Status: Completed

Wake Up Call

Feeling Sorry

Alexs POV
After I snapped at Jack I felt bad. I do still have feelings for him. I miss him so much. "Alex" I snap back into reality. "Uh, yes sir?" "Welcome back. What is the answer?" I look at the whiteboard. All I see are a bunch of numbers scattered on the board. "I'm sorry. I don't know." I mumble. The bell rings. My next class was with Jack.


Once I get home I decide to make a list of good and bad things about Jack.
Good things
-He cares about me
-He's funny
-He's sweet
-He was the first person I was in love with

Bad things

I sat there for hours thinking about what the bad things are about him. I couldn't think of any. Maybe I should get back together with Jack. But what if he hurts me?

Then I realized something.

Not going back to him will get us both hurt in the long run.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SO sorry I haven't been updating!! I've been really busy with other stories and my personal life. I've also had really bad writers block. I probably will end this story soon.

Title credit: Paramore - Feeling Sorry