Somehow I fell In Love With You

Worst Day Ever.

*Chapter One*

I've known Matt since kindergarten, and I can honestly say that I've never met someone as arrogant and douche baggy as him. I met Zacky, Jimmy, and Brian in second grade. Zacky, Jimmy, and I became fast friends, but Brian took a little longer. I have no idea why though. Ok, so I'm 16 going on 17. My birthday's in December, two days after Zacky's. WHICH IS SO COOL. Zacky's about to be 17 too. He thinks he's the most victorious motherfucker because he's two days older than me. He's crazy. So yeah, on to my school day. My mom drops me off at school. Putting my mp3 player on hold, I walk inside school. I hate this place, it's trashy and old. And the teachers are retarded. Good Lord. Zacky's face lights up as soon as he sees me.
"HAZEL, MY LOVE!" he yells, and runs over to me.
"ZACKY!" I yell, and he hugs me.
"I haven't seen you in sooooooo long! he says.
"I KNOW! It's been so long!" I say. Even's only been 2 days since we hung out. Jimmy comes over to us.
"HAZEL!!!" he yells.
"JIMMY!" I yell. Brian comes over.
"Why hello there, Miss Hazel." he says.
"Hello there, Mr. Brian." I say.
Matt comes inside, and comes over to us.
"Fuckin' great." I say to myself.
"Sup guys? Hello, Hazelnut." he says. He calls me hazelnut just to piss me off. The guys say hi, and I flick him off.
"Oh, you're so nice!"
"Fuck you." I say.
"Fuck you too, bitch." he says, then walks away. He makes me SO mad. Zacky wraps an arm around my shoulder.
"I just wanna strangle him." I say, crossing my arms.
"I know, just ignore him. He's a good guy."
"Good guy, my ass! He treats me like I'm fucking stupid, Zack!"
"I know...don't let it get to you."
"Fine." When the bell rings for first period, I head to English. This class makes me wanna jump out the window. Too bad there aren't any windows in this classroom. Hehe. But thank God there's sub today, I absolutely can't stand the actual teacher. I pull out my sketchbook, and start drawing. I love to draw, it's my passion. Singing is too. I love to sing. I do a mean death growl. FOR SURE! Zacky and Jimmy say that 'I should be in a fucking metal band.' I don't know...I don't know if I can handle all the pressure of being in a band, ya know? Yeah...ok. I feel like drawing Eminem. I shows Zack one of my Eminem drawings, and he was like 'HOLYSHIZNIT.' He wants me to teach him how to draw. He drew a cat one time, and...I swear it looked like a banana. When I said that to him, he was actually offended. I felt bad...poor Zacky. Next period is social studies, and I really hate that class. I feel like drawing…So I’ll draw something. By the time I'm done shading Eminem's face, the bell rings.
I head to social studies, and slump in my seat. Oh my...I hate this class more than I hate my dad. My dad's a dick. The main reason why I hate this class is because Matt's in this class. He has to sit RIGHT NEXT to me. Fuck. "Ok, class! We are going to start a new project on the Aztecs. I'll assign you your partners." I gulp. Oh…shit. Once he assigns everyone else's partners, he gets to me.
"Hazel, you'll be partners with Matt." OH FUCK. My jaw drops, and my eye twitches. "Wazzup, partner?" Matt says, giving me a 'eats your heart out doesn't it?' look. I wanna kill him.
"So...can I come over your house to do this project?" he asks.
"Whatever." Then this class ends, and after about an hour, lunch time comes around. I'm soooo hungry! I sit down at our table next to Zacky. Matt sits down.
"Guess who's my social studies project partner!" he says, giving me smug look.
"Who?" Brian asks.
"OH SHIT." Jimmy yells.
"That's what I said!" I say. A few minutes go by.
"Hey Hazel?" Matt asks.
"You're ugly."
"Did you just notice that?"
"No...I knew that since the day I met you."
"That's great."
"You're the most annoying, stupid, ugly, and biggest slut I've ever had the displeasure to know." I sit back in my chair, shocked. That's probably the meanest he's ever said to me. He gets up to go dump his tray. A tear rolls down my cheek, and I wipe it away quickly. The bell rings, and when the school day ends, I realize that Matt has to come to my house to work on this retarded project with me. Fuck. My mom and my dad are gonna go out tonight, so they won't be home when Matt and I work on the project. My mom pulls up and we get in. Matt sits in the back, and I sit in the front.
"Hazel, you failed to introduce your friend." my mom says.
"Oh. This is Matt." "Hello Matt!" she says.
"Hi Mrs. Parker. Can I call you that?" Matt asks, all polite. What a dick.
"Sure!" I roll my eyes.
"He's a cute kid." she whispers in my ear. My eyes go wide. Oh, I can't believe she said that to me. Ew...When we get to my house, my mom and dad hurry up and leave. How fantastic... Now I'm alone in my house with...him. Great.