Somehow I fell In Love With You

My Enemy Just Gave Me My First Kiss?

*Chapter Two*

We start working on the project.
"Ya know, Hazel..." Matt says.
"What?" I ask, already beyond annoyed.
"You're a loser." "I know that. Obviously."
"What do you mean obviously?"
"I'm obviously a loser if...if I...get the shit beat out of me by my own family member..." "What?!"
"Never mind."
"No! What do you mean by that? Who beats the shit out of you?"
"I said, never mind."
"Hazel!" he says, a horrified look on his face.
"Just...forget I even said that."
"Is that...why you'd sometime come to school with bruises and cuts on your arms?" "What did I just say for the third fucking time?!" I yell, tears starting to come to my eyes. I forgot to mention that my dad beats the shit out of me when my mom's not around. She's been going on business trips a lot lately... I really need to tell someone. Since Matt’s here, I thought I’d tell him.
"I want to know who beats the shit out of you!" he yells at me, and grips my wrists, holding them at the sides of my head. Tears start coming down my cheeks.
"Hazel, please!"
"Alright, look. My dad beats the living shit out of me when my mom's gone. My mom's been gone a lot lately because she's been going on business trips." I say, starting to cry. The same horrified look comes back on his face.
"A-And, when you call me all these names, it doesn't really help the fact of me being a loser! It just shows how much of a loser I am, just seeing how many names you can come up with to call me." I say.

He releases one of my wrists, and touches my face.
"I--I'm sorry. I...I'm sorry I called you those things, Hazel. I'm sorry...I should've never called you those things. Do you forgive me?"
"Yes. I'm sorry I called you what I had ever since we became enemies. you forgive me?"
"Yeah. I forgive you. Friends?" he asks, and extends his hand towards me. I take it, and we shake hands. We get back to the project. I start writing notes down, when I can tell he's looking at me through the corner of my eye. I turn my head.
"What?" I ask.
"You have really pretty...pretty...handwriting." he says, blushing a little.
"Pretty handwriting?" I ask, arching an eyebrow. Awww, he's trying to compliment his own...weird way.
"Uh...yeah. Yeah! I like it. It...kind of...I don't know...reflects you, I guess." "Well, thank you." I say.
"You're welcome." he says, and smiles. I get back to writing. I never thought I'd be saying this about him EVER, but he has a really cute smile. He's...handsome. Whoa...did I just say that? Oh no...I just realized that when he smiled at me, I got that little feeling in the pit of my stomach. Ya know, that feeling when you think you have butterflies in your stomach. SHIT. I think...I think him. Why me?! I just know my mom's gonna get on me about this after he leaves. Crap.
"Ya know, I haven't seen you smile in a really long time." Matt says.
"I hate smiling. Besides, I have a really ugly smile."
"I don't remember what it looks like..." he says.
"Good. You're lucky."
"NO." He tickles my side. I'm severely ticklish.

"STOP! YOU KNOW I'M SEVERELY TICKLISH!" I yell, laughing my ass off. I'm...smiling. YUCK. He starts tickling both my sides, laughing along with me.
"I try to push him away, but it's not working. He's all muscular and I'm...not.
"For real, I think you're tickling my DNA!" I yell. That causes him to crack up. He stops tickling me. I try to catch my breath.
"Tickling your DNA. That's funny." he says, wiping his eyes. "Yeah, it was hilarious." I say, sarcastically. "Hehe, it was!" "Uh huh..." I continue writing, when he inches closer to me. My eyes go wide, his eyes are...piercing. I never noticed how beautiful they are. His face is literally--two inches away from mine. He closes his eyes, and slowly kisses me. My eyes close, as both his hands rest on my face. I turn my body so I'm facing him. The way his lip ring feels against mine is amazing After about a minute, he slowly pulls away; his face as red as can be. "I love you..." he says, almost in a whisper. Whoa, did he just seriously say that? “ you too." I whisper. He smiles, his face still red.
"We...should get back to the project." I say.
"...Yeah." We get back to work, when his cell phone rings. His ring tone's awesome. Welcome to the Jungle. Hehe.
"Hello?" he asks. I'm guessing it's his parents.
"Aww mom, can I PLEASE stay over? C'mon, we're having so much fun! Please? But, Hazel's really fun, and...PLEASE?! And we're doing really good on the project! YAY! Thanks mom! I love you too. BYE NOW." he says, and hangs up.
"YES!" he yells.
"With my magical mind reading powers...I predict to stay?" I ask.
"Yep! Your 'magical mind reading powers' are correct. Hehe."
"Goodie! See, I told you I'm a mind reader."
"When did you ever tell me this?"
"I...don't remember." "I see...well I'm gonna go over my house and grab some stuff. I'll be back in like-- 10 minutes."
"Ok. It's dark out...are you sure you'll be ok?"
"Yeah! And since when do you give a shit if I'm ok or not?"
“I…just want to make sure you won't be in any trouble...or trip and fall and die in the darkness." He lifts my chin.
"I'll be fine, missy. Don't get all worried, now." he says. I hang my head.
"...Ok." I say.
"I'll be back." He heads out my door. I wait in silence. There's not much to do now. Damn. After about 10 minutes, he comes back.
"Honey, I'm HOME!" he says. I laugh, and he comes and sits down.
"Did you miss me?" he asks, moving his eyebrows up and down.
"Oh, you know it." I say, sarcastically.
"Hehe. I missed you too. I was lonely, the dark."
"Ah, I see." He wraps his arms around me.
"Did I ever tell you how beautiful I think you are?" he asks.
"Nope! Last time I checked, I was really ugly."
"I lied about that. I honestly think you're absolutely gorgeous. And you'd be even more gorgeous if you'd smile more. The truth is, I really liked you back then, and even now. Even when we were enemies, I had a gigantic crush on you. I actually started to like you when we were in third grade." Aww, that was...sweet. Hehe. "Really?" I ask.
"Why would I lie about something like this?" "I don't know...because sometimes you can be dick." "Hehe, true that. But I swear, I'm not lying." "Ok. I've liked you that I realize it, I've liked you since the fourth grade. I don't know why I did, because you were so mean to me." "I see…I was only mean to you because I liked you. Ya know how sometimes when a guy rips on a girl a lot, it's because he likes her. That's how it is for me. But I'm not gonna rip on you anymore, because you feel like more of a loser when I call you names. And again, I'm sorry for that. I didn't realize it hurt you that bad."

"It's ok...I forgave you a while ago." I say, and grin. He pinches my cheeks.
"CHUBBY CHEEKS!" he says.
"NO. GET AWAY." I say, swatting his hand away.
"You're mean. All I wanted to do pinch those chubby cheeks of yours!"
"NO! I hate that!"
"TOO FUCKING BAD, LITTLE GIRL!" I flick his forehead. "'Little girl?' Bitch, please."
"Hehe. I have a question..."
“Yes, dear?" I ask.
"Would you believe me if I told you that some of the names you used to call me kind of...ya know...hurt my feelings?" I stifle a laugh.
"Do you really expect me to believe that me, a five foot seven scrawny little...bitch calling you, a six foot muscular...fuckin' giant who could kick anyone’s ass because he's THAT badass; a faggot REALLY affects you?"
"Yes! breaks my heart. got my height right. HEY! That rhymes. Hehehehe."
"Oh my..."
"I have another question..."he says.
"And what's that?"
" if I theoretic...theeeoreticcc...FUCK!" I crack up. He can't pronounce theoretically. WOW.
"Theoretically?" I ask, giggling.
"Ok, say it with me. Theoretically."
"There ya go!" I say, and laugh. He laughs too.
"Ok, so...theoretically...if I...asked you to go...on a date with me...would you say yes?" "Of course I would!" I say.
"Ok! But...I didn't ask you yet. That was just theoretically. GAH! I'm never saying theoretically again. I hate that word now..." I giggle. "
Ok then..." At about ten, we head up to my room. "WOW. You have a great taste in music, miss Hazel." Matt says, marveling at all my posters. "Hehe. Thank you, I guess." I say. "You like Eminem?" he asks, noticing the huge amount of Eminem posters on one of my walls.
"Yep! Why?"
"No reason. I like his music. Even though I've only listened to one of his songs. Hehe." "We'll have to fix that..."
"I suppose so!" he says, and gets all comfy in my bed. He's taking up the whole thing. "Uh..." I say.
"I'll just sleep on the floor."
"The fuck you will..." he says, and pulls me onto of him. I arch an eyebrow.
"You could've just asked me to move..." he says.
"I know..." He lays me next to him.
"Good night, my dear."
"Goodnight, Matt." "Guess what!"
"I love you." "
I love you too." I say, and smile. He kisses me, and goes to sleep. In the morning at about 5:00, I get up. I let Matt sleep, because I'm always up at this time, and I'm sure he doesn't want to be woken up at 5 in the morning. I go and take a shower. When I'm done, I go in my room with a towel wrapped around me. Matt's...awake. Oh no...
"HOT DAMN!" he says, getting a really big smile on his face. I blush.
"Close your"
"Because I'm going to be naked..."
"...So? You KNOW I wanna see this..."
"Please? I won't tell anyone!" "
Fine. If you tell ANYONE about this, I swear...I'll never talk to you again. Matt, I'm serious."
"Hun, I promise I won't. I have more decency than that."
"You can trust me."
"I know..." He gets up, and comes over to me. He slowly unwraps the towel. I look up, and sigh.
"Wow..." he says. I can tell he wants to touch me. Oh...God. He looks at me for approval, and I nod. When he runs his hands up and down my sides, I shudder. His hands caress my chest, and it feels so good. I really don't want him to stop, but I have to get dressed and all ready to go. I gulp. His touch is giving me goose bumps…
"...Matt?" I say, trying not to moan.
"Yes?" "I...need to get ready."
"Oh...alright. You've got a nice body, might I add."
"Thanks...I guess." I say.
"See? That wasn't so bad was it? I was just yeah."
"I back up so I can get dressed n' shit." "Mmm, honey you could just stay like that."
"MATTHEW!" I say, starting to blush really hard.
"WHAT?! I CAN'T HELP IT! YOU'RE HOT, OK?!" I laugh, and get my clothes on. I straighten my hair, which takes...nothing short of forever. Then I put on my makeup. I love my outfit today. It's awesome. I turn around. Matt's eyes go wide.
"Damn..." he says. "You like?" I ask. "Damn straight, girl!" I smile.
"You ready?" I ask. "Not yet...I will be in a second." "Ok." He takes his change of clothes out of his bag, and gets ready to change clothes.
"You...wanna watch or what?" he asks, getting a cocky smile on his face.
"Oh my, I'd be delighted." I say.
"ALRIGHTY!" he says, and slowly pulls off his shirt. Oh hot damn...he's ripped. INSANELY RIPPED. Damn...He notices me staring at him like I am, and smiles bigger. "Do you like what you see?" he asks.
"Hehehe." My mom makes up breakfast, and after we're done, she drives us up to school. " was last night?" my mom asks.
"It"I say.
"Let's just say...I had my first kiss."
"WHAT?!" she asks, and smiles.
"Did you two kiss?"
"How was it?"
"It was...AMAZING."
"Was it?"
"Was it, Matt?"
"OH YEAH." Matt says, and smiles.