If Opposites Attract, Then We Were Meant to Be

A Romantic Night Out: Part One

*** Sam’s P.O.V. ***
The next day I was over at Ana’s again telling them, Starr and Ana, about my date with Jet and my plans with Trè.
“Wait how are ou going to date Trè? He’s dating Lisea isn’t he?” Starr asked blushing.
“Yeah but Lisea gave him permission. He invented some kind of date card. Don’t worry it’s not like a thing where he’ll have two girlfriends I’m just playing the field a little.” I replied.
“That totally makes you sound like a wh***.” Ana laughed.
“Really? Do you think I should stop then?” I asked slightly worried and very self-consious.
“Are you having fun?” Ana replied.
“I guess.”
“Then keep doing it. I think that everyone mourns differently and this is your way.” She said wisely.
“What should we do?” Trè asked as I talked to him on the phone.
“Well what is there where you are?” How dumb was I to make a date while we’re miles apart?!
“There’s a beach, a coffee shop, and a school; all places where things could happen I guess.” He replied.
“What could you do in a school?” I laughed trying to think like Trè for an answer.
“Well you could break in and leave pranks everywhere for when they come back; then play on the playground.” He answered happily.
“Okay then. Well what if I came to visit?” I suggested.
“Well that’s good I guess. We could have a romantic night out, or a wild night in!” he chuckled.
“How about the former? Say two days from now?” I suggested.
“It’s a date.” He replied as we hung up.
“Do you have everything?” my dad asked as he gave me a hug to send me off to join the Green Day tour once again.
“Yeah dad. I’m going to miss you but don’t worry I won’t be gone long.” I smiled and turned to get on the plane. I travel a lot don’t I?
“Sexy Lover!” Trè shouted in a sing-songy manner as he gave me a bear hug, and picking me off my feet in the process.
“Hi Trè! Mind putting me down?” I laughed.
“You look great.” He complimented me as he spun me around. I had put on a few pounds since he last saw me because I hadn’t been working out for a while, so I don’t know how good I looked.
“Thanks.” I let him give me another hug. They weren’t like the hugs Jared’s parents gave me at the funeral, they were comforting and friendly.
“So when do you want to begin this romantic night out?” I asked while he drove me to the house they were staying at.
“Right now.” He answered parking the car in the driveway. Suddenly I felt compelled to lean in towards Trè. He apparently got the message because he leaned in too. I pressed my lips against his and he kissed back bringing his hand up to stroke my cheek with his thumb lightly. My own hand had found it’s way to Trè’s waist. I felt so secure and yet completely out of control. His lips were so tender. Opening my mouth slightly, without iniciating a french kiss, I continued the make-out session. I never imagined this kind of spark could happen between us. I didn’t want anything to happen, I wanted no connection to him in a romantic way but somehow on this day it was happening. It felt good, but not amazing.Amazing hadn’t happened to me yet, I imagined it but I could never fully picture how it would make all my senses explode. Not yet.