If Opposites Attract, Then We Were Meant to Be

Homeward Bound

*** Sam’s P.O.V. ***
“Here.” I handed my car keys to Starr. She looked down at the metal in her palm and just stared at it.
“These are your keys.” She stated with a confused look.
“Yeah. I’m gonna take a nap, you can drive.” I replied clarifying my intention. Normally I wouldn’t let anyone breathe in the steering wheel’s general direction let alone drive, but I was in a pretty crummy mood and needed to sleep.
“Is this a joke?” she asked, glued to the spot.
“No I was just up more than half the night and I thought I could sleep a little then switch, but if you don’t want to-“ I started to come and take the keys from her but she sprung away. Starr defensively clung to the ring of jingling silver.
“That’s okay I’ll drive, you just rest. Take you time too, there’s no rush.” She grinned situating herself into the front seat. I lay down in the back seat and went to sleep since Starr was driving and Anastasia had shotgun.
*** Starr’s P.O.V. ***
“Hey Ana, is Sam okay?” I whispered once I was sure she was asleep.
“I don’t really know. You know I asked if she wanted to say good-bye to BJ and she like spazzed out. Maybe they got into a major fight!” she excitedly answered.
“Her letting me drive is pretty unusual too. Last night I heard her sniffling in her sleep do you think it was her cold or do you think she was crying?” I quickly glanced at her then turned back to the road.
“Crying huh…maybe, that does sorta fit with my theory…OMG! What if she had her heart broken last night!” she stumbled upon a revelation.
“What do you mean ‘had her heart broken last night’? What do you know that I don’t?” I demanded remembering to keep my voice hushed.
“Well I know that Billie Joe Armstrong had a new girlfriend.” She spilled.
“Really?! Who?” boy gossiping is addictive!
“That Adrienne Nesser chick.” She answered.
“The one from all the shows?”
“That’s her alright. Let’s just say that they had a very hot goodbye last night.” She dished.
“Oh man! That probably killed poor Sam. She’s like totally in love with him, and I thought he liked her too, man!” I couldn’t believe this. If it had been me I would feel terrible, I totally know and understand why Sam’s the way she is now!
“Okay let’s stop this now and swear not to speak of this again to anyone.” Ana said with a serious tone. She held her pinkie out to me and I looked mine with her’s keeping my eyes straight ahead. Jeez, what’s going to happen to poor Sam’s heart?
*** Ana’s P.O.V. ***
I switched off driving with Starr at the halfway point as Sam continued to slumber. For like sixteen hours she had not stirred, she had mumbled some incoherent things though. Suddenly I felt extremely nauseous. There were no gas stations or rest stops nearby so I pulled over the car and ran to a dip in the ground. I spewed my contents onto the yellowing grass. Crinkling my nose I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand. I rinsed the taste of vomit form my mouth with a bottle of water, doing the same for my hand except it was vomit not the taste of… This morning sickness business is the pits! On the topic of the baby I thought of a girl’s name…sort of. I think I’ll name her something then Desiree Pritchard. I guess all parents pull for one particular gender well I really want a girl, a princess I can shower in pink girly gifts. Though a boy would be okay too. Hmm if I have a boy I think I’ll name him Ryan, that’s Mike’s middle name and it seems like it would fit our child.
*** Sam’s P.O.V. ***
Where am I? It’s so bright; I can’t see a thing… Out of nowhere a giant screen appeared and the lights dimmed so I didn’t have to squint and shield my eyes. A movie began to flicker on the canvas. The picture showed an older Billie wearing a tux in his backyard. He was smiling with his frame looking very tense. I heard the people who were whispering immediately stop and a woman in a white gown walk up towards Billie and a priest who had appeared from thin air as well. Billie lifted the veil and revealed the girl’s face. It was me, a matured vision of my features. We soundlessly said our vows and came in for the kiss. I stared in horror as a long, thin blade began to shred the screen ending the wedding video. I tried to scream but felt my throat close. Quickly darkness consumed the white room and I felt my body falling, falling, endlessly falling…
I woke up in a freezing sweat. My exposed back was stuck to the leather seats; turns out my shirt had rode up while I was asleep. Disoriented I couldn’t shake the realness of that dream. It was amazing how the mind could create such fear out of something that should be a haunting happiness. Scary nightmares, that’s all I seem to have now. It’s gotten to the point where I am afraid to close my eyes, if only for a second. Is this normal? Has this happened to anyone else when their heart breaks? Am I crazy like the doctors told my dad, now I tend to ask questions like this all the time. If I do hear voices, can they answer back? Oh God I am crazy! Thanks mom, thanks bro. Great gift to give your sister, your daughter; craziness, insanity, mental instability! I definitely would have preferred used socks!