Status: One Shot

Love Is All There Is


“Lizzie? What are you doing here? I thought you were in America?” Remus asked as soon as I entered the Weasley home.

I looked at him, smiling softly at him but the pain still being in my heart; eating me alive every passing second.

“I got transferred here on business” I stated softly.

“But that still doesn’t explain why you’re here” he reminded me.

“Just on business; don’t worry about me” I assured him as I walked past him and into the kitchen.

“Lizzie! How are you? Did you get here safely?” Molly asked.

I nodded; “Ya, have the boys gotten up yet? I’m on a tight schedule to get them to Diagon Alley” I reminded her.

“They should be down here any minute. And thank you again for volunteering to help take the lot for shopping” Molly repeated.

“Don’t worry about it. I was starting to miss England. America’s not the same” I pointed out.

She nodded laughing; “Stay here; I’ll go get them to hurry up” she said before leaving the kitchen.

“So how have you been?” Remus asked entering the kitchen.

“As good as I can get” I murmured not looking at him.

He sighed running a hand through his hair, “You do understand why what happened between us wasn’t a good idea to continue?” He asked.

I looked at him; “Was it because you were a werewolf or because you were my teacher last year?” I snapped.

He shook his head; “Both I admit. I’m too dangerous for you” he insisted.

“Remus. I’m no longer your student. I’m of age. And has anyone ever told you I like danger?” I asked him softly.

“Lizzie. You think I would ever be able to live with myself if anything happened to you because of my condition? There’s a reason my kind die alone” he informed me.

“Remus, I told you this then and I’ll tell you this now. If I happened to fall in love with you don’t you think I wouldn’t worry about the dangers?” I asked him.

“You falling in love with me wasn’t smart. It was us not thinking” he stated.

I looked at him; “If you still think that way. Than alright, that’s your opinion. Just remember I love you” I told him before walking outside of the house to wait for the boys there.

The trip there was quick and short but it didn’t surprise me to see Remus gone when we got back.

“Don’t worry Lizzie. He’ll come around eventually” Molly said sincerely giving me a cup of tea.

“No. He won’t; I just have to accept that” I stated looking out the window as I drank my tea.

It’d been a year and half since I was last in England and the only reason I was back was because Dumbledore had asked me to come back as a favor.

He wanted me to actually join the Order of the Phoenix and continue my job in England while we fought against Voldemort.

“Ah thank you Elizabeth for the favor” Dumbledore greeted me the night I arrived.

I smiled softly at my old headmaster; “Not a problem sir, just doing my part in these hard times” I assured him.

“Yes well we need you to be with the Weasley’s for their protection” he informed me as we entered the burrow.

“And I must say a congratulations are in order” he added seeing the engagement ring on my finger.

“Thank you” I replied softly before he apparated away.

“Arthur is that you?” Molly called.

“No Molly; just me” I called as I put my bags down at the door.

She hugged me before I knew what was happening; “Oh Lizzie! You’ve grown so much. And your hair! It’s brown” she exclaimed.

“Ya, the blonde was getting old” I informed her.

“Well do come in. We were just all conversing” she said pulling me into the room with the large table that was only filled with Molly, Shacklebot, Moddy, Remus, and some others.

She looked at me one more time before gasping and reaching for my hand; “Lizzie. Is that what I think it its?” she asked excitedly.

I nodded smiling; “I’m sorry you didn’t find out sooner. It just all happened so quickly and then Dumbledore asked me to come and everything” I explained.

“Well I’m just happy for you” she said sitting me down.

“A toast for Lizzie’s engagement” Molly said waving her wand so everyone had a cup of firewhiskey.

“So who’s the lucky guy?” Shacklebot asked chuckling.

“John Williams” I told him softly.

“So why is it that your godmother wasn’t informed?” Molly asked quickly.

“Because I know how you sort of don’t approve of American Aurors” I admitted not looking at her.

“So when do we get to meet him?” Molly asked excitedly.

“Actually uh he’s going to be coming around often. Dumbledore thought an American Auror would be a good idea” I told her.

She nodded excitedly; “Any wedding plans?” she asked.

I shook my head

“So you’re gone for a year and half and you return engaged?” Remus asked later that night.

“What Remus? You’re jealous. Don’t be; you had your chance” I told him as I washed my plate.

“I’m jealous because I wish I was him, because I wish I didn’t have this damn curse that keeps me back from wanting to be with you” he insisted.

I looked at him, “Remus. If you really did love me you would let the whole werewolf thing go. You know I won’t always be there for when you change your mind” I reminded him.

He looked at me before hungrily kissing me, not caring who would enter the kitchen or who would see us.

For once he was doing something he wanted and not letting anyone or anything stop him.

“I love you” he breathed out after he finished kissing me.

“I love you too” I told him as I kissed him back.

“What about John?” Remus inquired.

“I think he’ll understand” I smirked as we kissed each other again.