If Opposites Attract, Then We Were Meant to Be

Tutoring and Mixed Feelings

***Sam’s P.O.V. ***
I just couldn’t put my finger on whom or what Mike had reminded me of, then it hit me. When the boys came over I looked at Mike in fear and slowly backed away. “What?” he asked, as if he didn’t know.
“You’re one of them,” I whispered, my eyes widening in fear.
“One of who?” I actually think that he was scared of me.
“…The COFFEEADICTS!!!!” I screamed. We all burst out laughing at Mike because it was true, he was addicted to coffee.
“I am not addicted to coffee, I am in love with it” he replied simply, which made us laugh harder.
Billie wasn’t doing well in school it was no secret. But if he didn’t want to repeat the class he would need to raise his grade about two letters higher. This is where I came in.
“Billie we have decided to help you pass because basically we think you wasting your brain,” I began.
“I don’t need help I’m doing fine” he replied matter-of-factly.
“You keep telling yourself that as you repeat this semester. Now Roadie and I have set up a schedule for you to work with each of us, well not Trè because he’s a moron and failing too,” Mike stated looking at Trè, who was pulling the wings off a butterfly.
“But I’m not failing,” he insisted.
“”We’ve seen your grades. Every time you open your locker they all come out in an avalanche of paper cuts just waiting to happen,” I proceeded.
“Fine I’m doing somewhat badly but, I always pull through. I mean I made it this far haven’t I?” he sighed defending himself.
“This is true but we want you to do better for your benefit. Don’t you want to get into a good college?” I tried to convince him in this uphill battle.
“I don’t know, maybe. What if I don’t want to go to college, then what, you still want to help?” he bellowed.
“Fine! Flunk we don’t care, but when you feel like a hopeless bum and TRÈ does better than you you’ll regret it!” I screamed, as Trè looked up at the sound of his name.
Later that day I felt bad and apologized to Billie. He said that he too was sorry and would like the extra help. So it was set I printed extra copies of the schedule and the ‘tutoring’ would begin on Saturday.
On Saturday I left for Billie’s shortly after dinner. Mike went to Trè’s at the same time, the next day we would do this till the end of the term.
I knocked on the wood paneling of the door. Billie came to answer the door with a frown. When he opened the door I understood why, David and Allen were behind him singing songs about us. “SHUT UP AND GET A LIFE BOTH OF YOU!” I screamed before calmly, walking up to them and closing their jaws, and following Billie upstairs with a smirk on my face. They had never seen me freak out and that was not freaking out. I chuckled at the thought of what they would do if I freaked out in front of them.
We studied hard. I showed Billie some tips on writing notes for classes, we read an entire book that was for a reading assignment, acting our the parts as we went along to keep it interesting, and we even went through the stacks of papers he had gotten back and corrected the questions that were marked wrong.
When I left I had a feeling of satisfaction. Hopefully Mike had done just as good with ‘Meat-head’ as had called himself with apiece of meat from all of our sandwiches on his face.
***Mike’s P.O.V. ***
Tutoring the ‘beast’ is horrible! Once you get him to sit down, stay still, and be as calm as he can, he starts to act like a three year old. “Okay you do this and this to get x[/]i by itself,” I explained working the problem as an example for Trè. “Whhyy?” he dragged out that one word irritatingly.
“Because you want to find out what x is and that’s the only way you can do it” I gritted my teeth trying not to yell and or kill Trè.
“Whhyy?” he repeated, sounding like a broken record.
“Shut up Trè!”
“Wh- I don’t roll that way Mike”
“Oh, you sick little perv!” I dove on top of him trying to shake him, beating his head on the floor. I had to leave early, I couldn’t take it anymore! I would have gone insane if I stayed a second longer.
***Trè’s P.O.V. ***
Well having Mike over certainly was entertaining for a while but, I had to get him so mad he would quit ‘working’ with me so Sam would be my permanent tutor. That would be HOT! I could show her the ‘Bullwinkle’!
***Billie’s P.O.V. ***
I like having one-on-one tutoring with Sam and Mike but, that doesn’t seem stop me from having trouble focusing. In fact working with Sam makes it a bit worse, no offense to her of course! It does help though; I totally get some of the stuff our teachers have been going over all year; that I just didn’t understand.
*** Sam’s P.O.V. ***
After church I had lunch then called for directions to Trè’s house. Mike had gotten really mad at Trè apparently, so I would have to teach him everything Mike was supposed to have done the day before.
I asked my dad to drive me, which he did more often since I picked all the music and set the channels. That little privilege made rides all the more enjoyable. As he backed out he reminded me to call him when I needed to be picked up. I made my way up the gravel drive way and up to the porch. A man who I assumed was Trè’s father let me in and showed me to Trè’s room. I stepped through the doorway and looked at Trè. He was dancing to some music with a leather riding crop in hand. It was knocking things to the floor as he waved it around. I laughed and upon hearing me he ran over and kissed my hand, bowing in a very ‘prince charming’ manner.
“Okay do you understand this,” I asked him holding up a sheet with an equation on it.
“That thing has to be by itself,” he said pointing at the paper.
“Right you have to get the variable by itself, do you know how to do that,” I handed him the paper so he could work it out. He scratched his head looking at the paper, pen in hand.
“Sweetie I don’t get it,” he spoke clearly stumped.
“Okay here let me show you,” I extended my arm, with my hand palms up so he could hand me the pen and paper. I worked out each step slowly so he could see what I was doing.
“Hey! I get it!” It was a miracle! I could almost hear the ‘Alleluia Choir’, I could jump for joy. After working for nearly five hours we parted ways, exchanging numbers and as I began to walk away Trè turned me around and gave me a small peck on the cheek. Well that was different!
*** Mike’s P.O.V. ***
Billie seemed distracted. When I asked if it was about Roadie, he blushed and started an hour long conversation about her. He’s really in deep. I’ve never known him to be this crazy about a girl, ever!