Status: Completed

Wake Up Call

Light Up The Sky

Jacks POV
The weekend. Finally. After dinner I decide to walk around. "Hey mom, I'm gonna go to the park for a while." I yell. I hear a muffled yell that sounded like an 'okay'. I slip on my shoes and walk out the door. The snow was beginning to melt. I was happy that it was spring because that meant that school was almost over. And school being over means that summer was right around the corner. The park felt like a longer walk than usual. I walk down the the playground and sit on the swing. The swings were my favorite thing about playgrounds. I remember that in fourth grade everybody would race to the swing and we would have a competition to see who could go the highest within a recess period. If you were swinging in sync with someone you would be 'married'. I missed being a kid, careless all the time. I started to push myself. I didn't pump to go high. I sat there and remembered all the great times I had as a kid. I went from my earliest memories from being four years old until where I am now. This year was mainly about Alex. I tried to get him out of my mind, but he just kept coming back. I looked out at the woods. I got lost in there once. We had a group of kids play hide and seek. Of course me being the dumb one I was the kid to go hide in the woods and end up getting lost. I looked up at the clear sky. The stars lit up the sky beautifully. I hear the graver underneath me crackle. I don't move because it could just be a squirrel or something. Suddenly, I felt someone's hand press up against my back pushing me slowly on the swing.

Alex POV
I walked to Jack's house. I run up the stairs on his porch and knock on the door. Please Jack open the door I thought. I turn around to look at the house across the street. I hear the door open. "Alex, I haven't seen you here in a while." Jack's dad says. "Yeah, uh is Jack here?" I ask his dad. "Uh no. Joyce! Where did Jack say he went?" His dad turns around and asks his wife. "He said that he went to the park." She yells back. "There you go! He's at the park." His dad says. I smile and thank him.
I walk to the park. If I were Jack, where would I be? I thought. I stand at the top of the small hill. I see Jack's back facing me. I stop. I have no idea what to say or do at this point. Fuck it. I start walking down the hill slowly getting closer and closer to him. I plan a scene in my head hoping that I will win him back. I finally reach the bottom. Only ten feet away is Jack. My forever guy is only ten feet away. My heart starts racing and I get butterflies in my stomach. I step into the gravel ground and I push my hands onto Jack's back. He slowly turns around. "Alex." he whispers. "Hey." I smile. "W-what are you doing here?" He asks. "I heard that you were here so I decided to swing by." I tell him. He still stares blankly at me. That's one thing about Jack, it takes him a while to process things. "Jack, I was wondering.. if we could.. maybe.." before I was able to finish my sentence Jack closes the space between us with a kiss. He pulls back. "Does that answer your question?" He asks. I kiss him this time. "Of course." We climb up onto the play set and lie on it. We look at the stars shining down on us. "I love you, Jack." I tell him "I love you too."
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This is it! Thank you for reading!

Title credit: Yellowcard - Light Up The Sky