Harry Potter: The True Hollywood Story

I Will Let You Down.

I listened in on the chatter around me. The gossip of the older women, the wives; they seemed to know everything about everyone. The giggles of the teenage girls—most of whom would glance in my direction. I couldn't help myself, I smiled when I caught them, causing them to burst out in another fit of giggles.

“Come now Harry, you know better than that!”

I grinned up at Ellen and shrugged. I raised my cup, a silent thank you for the refill. I took a sip, reveling in the warmth that seems to spread through me with each sip. I took in the occasional cough or clearing of the throat from the sparse male occupants of the small cafe. I heard the odd ruffle of the newspaper, or the soft scrape of utensils on plates; it was comforting sometimes, to take pleasure is such simple things.

I took the last bite of food from my plate, letting my fork fall back down with a soft clatter.

I glanced down at my watch and groaned, I would be late for work if I didn't leave within the next five minutes. I placed the few bills on the table, way more than what was needed. I sent one more smile and a wink in the direction of the giggling girls and made my way out the door and onto the street. I let myself be whisked away in the flow of traffic, careful not to bump someone else—well the best I could manage.

I walked the few blocks I needed to go and then let myself ease out of the flow of people. The clicks of shoes on concrete thinned out to a few lone walkers, the noise of passing cars, honking horns, slamming doors, the chatter of numerous people, it all simmered down. I walked along the side of the massive white building, heading directly towards a lonely phone booth.

“Oh, Mr. Potter, you go on ahead, I can wait.”

I inwardly groaned. I looked at the older man and merely waved my hand to let him go ahead first. His eyes widened in awe as he backed into the booth. I glanced down at my watch, fifteen minutes till I had to actually be in Kingsley's office; I normally head down to DoM to say good morning to Hermione and her partner. I glanced up, I could feel eyes on me, another few people were heading towards the booth as well. Without a second thought, I turned and started walking away—it's been three years.

I could hear their unquiet whispers, their stares were heavy on my back. I started jogging which quickly turned into a run. I quickly made my way back to the bustle of people, letting myself get lost in the crowd and headed back to that small cafe. I sighed in relief as I opened the door and that familiar little jingle of bells rang overhead. Ellen glanced over from one of her tables and looked a little shocked.

“Harry, did you forget something? Are you alright love, you look like you've seen a ghost or something?”

I grinned, full out grinned at her and shook my head.

“No, 'm fine. Thought I'd take the day off today, just wanted to start out with another cup of your wonderful tea.”

She shook her finger at me before walking back behind the counter and grabbed me a cup. I made my way to my usual table and watched as she brought over my cup and a pot of tea. I smiled as she poured me a cup and patted my head—she always did that.

“Whatever the matter is Harry, it'll be okay.”

She smiled down at me and bustled over the other side of the room. I glanced around the small room, a few of the older women were still here, chattering away like nothing else mattered. Some of the older men were now chatting together, newspapers folded up—with unmoving pictures. Two of the giggling teenage girls were still seated in the corner booth and were outright staring, I simply smiled and waved. They blushed and put their heads together and started whispering and giggling ruthlessly.

A while later the girls left, naturally I smiled and waved as they passed by. A few of the women walked by—you behave yourself now Harry, no getting into trouble just because you decided to skip out on work today—I smiled at their good natured advice. One of the men tipped his hat and left me his newspaper. I thumbed through it, reading about events I hardly knew anything about. I was on my last cup, the pot was empty, the tea was cool, but still, it was good.

“I've got a break before the lunch rush comes in, you mind telling me what has you in this fit young man? In the two years that you've come here before work, I've never seen you come back till the next morning.”

Ellen sat herself across the table from me. She was leaning forward, resting her head on one of her arms she had propped up. She was a mother of four, a grandmother to one and this small cafe was her pride and joy—her dream come true. She raised her eyebrow at me, she expected—demanded—an answer.

“I'm waiting young man. It's just you and me and Hal, but he's in the kitchen prepping for lunch.”

I chuckled before I stopped and let out a sigh.

“You know all those blokes those girls talk about, over their magazines every morning?”

An eyebrow arched.

“It's like this, in my job, I'm, er...I'm somewhat of a prodigy, a natural born at what I do...I've...I get awed stares all day long, whispering behind my back, long after I've gone by...I didn't ask for all the attention I get...it just happened. I hate it, all of it.”

She reached over with her free hand and patted my arm.

“So quit then, if it's too much for you, quit. Run away, but if that's not going to solve your problem, which I doubt it will; you're involved in something secret like, I can tell that much, you're so vague sometimes with your job description...you're so young Harry, you've your whole life ahead of you, go do something with it. Something you've always wanted to do. Stop living by everyone else's expectations of you, you've nothing to prove to anyone.”

The door jingled as a few people came through the door. Ellen got to her feet and smiled at me before greeting them.

“I'll be with you in one moment.”

She tugged my jacket, pulling me to my feet; she pulled me in for a hug.

“You take this day you gave yourself and go do something with it, you hear me and tomorrow morning you're going to come in here and you're going to tell me what you did.”

I nodded and she let go, patted my shoulder and bustled away from me. I tossed another few bills on the table and left through the door that was being held open for me. I nodded my thanks and headed out into the still busy flow of people, just not as crowded. Most were now at work. I slowly made my way down the sidewalk, simply looking in the shop windows, smiling at the people I passed. No one stared more than a split second, there were no heavy stares on my back, no whispers or murmurs through the crowd.

I hailed a taxi and had them take me to a small apartment on the outskirts of London. I had all day to do what I wanted. I paid my fee and bid the man a good day. I made my way into my complex and up the stairs to my floor. I let myself in and glanced around my apartment—no moving pictures, no fireplaces, no bits of parchment or remnants of an owl's presence; it was simply me. There were still shots of me and Ron and Hermione, some of me and various Weasley's, but my eyes went directly to the one picture on the shelf above my television.

I moved towards it and picked it up; it was me and two people who see me, one, that's all she's ever seen me as and the other, well he's learned that we weren't all that different. They look like they could be siblings with that matching hair color and light eyes—blue and gray. I smile down at the photo before replacing it and heading back towards my bedroom. There's one photo on my nightstand, of me and the only other person who knows where this place is—the gray eyed man from the other photo.

I slip off my jacket, then my button down, slide out of my trousers and walk over to my dresser and pull out jeans and a shirt. I glance down at the top of my dresser—that's where I had left it—I pick up the headphones and attached ipod and toss myself onto my bed. I slip the headphones on and press play.

I must've dozed off, I jolted awake at the touch of a soft hand on my cheek. My eyes met the hovering gray and I smiled. I removed the headphones and pushed them aside.

“You never came in so I took a half day. Are you alright? Hermione's worried, said this is very unlike you.”

We both know that's wrong. I pulled the hovering body down onto my own, wrapping my arms around his lithe form. Reveling in his warmth. He ran his fingers through my hair as he looked down at me, waiting till I said what he wanted to know. He never pushed me, not like two of my other friends. He actually never expected anything of me, well he did, just one thing. With a small sigh, I told him.

“I just wanted to be me, for one day.”