Status: hiatus


keep a secret?

Sydney's POV

Mom and dad were fighting again. I could hear them from my room, they were most likely in the kitchen, since my room was located above it.

I sighed as I got out from under my black colored covers that had blue butterflies on it and walked across the hall to my twin sisters room. Slowly I knocked on her door before I opened it and looked inside.

The bedroom light was on, which made her pink room be shown. I looked to the right of her room where her bed was located and saw her sitting under the covers with her back against the wall.

"Can't sleep." I told her as I entered her room and closed the door behind me. "Same." Elysia said as she pulled her blue covers with black butterflies down for me.

This was becoming a nightly thing for us, when ever we can't sleep because of our parents arguing we'd go to each others room and just talk until we fell asleep.

"Are they ever going to stop fighting?" I asked my twin as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"I don't know Syd, but I hope it's going to be soon."

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked my twin as I played with my new lip piercing, that was located on the lower right side of my lip.

"You know you can tell me anything." Elysia said as she rested her head on top of my head. I took in a deep breath before I started to speak again.

"Some times I feel like I don't belong here, an that I should just disappear" I told her as I lowered my eyes to my lap.

"Don't say things like that." Elysia said sternly as she gripped her covers in her clenched fists. "Those were the same words that dick said before he left us."

I knew what she meant. She wasn't mad at me, she was mad at our older brother. He was always mean to us but that was just the way he was. He always said he was going to disappear one day and he did. We don't know why, but he did.

"I'm sorry, an don't worry I'm not like Denny." I assured her as I slowly started to close my eyes.

"I know, it's just I don't like that word and-" Elysia stopped talking when the lights went out and we nearly jumped out of our skin when we heard two ear piercing screams.
Elysia and I's breathing were ragged and fast as we listened for any kind of sound. We stopped breathing when we heard quiet footsteps on the stair.

"I think theres a stranger in the house." I said as I raised my head from my sisters shoulder and pulled the covers over our heads.
It was a really childish thing I did but it usually helped Elysia and I when we are scared. Slowly we both laid down, both of our heads resting on her pillow. We weren't going to sleep though, instead we listened for the footsteps. We heard multiple footsteps and listened as they walked around our upstairs.

I was going to ask my sister something but stopped myself when I heard the door open.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I know, this was a really sucky first chapter. But at least it got me to the place I wanted it. Subscribe and comment please!!!! Who do you guys think is in the house? It might not be who you think it is.