun.

“Just five more minutes,” I mumbled.

“Nope!” the person laughed a little and pulled the quilt off of me, leaving me in my shorts and tank-top, freezing.

“Ugh!” I exclaimed. “Fine. What do you want?”

“You need to get up. We have an interview to go to and you're coming with us!”

I scowled at the perky Bill. “Why are you so happy this morning? Usually, you're pissy this early.”

Bill shrugged and threw a t-shirt at me. “Just get ready. I wanna spend a little time with you today before I get too busy” He left the room.

I smiled. I had the best boyfriend? ever. I yawned and threw my legs over the side of my bunk, raising my arms and stretching them.

“Aow!” the high-pitched noise belonged to none other than Tom. Not even a second later, I felt a hand smack my ass.

I spun around quickly, glaring daggers at Tom.

“What's your problem?”

Tom shrugged and raises his eyebrows. “Maybe it's because you're starting to grow on me.” He ruffled my hair and I swatted his hand away.

It had been about a month into the tour and Tom and I were finally friends and I had stopped contemplating on the possibility of his feelings for me. He was a womanizer and that showed at almost every concert they played. He was also the second person to know about mine and Bill's relationship and had promised his twin not to say a word. Georg was still clueless, but that was Georg. He was clueless about a lot of things because he didn't pay attention to his band-mates' actions. The crew and fans also didn't know about Bill and myself...and that's how Bill and I wanted to keep it. For a while at least. Even if we couldn't openly display our affections.

I rummaged through my suitcase and came up with a black and blue block print skirt, an off-shoulder pocket tunic, and some blue suede pumps. Gathering my stuff in my arms, I made my way to the small bathroom. Once the door was closed and locked, I pulled off my pajamas and dressed. Then I attempted to tame my curls by pulling my fingers through my hair and putting some anti-frizz serum in it. After I was satisfied with my hair, I applied the usual dark eyeshadow and eyeliner, completing my look. Tom catcalled when I stepped out of the bathroom and I rolled my eyes and smiled when I saw Bill elbow his twin in the ribs.

“So where's this interview at? Or what time is it?” I questioned, walking over to the couch and taking a seat next to Bill.

Bill shrugged his shoulders.

“It's for some Spanish magazine at four and that's all we know,” Gustav replied as he doodled on the edges of a newspaper.

“Oh.” I turned to Bill and playfully punched him in the arm. “And you got me up at eight for an interview that no one has to get ready for until four?!”

Bill smiled sheepishly. “We're doing something else.”

As if on cue, the bus stopped and David Jost opened the door. “Okay guys. Remember we have a week here in Madrid so get everything you need or want because we're getting off the bus and into a hotel finally!”

I inhaled and exhaled deeply. “It's about time I get some real sleep!” I exclaimed happily.

We all grabbed whatever belongings we wanted to take with us into the hotel and stepped off the bus, putting our luggage on a trolly to take it up the elevator easily. Once inside the hotel lobby, we were greeted with fans. Saki and Cali held them off at a distance while David distributed room keys. I tucked my key into the side pocket of my purse for easy access and followed the guys to the elevator.

Somehow we all managed to cram into one elevator. Bill nonchalantly placed his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and my stomach did flip-flops. The things this guy could do to me. The elevator dinged and we got off on the eleventh floor. We walked down the hall to room 1157 and dropped off Tom and his luggage. Then 1160 for Georg and 1162 for Gustav. Then it was just me and Bill. Bill took room 1178 and I took 1177. Why we were so far from the others, I don't know. Bill and I went our separate ways leaving Saki to take the trolly back downstairs.

I was in the midst of putting my intimates in a drawer in the bedroom when I heard a knocking sound and muffled cries. What the hell? I made my way to the door and looked out the peephole. No one. I opened the door and looked down the hall. Still no one. The knocking proceeded and I heard a muffled

“Deanndra!” I sighed when I finally realized the source of the noise. I closed the door to the hallway and went to open the door to the room adjoining/next to mine. Once that door was opened, I was greeted with Bill's face.

“What took you so long?” he questioned, his eyebrow raised.

“I couldn't figure out where your voice was coming from! I forgot how in some hotels they have these door thingies.”

Bill laughed. “Are you ready to go?”

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows at him. “Go? Go where?”

Bill grinned. “We're going out today!”

“Aren't you afraid paparazzi might find us and the rumors they'd start?”

Bill rolled his eyes at me. “Don't be silly. Saki is coming with us. And if they do start rumors, then

that's a good way to announce you.”

I looked at Bill for a solid minute without saying a word. “What?” My voice quieted, “Really?”

Bill grabbed my hand. “Deanndra...”

I looked at him expectantly. “What?” My voice was barely a whisper.

He took a deep breath before proceeding. In a moment, he pressed his lips against mine passionately. I flung my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. The kiss had heated up, but before things got too heated, Bill pulled away and whispered, “I love you” against my lips.

I felt my stomach do flip-flops. Bill and I had kissed before and we were secretly dating, but we had never said those three words before.

“I love you too, Bill.”

Bill smiled and kissed my cheek. “So are you ready to spend the day with me?”

I broke away from Bill's embrace and looked back at the half-unpacked suitcase that laid on the bed. That could wait. I took my purse off the counter in the mini-kitchen and walked back to Bill. “Let's go.”