Mr. Wobbles: A Tale of Addiction and Adventure!

Mr. Wobbles vs. Addiction

The city of Bunbury was just east of the South Pole. Most of its residents lived on a glacier that was known as ‘Earth’s End.’ Bunbury, located on Earth’s End, was a city that was plunged into a state of political darkness. An outcast polar bear named Shadow of the North had taken over the city with his ninja penguins of the Black Death Clan. Shadow of the North had made it impossible to enter the city without running into his elite assassins—the killer whales. They routinely patrolled the waters around Earth’s End. Fear had swept the land and the area became desolate and lifeless. The isolated city was surrounded by a barren wasteland that was covered with corpses of ninja penguins and various weapons.

The anarchy that ruled the land had allowed Shadow of the North to slowly eliminate all of his competition. Mr. Wobble, a middle-aged walrus, was working as a professor at Bunbury University when he was abruptly kidnapped for his obesity and food addiction. Eventually, Mr. Wobble was stranded on a lonely sheet of ice after he was kicked out of Earth’s End. He knew he had to overcome his food addiction; however, he was just so sad on that lonely sheet of ice that he simply had to stuff his tusks with *Twinkle* Fish to conceal his downtrodden state. This clearly did not help his addiction.

Meanwhile, Tuggle the tug-boat was whistling a fine tune while floating around the Arctic Ocean, until he spotted a fat, isolated blob. Then, he realized the blob was not really a blob—it was a walrus. Mr. Wobble was overjoyed that the tug-boat saved him.

He thanked him for coming to his rescue; he was also secretly delighted that he would not run out of *Twinkle* Fish. After telling Tuggle his depressing story, Mr. Wobble was worried about how to get back to the city. Tuggle suggested that they form a clan of mercenaries.

The clan of two searched low; they searched high; then, they found Squack the seagull perched high on an old ship-mast. Squack was a rogue bird; he glared as Mr. Wobble and Tuggle approached him. They noticed his scarred wing and ragged pants; they then asked him to join their clan. Squack thought the fat walrus and the tug-boat were fools, however, he was also angry with Shadow of the North for all of his excess wealth, so he begrudgingly tagged along. So, the three heroes set out on their quest to save Earth’s End.

Meanwhile, Shadow of the North was patiently waiting in his igloo for a barge of toxic chemical waste coming in from Chilé. Yes, he thought to himself while rubbing his paws maniacally, these chemicals are known to kill; they will transform the *Twinkle* Fish on Earth’s End. This will eliminate all the obesity, he mused, and it will strengthen my army. He reminisced about all his prior victories during his hostile take-over of Princess Narwhale’s kingdom and his initial triumph over Earth’s End. Shadow of the North did not realize there was an uprising awaiting him at his doorstep.

The trio of Mr. Wobble, Tuggle, and Squack enlisted the aid of Princess Narwhale’s old army—the Swordfish Knights. The Swordfish Knights were able to break through the barrier of killer whales and the trio was able to reenter Earth’s End. They encountered an elite squad of NINJA PENGUINS! Squack pulled out his samurai sword and started to fight off the ninjas. Mr. Wobble, feeling inadequate, decided to use

his numchucks, but unfortunately, our poor hero failed miserably. He ended up hitting himself instead of the enemy. Tuggle noticed that his new friends were in danger, so he locked on the enemy with his heat-seeking missiles and destroyed the rest of the ninja penguins. As the battle scene faded away, Squack and Mr. Wobble continued onward towards Shadow of the North’s igloo, while Tuggle kept guard on the sidelines.

After the two made their way into the igloo, Mr. Wobble had a major relapse as he spotted an alluring *Twinkle* Fish on a nearby table. He did not notice the toxic chemicals next to the *Twinkle* Fish. In his eagerness to devour the fish, he accidentally knocked the chemicals onto the fish. This transformed the *Twinkle* Fish into something hideous—a mutated *Twinkle* Fish. As the *Twinkle* Fish tried to kill him, Mr. Wobble pondered his addiction; he couldn’t help but think to himself that the fish were delicious, but he did not want to die from some silly addiction. Miraculously, Mr. Wobble was able to overlook the temptation and fiercely tusk the mutant fish, killing it.

Mr. Wobble and Squack ran into the main room of the igloo and encountered Shadow of the North. There was an abrupt pause before the battle ensued. They let out angry war-cries; Squack was eager to get revenge against Shadow of the North for the scar he left on him a few years before. Mr. Wobble tried to gather all his rage and channel it, but he tripped on his way over to him, knocking himself out. When he awoke, Squack had won the battle; Earth’s End was put back into it’s original state. Mr. Wobble proved to be victorious over his inner-addiction to the *Twinkle* Fish . . . until he found a new, scrumptious breed—the ◊Twixie◊ Fish. Gradually everything went back to normal and Mr. Wobble was sent to rehab once again to battle another food addiction. The rest of Earth’s End lived happily ever after.
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By the way, Mr. Wobble is based off of a teacher at our school. He's this fat, old, dry history teacher who likes to eat quite a bit and talk about his meals during class. This story is nothing more than a satire, in a way!! ... and Twinkle Fish = Twinkies.