If Opposites Attract, Then We Were Meant to Be

"Ignorance Is Bliss"

Mike and Anastasia didn’t get a chance to have a proper honeymoon with the birth of little Estelle so Trè and I were recruited as a last resort as babysitters so they could relax and not worry about their daughter.
“TRÈ WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! You don’t give a baby a bottle of COFFEE!! Your going to make it cry and stay up all night!” I screamed as Trè was about to give tiny Estelle a bottle full of the dark caffeinated liquid.
“No wait watch,” he took the bottle away from Estelle’s face and she began to wail. Quickly he put the rubber end of the bottle in her toothless mouth and she began to suckle it contently.
“What the- “I began amazed.
“She’s definitely Mike’s kid, she doesn’t like milk, only coffee. I couldn’t get her to shut up earlier but when I got some coffee for myself she started to coo. I thought, What the heck!"
“That has got to be the weirdest thing I have ever seen… in my life,” Trè whispered putting Stella down in her crib.
“You know Trè, one day you’ll make a good dad.” I revealed. I had never thought that of him until I saw him take the small child in his arms and gently rock her to sleep with a bottle of warm coffee (so weird!).
Out of nowhere Stella began to scream her face red, her little legs and arms flailing wildly.
“What?! What did I do?!” Trè panicked, he’ll definitely be a good dad one day.
I lifted her out of the cradle and was hit with a powerful odor.
“You didn’t do anything, she did.” I answered.
“What do you mean?” he asked puzzled.
“Uh, have you ever changed a diaper?”
“NO!” he cried in disgust.
“Okay then I’ll do it you just do what I tell you I okay.” I laid Estelle onto the baby changing table. Carefully I tried to remember back to a babysitting class I had taken years ago, while Trè snickered behind me.
“Ye-AH!” he shrieked as I chucked the dirty diaper at him and it almost hit him in the face. That’s what he gets for laughing at me!
“What was that for?” he protested putting the diaper in the garbage can. I gave him a: You know exactly what that was for…Me!’ look. “Oh,” he mumbled when he got the look’s meaning.
“So… what now?” I asked him. We were sitting on the couch in Mike and Ana’s new apartment staring at a T.V. that wasn’t even on. After about an hour of trying to get Stella to go back to sleep since the diaper incident we had finally got her to wear herself out and fall asleep.
“We could do that drum lesson I promised you for your sixteenth birthday!” he said excitedly.
“A real one? Not a code name for having sex is it Trè?” I asked.
“No, I was kidding I don’t think for one you would give into my charm but I really wouldn’t want to see Mike and Ana come barreling at my door asking why Estelle saw something not-for-children-under-the-age-of-thirteen.” He laughed.
“Then, why not?!” I replied throwing my arms up.
I waited with little Estelle while Trè went and got his kit so he could teach me a thing or two…stop thinking that!
Jared had left me the day after the wedding because there was a need for someone to work a shift her needed back home; well that’s what he told me. I think he just needed to breathe that fresh Minnesota air away from the drama in California. That’s where he really needs to be; he’s a Minnesota-boy and as I now realize I’m a Cali-girl…mostly, I have an ability to adapt pretty much anywhere since my dad was always moving us around. How on earth will we find a place to live that we can both tolerate, eventually grow to love?! Getting married is a lot harder than it looks good thing I have a year to plan!
“I’m bored,” announced Trè while we were hanging out at Mike and Ana’s. I only had a few days left here, and I didn’t want to leave again honestly.
“You’re always bored,” Mike retorted looking weary from being kept up by Stella. His honeymoon had done him good though, when he was gone he and Ana got the energy to handle a fussy, picky baby.
“Well…let’s do something!” he whined laying upside down on the couch.
“Why don’t we go to the beach and go swimming?” I suggested.
“Yeah! To the beach!” Trè leapt up and raced to grab his keys to take us… yes his keys (how he got them back I will never know.)
“Mike aren’t you and Ana coming?” I asked before rushing out the door to meet Trè in his car (please kill me now!).
“Nah,” they answered together.
“I need to stay with Stella,” Ana explained before Mike added, “I’m going to switch off with Ana so we can both get some sleep.”
“Suit yourselves.” I called waving as I began to run down the stairs. The pair of us decided to get our bathing suits then go pick up Starr while going to the beach.
“Hey should we invite Billie Joe?” Trè asked as I got in the car with my bathing suit on, a baggy cover up t-shirt, flip-flops and my towel; my eyes were concealed by some sunglasses.
“…No.” I replied simply.
“And why not? We’re right here after all.” He persisted.
“Because…because today is Adrienne’s last day her and I’m sure he’ll want to spend the whole day with just the two of them.” Inside I was grinning at my excuse, it was pretty believable.
“I remember when you guys were inseparable, best friends. The good ol’ days. Collage and tour changed you two. Now he’s got Adrienne and your going to be getting married soon…it’s just…weird, you know I always thought that you two would end up together.” He pondered aloud as we drove down the road to Starr’s.
“Well it’s…complicated.” I whispered almost not wanting him to hear, especially since I practically had to force it out in the first place.
“Yeah, no offense Sam but most things are with you.” He continued.
“Okay, new topic!” I said clapping my hands together as we pulled into Starr’s driveway.
“Sorry.” He muttered.
As Star got into the car I laughed at Trè whose jaw dropped. She was clad in a red and white polka dot bikini, Brazilian style. I leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Trè she’s single; you can ask her out.” Watching him interact with Starr is pretty funny because he gets so flustered which is like a completely different Trè.
*** Billie’s P.O.V. ***
Sam’s getting married. She’s getting married to some guy Trè set her up with. Some gut that was drunk when she met him. I have Adrienne, Adrienne Ilene Nesser who makes me laugh, who I love to kiss. I didn’t get to choose, I ran out of time to make a move. I wish I remember what happened the night Estelle was born. After that night Sam avoids me at all costs. I feel like I did something wrong I just can’t remember what…
*** Flashback ***
Mike, Trè, and I had just finished doing a set at someone’s house when I was still trying to figure out what I did wrong. We had stunk, bad. I couldn’t focus, I forgot lyrics, and my mind was too full to think about anything else.
“What happened up there man? Don’t tell me you’re getting stage fright.” Mike yelled handing me a beer as we sat near the host’s bar.
“Nah I’m just a little preoccupied that’s all.” I could barely hear myself think now that the music was on a full blast. I felt like my head was going to explode as I tasted the golden liquid in my mouth.
“Well get unpreoccupied we need you.” He answered back taking another swig from his bottle.
“Yeah okay I’ll try man I’ll-“I stared incredulously at the place where my eyes had stopped scanning the party. That Jared Anderson guy, Sam’s fiancée; was sitting on a couch with two girls doing pot and making out with them. He has Sam why in the world would he want more, I thought.
“What the heck do you think you’re doing?!” I screamed pulling him off the couch and slamming him against a wall. His pupils were huge and he began to laugh at me. I felt my blood boiling and I couldn’t control myself anymore. I reared a fist back and slammed it into his face. I heard a crunch as I broke his nose and my middle finger.
“What the f-!” he cried out in surprise as his nostrils began to spurt blood. I glanced at my finger noticing its sickening position it hurt like heck and felt like it was on fire. I shook my hand and breathed in a sharp intake of painful breath.
“Argh!” I yelped as Jared punched me square on my jaw and then my eye. I kicked him in the balls and slammed into his stomach football style pinning him onto another wall. People from the party were watching some happily and others worriedly.
“HEY! HEY! Break it up! NOW!” the guy throwing the party shouted. His face was red; I guess he thought we were going to break something.
“Bill! BJ get off him c’mon man look at him, he’s not worth getting worked up over!” Mike was trying to pull me off the son of a b-.
“Mike this always happens to her. She meets someone she thinks is different, decent and they (pardon my French) screw her over!” I was sitting on a stool having another beer and putting a bag of frozen vegetables on my black eye. Jared got thrown out for the pot and the fight, but he took those girls with him, probably to have a threesome.
God, Sam, why do you always pick the wrong guy? I always had disdain towards him but now I know that bad feeling I got in the pit of my stomach around him was right. Why…how am I going to tell Sam? How do you tell someone something when you know they won’t want to listen, even when you know it pertains to their future happiness?